4 Zodiac Signs Encounter Good Luck On July 24, 2024

What goes down, must come up.

Zodiac Signs Encounter Good Luck On July 24, 2024 Manu Padilla via Shutterstock / Blixa6 Studios, mysticminimals | Canva

Oh, on July 24, 2024, four zodiac signs will experience a form of good luck, as the astrological transit of Moon square Jupiter shows us that what goes down must come up. 

While we may be used to the cliche being said, 'what goes up, must come down,' it gives us a show of balance today, as we've already seen rock bottom. Now it's time for four zodiac signs to bounce back up again.

Whatever it is that we need to learn to rev up this lucky engine once again, we can consider it done, as Jupiter's energy pushes us in the direction of positive thought. 


We want to 'get up' again; we are no longer content to wallow in past behavior or a mistake that's taken too long to get over. Four zodiac signs are ready for the bright light of hope. 

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For Gemini, Leo, Scorpio and Pisces, an encounter with luck arrives on July 24, 2024. 

1. Gemini

4 Zodiac Signs Encounter Good Luck On July 24, 2024 STILLFX from Getty Images, glow, Berry Art, MD.REZUAL KARIM | Canva Pro


It seems that you'll be walking into a very optimal situation today, Gemini and that it will take you by surprise. While you aren't always keen on surprises, you do rather well with spontaneity, which could bring out your best. What you find yourself involved with on Wednesday, July 24, turns out to be very good luck, indeed.

First, you've got Moon square Jupiter, which spares no one when it comes to bringing good news. What you'll do with this sudden good news is up to you, but you've been chomping for some positivity for a while now, and it appears that this is, by far, your lucky day. An opportunity will present itself today, Gemini, and you won't want to refuse it.

What the transit, Moon square Jupiter, shows you is that it's your turn, essentially, and so you don't really want to sit this one out. The square aspect in this transit is what lets you know that it's time to bounce back up again and that it's OK to know it.

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2. Leo

4 Zodiac Signs Encounter Good Luck On July 24, 2024 STILLFX from Getty Images, glow, Berry Art, MD.REZUAL KARIM | Canva Pro

Even though you are known throughout the zodiac as the leader or the powerful one, you do have your days, Leo, and you've just come out of a darker phase in your life. It's nothing, but your encounter with good luck today is more like you getting a wake-up call.

Because you started to identify with the darkness, you didn't realize that that darkness on Wednesday has an expiration date. This is a great bit of luck for you, and so much of it snaps you out of it because of the transit, Moon square Jupiter.


What you don't want to do is get stuck in thinking that you aren't cut out for greatness or good luck. You are, and it's time you start thinking that way, Leo. This transit shines on you with a purpose: to get you to move and believe in yourself once again. You know you have it in you, so let's get up and get active about it.

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3. Scorpio

4 Zodiac Signs Encounter Good Luck On July 24, 2024 STILLFX from Getty Images, glow, Berry Art, MD.REZUAL KARIM | Canva Pro


What went down a while back is now coming up once again as a positive feeling and an optimistic outlook on life. You will encounter good luck on Wednesday, July 24. So much of it exists because you 'know' that you can only stay down for just so long. The tides have turned, and you can feel that good luck is all around you.

This inspires you and puts you back on track again. You needed this boost because you weren't feeling yourself, and whatever happens today will be the hinge by which you can see things clearly again. Whatever happens acts as an agent of change for you, Scorpio, leading you to higher ground. You'll see that by applying positive energy and creative visualization to what is before you. You can walk into it with confidence.

There is nothing in your psyche that is holding you back now. You treat this as luck and good fortune ... and you'd be right about that, as Moon square Jupiter has your back, for sure.

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4. Pisces

4 Zodiac Signs Encounter Good Luck On July 24, 2024 STILLFX from Getty Images, glow, Berry Art, MD.REZUAL KARIM | Canva Pro

Good luck comes your way, Pisces, and because you are usually very open to such things, you'll find that you can have a very happy day because of it. You don't always see the luck in your situations, and you know you should adopt a more optimistic attitude. On Wednesday, you'll see that this is very possible for you to do.

Because you've got this transit, Moon square Jupiter, working to show you that it's OK to trust things like 'feelings of luck,' you can take advantage of a certain situation that comes up. What you call 'good luck' is actually the sharing of good news, as presented to you by a friend.


One thing leads to another, and you'll find that you can start seeing things as happy and positive once again this Wednesday. If you've just come from a negative frame of mind, you'll notice a difference in how this day has you perceiving the world around you. If it puts you in a good mood, then it's good luck, indeed.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
