3 Zodiac Signs Discover Their True Purpose On July 29, 2024

We discover that 'following our hearts' is not a cliche, but a reality we must own.

Zodiac Signs Discover Their True Purpose On July 29, 2024 vovan13 from Getty Images | Canva Pro

On July 29, 2024, we will entertain a Gemini Moon square Venus, and it may stir up our lives a bit ... in all the right ways. We may not have been expecting it, but something is going on here, and we will find that it hits three zodiac signs very strongly. We are talking about self-discovery and true purpose.

This transit, Gemini Moon square Venus, allows us to focus on what we love. The Venus aspect here is very strong, and the Gemini Moon acts as a flashlight into our psyches. We discover that following our hearts is not just a cliche but a reality we must now begin to own.

@ellieremotigue use these 3 zodiac placements to figure out your astrology life purpose or life direction! with an example chart at the end. #astrology #northnode #astrologylifepurpose #lifepurposeastrology #hellenisticastrology #astrologersoftiktok #astrologer ♬ original sound - ellie🪽traditional astrologer

We've always known that if we were to find our true purpose, it would have to be related to something we love — something we can continue to love for a lifetime. This breaks things down and simplifies the equation, doesn't it? 


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Three zodiac signs will listen to their hearts on July 29 and come up with their true purpose for being here.

1. Leo

Leo Zodiac Signs Discover Their True Purpose On July 29, 2024 Tais Bernabe, KT Paper Designs, Olha 25

What comes up for you on July 29, 2024, is the whole idea that for most of your life, you believed you were supposed to be 'this or that.' You never really considered that perhaps what you thought was your original 'calling' has changed. That change registers for you during the Gemini Moon square Venus.


While it may be shocking, it's also revelatory in so much as you didn't expect to see so clearly. Whatever it is that you've stumbled on during this day, it's quite obvious that you need to turn around and head in a different direction. You may not know what you're doing, but you know you have to do it.

What happens next is that by owning the idea that you need to change course, the universe steps in and provides clarity and direction. During the Gemini Moon square Venus, it's quite easy for you to pick up on the hints around you, and by day's end, you'll know exactly what you should be doing.

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2. Scorpio

 Scorpio Zodiac Signs Discover Their True Purpose On July 29, 2024 Tais Bernabe, KT Paper Designs, Olha 25 | Canva Pro


All you've needed was a little guidance, and the thing is, Scorpio, you ended up asking the wrong people for that help, and they ended up giving you the incorrect answers. During the Gemini Moon square Venus on July 29, you wise up and get it right by asking the right person, and they help you.

You've always known that you were cut out for certain kinds of activities that others cannot handle and that you like being the 'different' one who CAN handle this kind of thing. Still, in an attempt to be like 'everyone else,' you diluted your powers and went with the flock. Now, all of that changes as you can no longer deny the powers of the Gemini Moon square Venus.

You are on the right path, and this path will lead you to what you love most in the world. You no longer wish to waste time doing jobs or activities that are really someone else's interest. July 29 sets you on a course of authenticity. You know your true purpose now, and you pursue it.

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3. Capricorn

Capricorn Zodiac Signs Discover Their True Purpose On July 29, 2024 Tais Bernabe, KT Paper Designs, Olha 25 | Canva Pro

Discovering your true purpose is similar to remembering who you were once upon a time. You have always played the game, meaning that you went along with society's plan for you. While you've been able to find success in this, you haven't seen the love of it yet. During the Gemini Moon square Venus, you will stumble upon your 'old self,' and you'll recognize that this is who you were meant to be all along.

What this essentially means is that you will return to your old love, and that doesn't mean a person but an action, a creative act, or a job you love. You do not feel like you owe another moment of your precious life to anything but this purpose, and even though you are an efficient person, you'll find a way to make it all fit.


Monday, July 29, gives you a choice. The choice to pursue that which you love or to remain where you are, which is also a very peaceful place. Because it's a Gemini Moon square Venus, you will decide to go after what you believe is your 'true' purpose, and we will all cheer you on as you go, Capricorn.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
