5 Zodiac Signs Experience Exciting Horoscopes On July 22, 2024

They have the cosmic currents conspiring for them...

Zodiac Signs Experience Exciting Horoscopes On July 22, 2024 Rawpixel.com via Shutterstock /ย GeoImages | Canva

A beautiful day or a dull day cannot take away the blessed surprises awaiting five zodiac signs on Monday, July 22, 2024. They will still have the best horoscopes of them all! They are: Pisces, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, and Taurus. So lean into your personal magic and watch as everything blooms.

This is because we have an astrological season change occurring on July 22, with the Sun entering Leo. This will end Cancer Season and kick off Leo Season, so prepare for some fireworks and swift changes in how the collective expresses their hopes, dreams, and goals. Leo's energy is big and beautiful if you can tap into its positive sides.


Also, the Moon in Aquarius is highlighted here as a beneficial force for the day. So, you are also encouraged to strike a balance between the need to be recognized by the world for your efforts and the realization that once the rest of the world understands the value of what you are creating, you will be recognized. After all, the steam engine and electric power lines were dreaded inventions, too, until they became commonplace.


Finally, with Pluto Retrograde in Aquarius opposite Sun in Leo, we must always be aware of the impact our actions have on the world lest we get carried away and create a monster. Artificial intelligence seems to be tiptoeing that line in many arenas.ย 

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Five zodiac signs experience exciting horoscopes on July 22, 2024:

1. Pisces

5 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On July 22, 2024 Deadframe Works Images and ilonarepkina / Canva


Best zodiac sign to work with: Other Pisces

Best area to focus on: Psychic work or visiting with an astrologer to get a reading.

Best time of the day: 5 pm

Pisces, you have an intriguing message for Monday โ€” it's somehow entwined with your hidden abilities or creative talents. If you keep this hidden because of fear of judgment, try to let your soul fly. The cosmic forces are here to back you up! If you have been taking steps to reach your dreams and turn your creative vision into reality, you have some solid blessings coming your way now.

Remember to trust your instincts when it comes to the people you choose to engage with, whether romantically or otherwise. They will either help or hinder you, so be mindful!


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2. Aries

5 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On July 22, 2024 Deadframe Works Images and ilonarepkina / Canva

Best zodiac sign to work with: Cancer

Best area to focus on: Self-reflection and journal writing; catching up on your emails and calendar.

Best time of the day: 2 - 3 pm


Aries, you have a few good friends in your wings. Send some gratitude into the ether for this because not every person has such a story. Your cosmic blessing on Monday will emerge through your relationship with these individuals.

You are also encouraged to make time for self-care and reflection on this day. Journaling can help you understand the deeper aspects of your personality and the wisdom lurking in your subconscious mind. Those of you who are artists can doodle and experience this, too.

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3. Leo

5 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On July 22, 2024 Deadframe Works Images and ilonarepkina / Canva


Best zodiac sign to work with: Other Leos

Best area to focus on: Healing and doing some personal reflection. Scheduling an appointment with a life coach or therapist.

Best time of the day: 10 - 11 pm

Leo, Monday's energy is big, bold, and beautiful โ€” just like you! If you feel the urge to dress to the nines, go for it! A statement watch or a pair of shoes can go a long way in boosting your confidence, enabling you to meet the cosmic currents halfway so you can accept the blessings that are here for you.

Just remember to make some time for quiet reflection later in the day. The energy here is great for healing and self-care. It will help you purge what's not necessary so you can fly more freely.


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4. Sagittarius

5 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On July 22, 2024 Deadframe Works Images and ilonarepkina / Canva

Best zodiac sign to work with: Virgo & Other Sagittarius

Best area to focus on: Self-reflection and working out some personal things you've left on the backburner.


Best time of the day: 10 am

Sagittarius, if you have ever doubted yourself, now's the time to drop those doubts and boot the self-sabotage out of the window! You have the cosmic forces on your side. You can achieve whatever you set your mind to.

You are also encouraged to make time for self-reflection and perhaps journaling on this day. Why not turn it into a daily habit, too? It will help you find clarity in the middle of life's storms and understand who you are, separate from everyone else in the world.

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5. Taurus

5 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On July 22, 2024 Deadframe Works Images and ilonarepkina / Canva

Best zodiac sign to work with: Sagittarius

Best area to focus on: Working on clearing clutter and making your personal space more cozy and functional.

Best time of the day: 10 am/pm

Taurus, the energy on Monday is a bit hyperactive for you. If you don't ground yourself and stay mindful, it will be easy to get swept away by the storm and the cosmic currents. Yes, you will still experience something good because you are one of the cosmic favorite children today, but being mindful will help you exert some control over where your good luck should go. It's the difference between just being happy and being happy because you completed a difficult project.


Also, now's a good time to clean up your home and living space. Let positive energy flow in and remove negativity and stagnancy. A spot of flowers can do wonders, too!

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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer, and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.
