Weekly Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign From July 22 - 28, 2024

We can expect a few challenges throughout the week.

Weekly Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign From July 22 - 28, 2024 Photocreo, wc studio, vtrdid, AlbertoC from Design | Canva Pro

Welcome to your zodiac sign's weekly horoscope for July 22 - 28, 2024. Here's what's happening with the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Chiron. 

Leo Season finally begins this Monday, July 22

Leo season sets the stage for an exciting month ahead filled with twists and turns that will most likely keep everyone on their toes. The start of the week will ask us to face ourselves since Plutonian energy will fuel themes linked to change and transformation. 


Chiron stations retrograde on July 26

More of this heavy energy continues when Chiron, the Wounded Healer, helps us to look inside ourselves to face our fears.

The Moon will travel from Capricorn through Taurus this week

Beginning on the 23rd, the Pisces Moon will anchor us and provide us with the sustenance needed to feel empowered. The Moon will also be in Aries beginning on the 25th, and then we end the week with the Moon in Taurus, adding some optimism and courage to the mix.


Mercury enters Virgo on July 25

On July 25th, Mercury, in its home sign, channels its problem-solving talents into our lives. Mercury in Virgo is a period to appreciate the wonderful company around us and to have more optimism about the weeks ahead.

Let's explore how these astrological changes affect each zodiac sign starting Monday.

July 22 - July 28, 2024 weekly horoscopes for all zodiac signs


How Leo Season Affects The Weekly Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign From July 22 - 28, 2024 Tais Bernabe, Eduard Litvinov | Canva Pro


The week initiates a cycle where you will be more conscious of the wounds you need to tend to flourish with Chiron stationing retrograde. The Moon in Aquarius at the start of the week helps you to connect with people who can help in your healing journey. 

As the Moon enters Pisces, you will receive messages from the dreamscape that can inspire you to be more patient with your process. When the Moon enters your sign, more of Chiron’s story repeats, but you will feel more courageous and empowered to navigate this new territory.

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Weekly Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign From July 22 - 28, 2024 Tais Bernabe, Eduard Litvinov | Canva Pro


Showing love and compassion to yourself will be the theme of this week’s transits with the Sun in vibrant Leo, helping Fixed signs find their place in the Sun. Mercury enters Virgo, bringing a new dimension to your romantic life. 

As the Moon enters Aquarius early in the week, you may concentrate more on the successes and achievements you can make during the next several days. The Moon in Pisces settles you into a calming energy, and the Moon in Aries allows you to confront your past with new lenses and wisdom.

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Weekly Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign From July 22 - 28, 2024 Tais Bernabe, Eduard Litvinov | Canva Pro


This week's notable transit is Mercury’s ingress in Virgo, making this an epoch where home and family may become your priority. You receive support from the Moon in Aquarius, helping you brainstorm your new plans to remain loyal in the long run.

The Moon in Pisces allows you to take command of the stage, reminding you that when you are patient, you can move mountains. The Moon in Aries can feel much more intense now with Chiron stationing retrograde, making this an era where you focus on your inner circle.

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Weekly Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign From July 22 - 28, 2024 Tais Bernabe, Eduard Litvinov | Canva Pro


You are ready this week with Mercury entering Virgo, changing your perspective and focus regarding community and connection. During this Leo season, you will be more receptive to meeting new people and socializing. 

The Moon in Aquarius allows you to better connect with these themes, and the Moon in Pisces helps you see new perspectives. When the Moon enters Aries, you may focus on your wounds related to work and your career with Chiron retrograde. A time to focus more on diplomacy if tensions arise with friends or colleagues.

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Weekly Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign From July 22 - 28, 2024 Tais Bernabe, Eduard Litvinov | Canva Pro


Happy Birthday, Leos! It could be a promising season that can bring prosperity and change for you. The week begins with relationship energy going overdrive with the Moon in Aquarius enhancing Pluto’s theme, allowing you to share and be more transparent with your partner. The Moon in Pisces motivates you to take the lead, and the Moon in Aries will bring some positive flow that will help you reach for the stars.

