Joy Returns For 3 Zodiac Signs After The Pisces Moon On July 23, 2024

When we relinquish our need to control, we allow for the flow of joy.

Joy Returns For 3 Zodiac Signs After the Pisces Moon On July 23, 2024 artpip and Be Keryonart from Be Keryonart Images from Getty Images Signature via Canva Pro/spirit111 from Pixabay via Canva

It's July 23, 2024, and for three zodiac signs, it's been a rough road. We've come to the end of the hard times, and now we can finally see the light come into view again. Astrology brings us the hopeful transit of the Pisces Moon, which lets us know that all we've been through has had a purpose, even if that purpose is just to acquire knowledge.

Through experience, we see the world as it is. We see the beauty and the pain. We come to realize that both exist at the same time and that all we can do is flow with it. There are things we can do and things we cannot control. We learn that sometimes it's best not to be involved. That's when the true wisdom kicks in.


During the Pisces Moon on Tuesday, July 23, three zodiac signs will be able to bring joy back into their lives by simply accepting that which is without trying to force something into place that cannot be controlled. When we relinquish our need for control, we allow for the flow of joy. 

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Joy returns happily for three zodiac signs on July 23, 2024.

1. Cancer

Joy Returns For 3 Zodiac Signs After On July 23, 2024 wc studio, NinaMalyna | Canva Pro


It is during the Pisces Moon that you're able to see that everything is working out just as you had hoped. You have nothing to worry about anymore, and July 23 has you feeling quite confident that everything you need to know was in order is in order. You're able to experience joy for the first time in weeks, and you deserve it, Cancer.

This more than likely has something to do with you receiving the 'good news' today, and this news brings you relief. It sets aside your worries and makes space for your natural feelings of joy and laughter. Now, you've got a reason to feel joyful; ah, what a relief.

You've always been in touch with your joyful nature, and with the help of the Pisces Moon, you're able to tap into that place of peace once again, knowing that worry and fear are no longer part of the picture. You made it, Cancer, and now you can rest and luxuriate in the day's ease and contentment.

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2. Virgo

Joy Returns For 3 Zodiac Signs After On July 23, 2024 wc studio, NinaMalyna | Canva Pro

What a nice feeling you've got on July 23, Virgo, as the Pisces Moon allows you to finally come to terms with an old problem ... enough so that you can toss it aside and make room for the joy in your life to return. This lunar transit makes up for lost time and gives you the peace of mind you were looking for.

Once you are in a peaceful mindset, all good things come your way, Virgo. You have zero problem with letting joy into your life as you feel you've spent way too much time fighting it off for one reason or another. Perhaps you didn't feel worthy of being joyful at one point, and that habit just caught on?


Still, it's a new day, and you are no longer part of that old program. July 23 presents you with a clean slate and a positive outlook on life. All you really want is to walk onto that road feeling joyful and one with all things. You are doing so well, and you know it. It is during the Pisces Moon that you really get a grasp on it all.

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3. Sagittarius

Joy Returns For 3 Zodiac Signs After On July 23, 2024 wc studio, NinaMalyna | Canva Pro


There's a very good reason why joy returns to your life on July 23, during the Pisces Moon, and that is because you learned how to say 'no.' When you say 'no,' you say it to that which you believe is not good for you. This is a huge realization for you, and the Pisces Moon makes it all the more clear.

Your sense of obligation replaced the joy you denied yourself, and that's just not something you feel sincere about any longer. You know who you are, and in that Sagittarius way of yours, you've finally discovered your voice. Now that you're able to use it, you're also able to define boundaries with it.

By saying 'no,' you allow the negative to fade into the distant past. Ironically, the power of 'no' is strong and works as a positive force in your life. The more you say 'no' to the nagging things of your life, the more 'yes' you say to the powerfully positive, amazingly loving, overflowing kindnesses available to you. That's a joy for you.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
