The Universe Has A Specific Message For 4 Zodiac Signs On July 27, 2024

Four signs will most definitely be picking up on this message during the day.

The Universe Has A Specific Message For 4 Zodiac Signs On July 27, 2024 Canvasae, Getty Images | Canva Pro

July 27, 2024, shows us that we can run and hide, but when the universe wants to deliver a specific message to us, we will hear it whether we wish to or not. Our astrology of the day shows us that we've got a particularly 'communicative' transit, namely the Moon trine Mercury, to deal with.

Four zodiac signs will be dealing with it, like it or not. We could call this message a wake-up call, something to jar us, make us think, make us think twice. 


We need to be open and hear whatever comes to us in the form of some kind of sign today. When the universe wants us to know something, we must pay attention. 

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Four zodiac signs will most definitely pick up on this message on July 27, 2024.

1. Taurus

The Universe Has A Specific Message For Taurus Zodiac Signs On July 27, 2024 Credit: KT Paper Designs, Olha ZS and Tais Bernabé / Canva


You've been up to a certain 'thing' these days. While you aren't about to back down anytime soon, you may find that on Saturday, July 27, something either stands in your way or serves as a sort of wake-up call regarding this 'thing.'

You know what you're doing is not the very best, although you do feel adamant about pursuing it further. While you aren't here to live up to anyone's expectations, it does appear that the universe wants you to stop for a moment and take in the effects of what you are doing.

You may be running yourself to the ground and having a ball doing it, but there's something there that needs your attention. It will be during Moon trine Mercury that you become very alert to this. Mercury knows how to get a message across. You'll pick up on it and change something that needs to be changed.

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2. Gemini

The Universe Has A Specific Message For Gemini Zodiac Signs On July 27, 2024 KT Paper Designs, Olha ZS and Tais Bernabé / Canva

During the transit Moon trine Mercury on Saturday, July 27, you will very distinctly realize that you had better listen to what your body is telling you. This is most definitely a wake-up call in the making. You've been going overboard lately, and it's now time to bring in the lines.

You may feel as though the universe is trying to get your attention through your body's literal acting out of what you've been feeding it. This 'feeding' is not just about food; it's about what you've been reading, listening to, and participating in. There's something that is now registering as 'too much,' and you'll need to pull back now.


This is a direct order from the universe, and you will see it as such during the Moon's trine with Mercury. You get it, and you aren't going to push it. You get a hint when it is obvious. This one is obvious and in your face. It's time to make a healthy change, and you are now ready for it, Gemini.

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3. Virgo

Universe Has A Specific Message For Virgo Zodiac Signs On July 27, 2024 KT Paper Designs, Olha ZS and Tais Bernabé / Canva


Moon trine Mercury has you seeing something you haven't seen in a long time: distance. What you are seeing today has to do with a view towards the past. This Saturday, this view is going to have you taking a re-look at something that you believed went bad so long ago.

What you'll discover on July 27 is that it had a purpose, this 'wrong' thing of the past. What the universe wants you to know at this time is that you should start seeing things this way, in that 'everything happens for a purpose' kind of way. This helps you to let go when it's appropriate to do so.

Because the universe communicates through its transit of Moon trine Mercury, you'll see that all ends up well, no matter how you look at it. This day has you understanding something that once perplexed you. Knowing it's now done and over with gives you relief and lets you trust in further messages from the universe.

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4. Aquarius

The Universe Has A Specific Message For Aquarius Zodiac Signs On July 27, 2024 KT Paper Designs, Olha ZS and Tais Bernabé / Canva

The universe has a very specific message for you, Aquarius, and it might be one that you aren't ready to hear. You may feel that there are people in your life who do not love you in earnest, meaning there's something 'else' that they want of you, and love's got nothing to do with it.

This fear of yours has been exacerbated over the years. Now, it acts as a full-blown defense mechanism that has you turning friends and loved ones down when it comes to money. Yes, that's right. You've created an image of yourself as someone less than generous, and that ghost is now coming to haunt you.


The universe is telling you to lighten up. Nobody's here to rob you. Nobody wants to deplete you of your funds. You are loved for who you are, and your friends want your friendship, not your bank account. During the transit of Moon trine Mercury on July 27, you will see that there's no need to grasp so tightly to that wallet of yours.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
