3 Zodiac Signs That Overcome Self-Doubt & Find True Happiness On July 26, 2024

The culprit is self doubt ... and always has been.

woman overcoming self-doubt and finding happiness on july 26 Hannah Busing via Unsplash / Koy Jang and Artulina via Canva

On July 26, 2024, three zodiac signs will face facts and realize that what we want is basically the same thing as what everyone wants: true happiness. We don't want to fake our way through things anymore. It seems as though our astrological readout for the day points us in the direction of clearheaded thinking and a way to make sense of what it is that holds us back from experiencing this kind of true happiness.


Because the Moon trine Venus favors us this Friday, we may find that the culprit is self-doubt, which has always been. What a scoundrel this self-doubting mechanism is, and how long-lasting it can be. One minute, we think we've rid ourselves of this beast, and then, a minute, it's back with a starring role.


Well, this Friday, we make sure we bar the entrance for self-doubt by recognizing what it's worth in our lives, which is nothing. One, the transit Moon trine Venus is all about love and acknowledging that we are worthy of it. Second, our journey toward true happiness begins when we see how valueless this heavy bag of self-doubt really is.

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On July 26, 2024, Gemini, Leo and Virgo overcome their doubts and find their desired happiness.

1. Gemini

Gemini Zodiac Signs Overcome Self-Doubt & Find True Happiness On July 26, 2024 Ennona_art, sololos from Getty Images signature | Canva Pro


You may feel as though you hit the jackpot today, as Moon trine Venus really shows you a good time when it comes to self-confidence and the genuine feeling that you've just achieved a big milestone. There's no need to look back. You are crossing the line between self-doubt and true happiness — and it feels good.

There's so much love involved with a transit like Moon trine Venus, and you'll see that this Friday, July 26, finds you feeling every bit of it, as you seem to be no longer attracted to situations that have you doubting yourself. So, there's a lesson here: walk away from situations that make you feel bad!

While this may seem like an easy solution, you'll realize today that easy is the way to go and that life is too short to waste doubting yourself on the ground. Your true happiness comes in the form of freedom. You are no longer interested in overjudging yourself, which feels like liberation.

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2. Leo

Leo Zodiac Signs Overcome Self-Doubt & Find True Happiness On July 26, 2024 Ennona_art, sololos from Getty Images signature | Canva Pro

Feeling doubtful about yourself is almost the antithesis of who you are, Leo. While you don't like feeling this way, you sometimes try to consider why you feel this way as a sign that you're supposed to be paying attention to something. While this is wise, you may have gotten into the habit of doubting yourself, and what's happened is that it's starting to rob you of your joy.

You'll feel confident and happy again during this day's transit, Moon trine Venus. You've come to see that you spend too much time in the land of self-doubt and need to lighten up a bit. July 26 has you remembering who you are, the fierce 'show person' that you are.


You'll forgive yourself quickly and move on twice as fast. It was just a phase, and those things happened. Your true happiness lies in the idea that you are fine and dandy, precisely as you are, and that you can be nobody else but you, so you might as well LOVE it. And you do. It just takes a little Moon trine Venus nudging, that's all.

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3. Virgo

Virgo Zodiac Signs Overcome Self-Doubt & Find True Happiness On July 26, 2024 Ennona_art, sololos from Getty Images signature | Canva Pro


It's taken a life of building up that self-doubt, and there have been very few times in your life when you didn't welcome this old friend. However, you are starting to notice that you don't believe some of it anymore, that you are far more confident than you think, and there's no reason to doubt yourself any longer.

This is both a revelation and a call to action. You are the only thing that stands between you and true happiness. Now that you know this for sure, you want to grab yourself by the hand and get yourself out of the way. It works, and it sticks.

Virgo, your true happiness is so available to you. You are finally at that courageous place where you are ready to get past old habits, especially those you have of hating yourself or doubting your worth. No more of that. You are on the road to severe recovery, leading to true happiness.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
