3 Zodiac Signs Discover Their True Purpose On July 24, 2024

Moon conjunct Saturn works to show us the difference between wishful thinking and true purpose.

3 Zodiac Signs Discover Their True Purpose On July 24, 2024 Steven Aguilar via Unsplash / Dan Hussey and WinWin.artlab | Canva

July 24, 2024, is the day we get to experience something special. The transit known as the Moon conjunct Saturn shows us what we can do and what we have that might be worth investing even more time in. Astrology points us in the direction of purpose, and for three zodiac signs, this is major stuff.

When we think of our true purpose, we rarely see it as simple. In fact, if left to our imagination, we more than likely dream up something grand and lofty. That's how the Moon conjunct Saturn works to show us the difference between wishful thinking and true purpose.


Saturn's energy lets three zodiac signs know that there are limits at play here and that if we are to live up to our true purpose, we have to balance the idea that we can do certain things and cannot do certain other things. July 24 has a rhythm and balance to it, and certain signs learn that they know how to play the game.


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By day's end on July 24, 2024, three zodiac signs will discover their true purpose.

1. Taurus

3 Zodiac Signs Discover Their True Purpose On July 24, 2024 stux from pixabay, graphixmania | Canva Pro

This day allows you to see that of all the things you've experimented with; there's that one thing that stands out and seems to be the very thing that calls your name. You have always moved in this direction. Yet, never really took it seriously until now. On July 24, this 'purpose' will feel 'real' to you.


Because the energy that's helping you find your place today is Moon conjunct Saturn, you'll see that this is the one path that always 'takes you back.' This means that of all the things you try to do in your life, this one path seems always to hold interest for you, and not only that, you're good at it.

Here's a day that confirms your true purpose, Taurus. While it may strike you as very obvious at this point, you may end up laughing a bit at how you took the long road getting here. Still, a purpose is a purpose, and if you've found yours, then all paths that got you here were meant to be. Follow your heart, Taurus, as it will lead you to greater knowledge.

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2. Libra

3 Zodiac Signs Discover Their True Purpose On July 24, 2024 stux from pixabay, graphixmania | Canva Pro


You're about to figure something out about yourself, and it will all make sense from here on in. It appears that you've been working on something that doesn't necessarily seem to have anything to do with your true purpose. Lo and behold, what happens on Wednesday shows you exactly what that purpose is.

Being involved and active allows you to pick up on something you never really experienced before. That's got to do with joy and contentment. Whatever you are working on during the transit of the Moon conjunct, Saturn calls you in ways you cannot deny.

Your true purpose seems to flag you down, and once you realize that this is where you want to be, you'll never look back again. You feel very happy and want to see where you can go with all of it. There's a sense of urgency and vitality that comes with this discovery. All is well in your world.

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3. Capricorn

3 Zodiac Signs Discover Their True Purpose On July 24, 2024 stux from pixabay, graphixmania | Canva Pro

What gives you the sense that you've discovered something great this Wednesday is that everything you do just 'feels' right, as if you were meant to be doing what you're doing, even though you hadn't exactly planned on sticking with it. You'll see that during the transit of Moon conjunct Saturn, you placed limits on yourself, and now, you're ready to bypass those limitations.

This is because you have a purpose now. You see that perhaps you've been barking up the wrong tree all this time, and that's why you felt limited. You weren't working your program; you were living up to someone else's expectations. As of July 24, all of this changes for you, Capricorn.


Today, you grab an opportunity that puts you on a different course, one that you are not used to. Yet, it feels like 'home.' There is no doubt in your mind that whatever is taking place ... this is where you want to be. This grows into what you might call your true purpose, making you very satisfied and content.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
