2 Lucky Zodiac Signs Receive Abundance On July 20, 2024

A dash of humility, a pinch of respect, and voilà – you've got the recipe for impactful teamwork and magical friendships.

Lucky Zodiac Signs Receive Abundance On July 20, 2024 Dean Drobot, HAS.tudio, Zalquarius | Canva Pro

As the Moon navigates through our celestial seagoat (a.k.a. Capricorn), it will create a series of seriously harmonious aspects. Starting bright and early this morning, the Moon forms a harmonious relationship with Uranus, which will help spark our innovation and maybe even usher in some (not so pleasant but very much needed) surprises that push us to embrace the unexpected. 

Shortly after that, the Moon will form a positive aspect with Jupiter, offering a boost of optimism and expansive potential, setting the stage for lucky breaks and fortunate encounters. As the day progresses, the Moon will form a quintile with Neptune, which will help enhance our intuition and creativity. 


Later, Mars will sextile Neptune, adding a dash of inspired action to the day. These aspects combined create a potent mix of visionary thinking and practical execution that will have you set on conquering the day! 

Then, to end off the day nicely and easily, the Moon will form a bi-quintile with Jupiter, helping us to improve at advocating for ourselves to welcome more growth, achievement, and prosperity into our lives.


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Aries and Cancer, get ready because the stars are making room for more abundance to find its way into your life starting July 20, 2024  

1. Aries

2 Lucky Zodiac Signs Receive Abundance on July 20, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio / Canva

Our dear fiery Aries, the cosmos is turning up the heat just for you today. With the Moon in Capricorn forming many harmonious aspects with the other planets in the sky, today will be a standout day that brings abundance to your professional life. Early this morning, the Moon trines Venus, bringing in a cosmic boost to help you channel your hotheadedness into a direction that sets off your career. 


Aries, you typically lead a life with motivational hedonism that perfectly complements your distinctive "watch out world, I'm coming through!" attitude. Let's not forget that you are a planetary ruler with Scorpio — so your fiery impulsivity is quite deliberate. Dare I say, calculated. Today, you will definitely be able to put this merciless vivacity to good use to carve out your plan and pathway to an abundant and rewarding career. 

Adding to the magic today, the Moon sextiles Neptune, heightening your intuition to almost mystical levels. Perhaps your work now is taking a toll on you subconsciously, and you don't even know it. Maybe the work you do now is similar to the job you did when you were a younger, less healed version of yourself, and every task you're required to do is driving the meter up on your inability to continue in this field. 

Perhaps you've just recently decided that your line of work is no longer for you. You're no longer energetically aligned with it, and well ... you're ready to say good riddance! Aries, you're ruled by the head, so trust your intuition, dream big, and let your imagination guide you toward a breakthrough that leads to more dignified earnings.

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2. Cancer

 2 Lucky Zodiac Signs Receive Abundance on July 20, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio / Canva

My sensitive, intuitive Cancerians prepare to bask in a day filled with emotional bliss and personal growth. The Moon, your ruling planet, is working overtime to ensure your inner world harmoniously aligns with the cosmos. With the Moon trine Venus, you're in for a delightful blend of charm and wisdom in your interactions. Recently, you may have done the inner work needed to articulate yourself more clearly in your relationships. 

Your recent introspection has expanded your horizons and motivated you to extend your love, but no longer to those who disrespect you or your boundaries. Now, you know how to say what needs to be said in your relationships without being overbearing. Today, you'll know just how to turn up the charm, soothe others with your words, and even make them more agreeable to your perspective. Although you are a Cancer, you're a Sidereal Gemini, which means you tend to be quite clever with wordplay.


On the bright side, Neptune is also forming a sextile with the Moon today, turning up the dial on your emotional sensitivity and intuition regarding your friendships and networks. This cosmic boost helps you to pinpoint exactly who you want in your social circle. It's time to evaluate who’s worth keeping around and who needs to be shown the door. Even if you care about them, you know some people just don’t vibe with your values and thus can't be with you any longer as you enter the door to your new lifestyle. 

The best part? This, in turn, will allow you to strengthen the bonds with those you do care about and those you consider your inner circle. Your new, now tight-knit crew knows just how to keep you pumped and motivated. They will shower you with an overflow of support while you are on your journey to success. So, keep engaging in group activities, chasing your dreams with these like-minded souls, and watch the magic unfold right before your eyes!

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Jla Starr Johnson is a journalist currently enrolled in the Professional Astrologer Training and Certification Diploma Program at Astrology University.