The Universe Has An Important Message For 4 Zodiac Signs On July 26, 2024

This day opens the gates for universal messages.

The Universe Has An Important Message For 4 Zodiac Signs On July 26, 2024 The Everett Collection, Iryna Danyliuk | Canva Pro

It is July 26, 2024, and we are in the heart and soul of the summer. We may even be starting to get ourselves mentally prepared for what lies beyond summer. 

Our daily astrology tells us that four zodiac signs may be in 'receptive' shape for a message that has been crafted for us by the universe itself.

When the Moon aligns with Jupiter, as it does this Friday, we feel hopeful about the stuff of our lives, and yet we are open to guidance. The optimism is there, but the direction needs shoving. 


If we are open to it, we may just find what we've been searching for. Lunar-Jupiter alignments are always positive and always 'open the gates' for universal messages.

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Four zodiac signs will hear something important that the universe has to say on July 26, 2024.

1. Aries

The Universe Has An Important Message For Aries Zodiac Signs On July 26, 2024 anna-r, sketchify, creative Valuation | Canva Pro


You can't help but feel like something in the air is waiting to crack open and rain down upon you. It's not a cold rain but a warm and welcoming rain, one that comes with messages and realizations. On July 26, you feel very in touch with nature; your intuition is on point.

The universe is trying to get you to realize that it's good to check in with what's happening inside of you, meaning ... 'how are you, Aries?' That's right. While the universe is not asking you that question, it is pushing you towards asking it of yourself. So ... how are you, Aries? Are you doing well, or is there something you need to investigate?

Because you are working with Jupiter-Moon energy, you'll find your answer, which will be easily accessed. Now, the universe is telling you to act on it, to not waste time, no more dawdling. If you find something in that inner search that appeals to you, then act on it. Post haste, let's move it.

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2. Leo

The Universe Has An Important Message For Leo Zodiac Signs On July 26, 2024 anna-r, sketchify, creative Valuation | Canva Pro

Now that you're in the season of your birth sign, you feel the power of being a Leo in all the right ways. You love the weather and feel particularly open to all that comes your way, especially if it promises love, romance, and togetherness. This is very much your season of love, Leo, and this makes you happy.

You'll be in a situation that has you 'hearing' things. While those things may not be words, per se, you won't be able to shake the feeling that the universe has singled you out for an important message. You will receive it, and it will ring true to you.


The universe wants you to pay attention to your surroundings. While nothing is all that out of place, something here needs to be tended to that you are either purposefully ignoring or simply don't see. You must see it to 'make it go away.' If you do this, then your dream of love, romance, and togetherness has a much better chance of manifestation.

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3. Sagittarius

The Universe Has An Important Message For Sagittarius Zodiac Signs On July 26, 2024 anna-r, sketchify, creative Valuation | Canva Pro


When you get a clear hint at what you need to take care of, there will be no doubt about your next move. The universe is trying to tell you something very important, Sagittarius, and that is to listen to your body and treat it well.

You feel that you've been in a rebellious state of mind and that your rebellion usually ends with you rebelling against your own body. This could look like eating excessively or simply eating the wrong things. Jupiter's energy allows you to see the big picture and, thus, save your life.

When the universe intervenes with a 'sign,' it is up to us to heed that billboard as we are given specific instructions on how to improve our lives. You will see one of those signs. It will show you that what you need to do right now is to pay attention to your health and honor the body you're in.

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4. Aquarius

Universe Has An Important Message For Aquarius Zodiac Signs On July 26, 2024 anna-r, sketchify, creative Valuation | Canva Pro

Because you are always open to universal messages, you might find that it's hard to focus on the one big one that's heading your way on Friday. You are used to deciphering the codes of the cosmos, so much so that you aren't always sure it's the universe who is speaking ... or yourself.

In fact, you've done a lot of that in the past — saying something is 'so' but knowing that the universe does not necessarily support it. So, you've spoken FOR the universe, which sometimes makes it hard for you to tell the real messages from the ones you've created for yourself.


Then there's Friday when you absolutely get the message, and it most certainly isn't coming from your mind. This has you listening and paying attention, Aquarius. You'll learn during this bold Jupiter transit that you need to think less and stay open more. Don't get in your way.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