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Weekly Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign From July 22 - 28, 2024 Tais Bernabe, Eduard Litvinov | Canva Pro


With your ruler now in your sign, you can feel a lot more confident and empowered for the next several weeks. While the Sun enters the hidden part of your chart, it can be a period where you prioritize rest and relaxation. 

The Moon in Aquarius helps you to set new goals and intentions. The Moon in Pisces allows you to speak lovely words to your partner, and the Moon in Aries will have you centered on finding the cure your heart needs from past relationships that hurt.

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Weekly Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign From July 22 - 28, 2024 Tais Bernabe, Eduard Litvinov | Canva Pro


With the Sun entering Leo, expect to feel in your element, socializing and meeting new people for the next several weeks. The Moon in Aquarius makes a trine to your sign, making you feel awakened and energized. 

However, the Moon in Pisces sets the stage for something more if you are willing to work hard and give it your all. The Moon in Aries brings clarity and light to your partnerships with Chiron retrograde, shining a light on the faults in your relationships. A period where you may be inspired to bring changes to your partnerships.

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Weekly Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign From July 22 - 28, 2024 Tais Bernabe, Eduard Litvinov | Canva Pro


At the highest point in your chart, the Sun in Leo will illuminate you with insight and confidence for the next several weeks. 

The Moon in Aquarius sparks your creative energy. And you will take pride in the work you do. A time when you can see your talents in a new light. The Moon in Pisces can feel overwhelming but thrilling and enchanting, bringing playful energy to your relationships. The Moon in Aries gets you focused on your next achievement since you may feel determined to succeed.

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Weekly Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign From July 22 - 28, 2024 Tais Bernabe, Eduard Litvinov | Canva Pro


Fire enters your chart with the Sun in Leo, making you fall in love with learning something new. With the Moon in Aquarius, you have the agency to get things done your way and feel supported by others. You are self-assured and prepared for any challenges. 

The Moon in Pisces adds more Saturnian themes to aid you on your course when it comes to navigating the changes occurring in your career. The learning and growth will be reflected when the Moon enters Aries, allowing you to edit or remodel your blueprint for your next chapter.

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Weekly Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign From July 22 - 28, 2024 Tais Bernabe, Eduard Litvinov | Canva Pro

There is a lot of love and care with Mercury in Virgo, bringing you more confidence and hope for the next several weeks. The Moon in Aquarius sets your sights on new plans and may open your heart up to new desires. 

But the Moon in Pisces brings out the dreamer and creative in you. The Moon in Aries will add healing, love and magnificence to your immediate environment now that Chiron retrograde is making you more compassionate and understanding of the needs of others.


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Weekly Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign From July 22 - 28, 2024 Tais Bernabe, Eduard Litvinov | Canva Pro

Having the Moon in your sign earlier in the week will bring breakthroughs and reflection. But the Sun in Leo will add new elements to your relationship house. Discovering new pieces of the puzzle will help you understand your romantic life a bit more. 


More transformations will be apparent since Pluto will influence the trajectory of the Moon. Luna in Pisces will bring you additional opportunities to discover new topics that may fuel your curiosity. The Moon in Aries helps you feel victorious and aligned with your purpose.

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Weekly Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign From July 22 - 28, 2024 Tais Bernabe, Eduard Litvinov | Canva Pro


Mercury enters Virgo this week, making your friendships and romantic relationships feel lively and exhilarating. You are enthusiastic to share and open your heart to others. 

The week begins with the Moon in Aquarius reminding you to take breaks and be there for yourself. The Moon in your sign can feel comforting and energizing, allowing you to check in with yourself. The Moon in Aries will have you focus on career success, and it can be a prosperous time to learn something new that will allow you to elevate.

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A.T. Nunez is an Afro-Latina Astrologer and philosopher living in NYC. She is passionate about astrology and aims to continue writing more about stargazing in the future.
