The Universe Has A Special Message For 4 Zodiac Signs On July 31, 2024

This is a very good time to stay in tune with the universal vibe.

The Universe Has A Special Message For 4 Zodiac Signs On July 31, 2024 simple art, Maria Digital Creatives, olha mykhaylyuk, sviatlanalazarenka, Maryna Stryzhak | Canva Pro

Moon square Saturn delivers a message on July 31, 2024, making this last day of the month one to remember. Our astrology of the day shows us that this is a particularly important marker in the lives of four zodiac signs and that whatever we learn today holds great meaning for us.

This is all the more reason for us to stay awake and aware. The universe is not going out of its way to send us important messages so that we can turn away and shut our ears and minds. Oh no, this is a perfect time to keep in tune with the universal vibe so that we can walk into August feeling smart, healthy, and complete. 


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Here's the special message from the universe to four zodiac signs on July 31, 2024.

1. Gemini

niverse Has A Special Message For Gemini Zodiac Signs On July 31, 2024 mysticminimals, Darunwan.K, Buzzy std. | Canva Pro


While nobody likes to be told to 'calm down,' we can all at least admit that sometimes we really do need to do just that, even if we resent being told to do so. On Wednesday, Moon square Saturn is a good reason to listen to such advice: what you really need to do right now, Gemini, is relax.

Now, this doesn't mean taking a vacation or resting on a beach. It does mean, however, that you need to still your mind. Take a load off mentally; you've been too worried, and so much of it is senseless.

What you need to know is that, right now, there's nothing unsolvable to worry about. Take a break from the mental anguish part of the day; destress. If you feel overwhelmed, why continue to feel this way? Understand this: you've reached your limit. Now, it's time to withdraw and unplug.

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2. Virgo

niverse Has A Special Message For Virgo Zodiac Signs On July 31, 2024 mysticminimals, Darunwan.K, Buzzy std. | Canva Pro

Don't overdo it. During Moon square Saturn, you get the distinct feeling that perhaps you've gone too far. That's not to say you've been wrong by any means, but what you have done is that you've hurt yourself by going too far. You may be right to do so, but that still doesn't alleviate the fact that, in the long run, you've ended up feeling 'too much.'

This could be work-related or romantic. What July 31 shows you is that the universe is trying to tell you that all the effort you've put into proving yourself is not worth the pain you get in the long run.


Don't bother having that fight with that one person. Moon square Saturn shows you that you are not fighting a fair battle and that the other person will always win simply because they don't 'get it.' They never will. So, do yourself a favor and listen to the universe: don't get involved in a losing battle.

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3. Libra

niverse Has A Special Message For Libra Zodiac Signs On July 31, 2024 mysticminimals, Darunwan.K, Buzzy std. | Canva Pro


The special message that comes to you via the universal transit of Moon square Saturn is to focus on what's worth your time. This also suggests that you've spent too much time working on things all too trivial and meaningless, which is why the universe is trying to 'redirect' your gaze.

You have, indeed, been wasting time, and now that it's the end of the month, you realize this all too well. You are also conscious of it and can admit that you can change. August looms large, and you might want to readjust your energy efforts. This could be the start of something big, Libra.

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4. Capricorn

The Universe Has A Special Message For Capricorn Zodiac Signs On July 31, 2024 mysticminimals, Darunwan.K, Buzzy std. | Canva Pro


When the message comes clear for you, Capricorn, you'll pick up on the idea that it's time for you to say something to your romantic partner. If you let more time slip by, then it's time wasted, and your 'point' will seem less and less relevant.

The time is now if you are to rid yourself of the burden of words that clutter your mind, disallowing you to speak to the one person who needs to hear what you have to say. So, you have come to know that you're at your limit. You can no longer keep it inside.

This is the day when you get up the nerve to express yourself. Your fear dissolves quite possibly because you can't take it any further. You're maxed out on fear, and all that's left now is true, authentic expression. Let it out, Capricorn. Let yourself speak freely. It's OK.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
