The Universe Has An Important Message For 4 Zodiac Signs On July 23, 2024

Lunar transits tend to work with our minds ...

The Universe Has An Important Message For 4 Zodiac Signs On July 23, 2024 max-kegfire from Getty Images, Jittawait.21, vtrdid from vtrdid's studio | Canva Pro

July 23, 2024, brings us a message from the universe that we must listen to if we are to feel at ease with our present situation. The day's astrology shows us that we've got a Pisces Moon on high. This is great news, but it's also 'calming' news, and for four zodiac signs, 'calming down' might be the key to continuing in peace and happiness.

We may not think of ourselves as dramatic or pretentious, but there are moments when we go a little too far. That's why events like a Pisces Moon act as balancing agents for our moods. Lunar transits tend to work with our minds. 


If four zodiac signs listen closely to what's going on 'inside' that mind, something will come through. 

On July 22, 2024, 4 zodiac signs will pick up on an important universal message:

1. Gemini

The Universe Has An Important Message For 4 Zodiac Signs On July 23, 2024 wc studio, Dean Drobot | Canva Pro


A special message is coming in for Gemini: Take things less seriously. You've got only so much time on this planet. You've given away way too much time to the things in your life that aren't all that important. You've wasted time, in other words, Gemini. By the time July 23 rolls around, you had best start to make other plans.

During the Pisces Moon, you'll get the hint, and while you've received this hint many times before, this time, it will stick. You've got this amazing life to live, and you realize that you've gotten stuck in a rut simply because you're too afraid to leave the comfort of habit.

This Pisces Moon transition shows you that there is nothing to fear and that the transition from where you are right into a happier, healthier mental condition can be smooth — no upsets and no trauma. This is your big moment, Gemini, and the universe is telling you to make the move now.

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2. Cancer

 The Universe Has An Important Message For 4 Zodiac Signs On July 23, 2024 wc studio, Dean Drobot | Canva Pro

The universe has spoken, and you got the message. What this sounds like to you is a very direct order to get off your tush and start doing the things you always talk about doing. You have a choice here, Cancer. You can label yourself a homebody who really enjoys the reclusive life, or you can follow your secret dreams and go out and get some experience.

Because of the Pisces Moon, you don't feel as threatened by the idea of change, and you know that you no longer want to accept a life that is too sedentary. Yes, you love staying at home, but you don't want to pack it all in. The universe is telling you to go on out there and experience some of the greatness that is available to you.


You can always return to the home, and should you wish to, you'll have experience under your belt to use as happy memories. Only you know if this rings true to you or not, so why not take a chance, Cancer? Go out there and get yourself a life full of risk, fun, pleasure, and experience.

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3. Aquarius

The Universe Has An Important Message For 4 Zodiac Signs On July 23, 2024 wc studio, Dean Drobot | Canva Pro


The important message being brought to you by the universe, Aquarius, is to get out of your head and start living your life through experience. This Pisces Moon shows you that time waits for no one and that, while you've spent a great deal of time inside the walls of your mind, you need to get yourself some hands-on experience.

You may protest and think that all is well in your world, and in truth, you are right. You are not experiencing that which lies past that marvelous mind of yours. While that may seem terrifying to you, it might be worth taking a chance on. Life is here for the living, and the universe tells you to trust in this.

Inevitably, it will be your choice. What's nice is that the Pisces Moon is a kindly transit that doesn't push. It does suggest, and you know how you are with suggestions ... they get under your skin and make you think. This time, thought may just turn into action, Aquarius, and you may not regret it at all.

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4. Pisces

The Universe Has An Important Message For 4 Zodiac Signs On July 23, 2024 wc studio, Dean Drobot | Canva Pro

You were born under an intelligent constellation, Pisces. The Moon is in your zodiac sign right now. It's working as a messenger for the universe, so much so that on July 23, 2024, you'll feel a very strong urge to stop thinking and start acting.

You are very comfortable controlling things, and honestly, who could blame you? It's nice to know where everything goes and what happens next, but the spontaneity in your life is at zero. The universe is trying to tell you that you might want to stay open to sudden and happy surprises.


You might even want to get involved when you are asked to attend certain events that you are not in control of ... just for the fun of it. This is what the universe feels you need, Pisces. On Wednesday, July 23, the message you'll receive is the one that tells you to wing it and take a chance. Who knows? This could lead to something good.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
