3 Zodiac Signs Whose Wishes Come True After The Sun Aligns With Mars On July 25, 2024

We create the perfect environment for wishes to come true.

Zodiac Signs Whose Wishes Come True July 25, 2024 Panadesign, Swi6analisa, Lennard Schubert and Michelle Leman from pexels | Canva Pro

When the Sun aligns with Mars on July 25, we mean business when it comes to wishes come true, and three zodiac signs will be able to attest to this. Astrology gives us this powerful transit, and because it happens to be harmonious and beneficial, we will see how it nudges those wishes into fruition.

The Sun's radiant solar power magnifies the energy that Mars brings to this day. This helps us, namely the three zodiac signs, by allowing us to cut the bull and get right down to the business at hand. Wishes come true on Thursday because we will have it no other way.

@jasonhouinperth The Luckiest Zodiac Signs in the Second Half of 2024 #Astrology #ZodiacSigns #lucky ♬ 原创音乐 - Jason-Astrologer

We are the bringers of good luck to our fated paths, and we feel this kind of super confidence because Mars and the Sun are in alignment together. We've got the power to move forward with the light on our path, creating the perfect environment for wishes to come true.


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These three zodiac signs see their wishes come true starting on July 25, 2024.

1. Aries

Aries Zodiac Signs Whose Wishes Come True After The Sun Sextiles Mars On July 25, 2024 mysticminimals, Darunwan.K, Buzzy std. | Canva Pro

This is your day and your transit, Aries, as Mars energy never lets you down, especially if you've got something in mind, as you most definitely do. What you'll see taking place this Thursday, July 25, is a rush of direction on your part. You know what you want to see happening, and you realize that you're the only one who can make this come true.


So, along with your wish, you have an accompanying wish that comes forth and lets you know that you can have all you wish for ... if you make it happen. You want to have the power, strength, and clarity to make your wish come true. You are able to summon this energy during this Mars-Sun alignment.

Because Mars has your back, you will not only attempt to do something very important, but you will also succeed because you aren't here to take no for an answer. You are making use of your zodiac sign's natural ability to move mountains. You'll be doing so on this day, July 25, 2024.

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2. Taurus

Taurus Zodiac Signs Whose Wishes Come True After The Sun Sextiles Mars On July 25, 2024 mysticminimals, Darunwan.K, Buzzy std. | Canva Pro


There's a good reason why your wishes come true on this day, July 25. It's because you have finally come to believe in yourself ... to the point where you've got yourselves convinced that if you work hard for it, you will get it ... whatever 'it' may be. In your case, you are right, and you will see the fruits of such labor on this day, during the Mars transit.

You are always fairly driven, Taurus, although you can and do get lazy. Sometimes, you miss out on great opportunities because of that laziness, but not this time. This time registers in you as important and vital. You aren't letting your dream slip away — not if you can help it, and you can help it.

This Sun-Mars alignment brings your confidence back into focus and lets you know that if there's a wish come true, then you are the force of nature behind making this true. You are willing to do the work and even more willing to push aside your lazy tendencies. Enough is enough. It's time to make those wishes come true. On it!

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3. Pisces

Pisces Zodiac Signs Whose Wishes Come True After The Sun Sextiles Mars On July 25, 2024 mysticminimals, Darunwan.K, Buzzy std. | Canva Pro

Mars is in alignment with the Sun, and you've got an Aries Moon to help you in whatever you do. You're going to see that getting things done is a whole lot easier than you thought. In fact, it may even seem as though your wish for ease has come true for you.

You really enjoy it when things go smoothly, and one of your biggest wishes has always been to cruise easily through the world without drama or interruption. July 25 presents you with such a situation. You will feel very carefree as you move through your world.


You'll notice that doors open to you on this day and that nothing is really shutting you out. You don't necessarily wish for easy access, but you are not fond of being held at bay. During this time, you'll find that your wish for peace, quiet, and lack of drama are most definitely available to you right now. Good for you, Pisces.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
