3 Zodiac Signs Whose Dreams Come True On July 23, 2024

We've got nature on our side.

 Zodiac Signs Whose Dreams Come True On July 23, 2024 astarot via Shutterstock / smdesigns, Chikvnaya and sparklestroke | Canva

Can we make our dreams come true on Tuesday, July 23? No holiday or celebration is going on, so what would constitute the magic that this day may have in store for three zodiac signs? Astrology shows us that there are forces at work, churning up power and manifesting dreams to come true. Our Pisces Moon square Mars tells a tale of great adventure and promise.

It may be a mere Tuesday, but it's a powerful Tuesday because of the way the planets are lined up at this time. We've got the backing of nature on our side. So, should we decide to 'believe' in something, our chances of manifesting that belief as reality are quite good during this cosmic season.


Three zodiac signs have been like a dog with a bone when it comes to hanging on to their dreams. On July 23, those dreams will no longer remain in the mind. We will see those dreams come true, and this may range from great love to a fantastic career position. Mars energy maneuvers the pieces into place.


3 zodiac signs whose dreams come true on July 23, 2024

1. Aries

 3 Zodiac Signs Whose Dreams Come True On July 23, 2024 tatiletters, wee19374286344 | Canva Pro

No one is staying put on July 23. If anyone is going to lead the pack, it's you, Aries, as you feel energized and ready to take on the world during the Pisces Moon square Mars transit of the day. By putting yourself into a project, especially one that benefits others, you may just end up seeing one of your dreams come true.

What you give today comes back to you, so make sure you give your best because the way the universe works for you during a transit like the Pisces Moon square Mars is all about reciprocation. You have dreams in that head of yours, and you'd love for them to come true. By helping others, you end up helping yourself at this time.


So, on July 23, you will see your dreams come true simply because you had the nerve to step out of the way of your desires and do something kind and wonderful for someone else. This opens up the doors to the universal wish-fulfilling tree and grants you everything your heart desires.

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2. Taurus

3 Zodiac Signs Whose Dreams Come True On July 23, 2024 tatiletters, wee19374286344 | Canva Pro


There's a good reason why July 23 has you seeing the manifestation of a dream come true for you, Taurus, and that is because the dream you have of yourself is possible. You have your share of impossible dreams. While they are fun, you're still relatively pragmatic. This is why you'll see some amazing results this Wednesday.

It is because of the Pisces Moon square Mars transit that you come to know just how worthwhile it is to pursue that which CAN happen and that you are no longer as interested in wasting time pursuing the impossible. You're happy to have impossible dreams, but only for giddy, secret pleasure.

There's a reality here, and it's being highlighted on July 23 by the Pisces Moon square Mars transit. It shows you that it's now or never, and you choose 'now.' Smart move, Taurus. Go, live your life, and experience your dreams come true as they occur. Be there for all of it.

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3. Scorpio

3 Zodiac Signs Whose Dreams Come True On July 23, 2024 tatiletters, wee19374286344 | Canva Pro

Dreams come true for you, Scorpio, and much to your surprise and delight, the dreams that 'don't' come true are part of the plan here. You've got a lot inside that brilliant mind of yours. There have been times when you really didn't know what you wanted out of this life. You've put effort into making certain dreams come true. It will be on July 23, when you see that when certain things 'don't' happen ... it's for a good reason.

During the transit, Pisces Moon square Mars, you'll see that you are able to do just about anything you want, but that discretion is needed if you are to be happy with the dreams that manifest for you. This is a huge lesson, and you love learning it. What this day brings you is the idea that not everything you wish for needs to come true.


You are growing and advancing, Scorpio, as only you can. During the Pisces Moon square Mars, you'll see that the dreams that do come true for you are the ones that are best for you. Whodathunkit! Yet, you'll be very satisfied that things work out this way. It's a good day.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
