Luck Improves On July 26, 2024 For These 3 Zodiac Signs

Our luck manifests as love, good feelings and friendliness.

 Luck Improves On July 26, 2024 For These 3 Zodiac Signs wc Studio, vkstudio, klyaksun, StillFX from Getty Images Pro | Canva Pro

Friday, July 26, brings us luck and insight for zodiac signs, as we've got a Jupiter alignment with the Moon above, and this kind of transit immediately hits us with perspective and a vantage point we might not have had only yesterday. Astrologically, the celestials are placed in such a way that the luck we generate for ourselves seems to come as a result of open-minded thinking. Hmm.

What may feel as though our luck is improving implies that we may have been on a lucky streak to start with. We've already got the luck, which means our head is in the game, and we're open for more. Three zodiac signs will feel this luck this Friday through interactions with friends and family.


Jupiter is always here to show us that things can improve, which may affect how we perceive our friends. During this alignment, we judge less and accept more, and ironically, this makes us feel love; this is where the true 'luck' of it all really comes to a head. The luck that is brought to us today manifests as love, good feelings, and friendliness.


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Good things are coming for three lucky zodiac signs starting July 26, 2024.

1. Taurus

 Luck Improves On July 26, 2024 For Taurus Zodiac Signs Marina's Images, Anlomaja Images | Canva Pro

While you are generally obsessed with things like making money and being clever, you may find that on July 26, the real luck is in accepting something right before your eyes, which is, of course, the luck that is love. Love of partner, love of friend, love of family.


This Friday has you in tune with the expansive energy that comes with a Jupiter-Moon alignment, and it just has you feeling good and at ease. None of that underlying nervousness you know all too well, Taurus; you'll be accepting now, knowing that what you have is excellent 'as is.'

You'll feel lucky as you look around, and all you'll see is love in the form of people and pets. If you are an animal lover, this is one of those days where you'll take immense joy in petting a cat's fur or playing with a silly dog. Pets make their way into your heart.

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2. Libra

Luck Improves On July 26, 2024 For Libra Zodiac Signs Marina's Images, Anlomaja Images | Canva Pro


There really is something going on having to do with animals today, and it might be due to Jupiter's presence in the cosmic sky. And perhaps what it all means is that through the eyes of our pets, we get to feel at peace and in luck. This is something you may feel, Libra.

What brings you good luck today is the idea that you aren't attaching all that much meaning to everything you do. In other words, there's something lighter about this day, and if you take things lightly, everything seems to work out much better. This is why the presence of pets helps us during this time.

Our furry friends are there to show us that we need to simplify our lives to be as carefree and happy as they are. Their very existence holds wisdom for us, and you, Libra, will see that the luck you experience comes from following a pet's lead. Sleep all day? Sounds like tomorrow's plan!

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3. Pisces

Luck Improves On July 26, 2024 For Pisces Zodiac Signs Marina's Images, Anlomaja Images | Canva Pro

This Jupiter-enhanced lunar transit has you knowing something you haven't really known in a long time: that you are safe and happy 'as is.' These are not things you really take much time to think about, Pisces, but you'll find that on Friday, you'll notice something. You are doing well.

Perhaps you spent a lot of time thinking things would work out differently in your life, and if they did, indeed, come to manifest as different than your expectations, you automatically deemed them failures. Alas, that's not how you feel. In fact, you feel pretty lucky about all of it.


These days come with a feeling of luckiness, and it doesn't show up as a winning lottery ticket but more along the lines of a secure feeling of happiness and ease. There is nothing to worry about, and your worry-wart nature feels like this is something to rejoice over. You'd be right about that, Pisces. Rejoice.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
