3 Zodiac Signs Change Their Own Lives For The Better On July 22, 2024

There's no reason to stay in a slump.

Zodiac Signs Change Their Own Lives For The Better On July 22, 2024 nappy from Pexels, sololos from Getty Images Signature | Canva Pro

July 22, 2024, shows three zodiac signs that change is possible and that if we dare to face our 'demons,' we can seriously make things happen. The day's astrology brings us the very happy and hopeful transit of Moon trine Jupiter, which is here to help us out of the dark and into the light, where we belong.

Sometimes, getting to higher ground is about taking stock of our surroundings to grasp our present reality and create something better for ourselves. In other words, this may be one of those days when we decide that something must change because if it doesn't, we'll suffer stagnation.


Three zodiac signs work well with the powers of Moon trine Jupiter, as this transit opens our minds and lets us see that we can see 'the light at the end of the tunnel' and that there's no reason to stay in a slump. This day encourages us to get a move on and make that change that we've only talked about so far, talked about. 


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Three zodiac signs are about to change their lives for the better on July 22, 2024, and that takes bravery.

1. Aries

3 Zodiac Signs Change Their Own Lives For The Better On July 22, 2024 warmjuly

If anyone will get this show on the road, it's you, Aries. As you know, the 'show' is yours, and you are the power behind making it all go right or wrong. You've been reluctant to change, and yet, you know that this is the very idea that will turn your world around. So, you accept the idea that on July 22, change is about to be implemented.


You've got Moon trine Jupiter, which instantly makes you feel as though you need to start thinking differently, as the past ways are not working out in your favor any longer. You are very adamant about having things work out, and so you do what you didn't think you could do: you change.

You accept that change is inevitable, and you work with this. This is what makes you so intelligent. That you can adapt is one of your best traits, Aries. On Monday, you will see that it's OK to move with the tides and that you create a better future for yourself by doing so.

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2. Libra

3 Zodiac Signs Change Their Own Lives For The Better On July 22, 2024 warmjuly


If you look around you, you see that things are not changing to the degree you'd like to see. You are also realizing that you can't just stand there witnessing it all; you need to get in there and participate. Being a silent observer no longer cuts in, not in terms of personal transformation, and you know that this is what you desperately need in your life.

So, you use this day's transit, Moon trine Jupiter. This is a cosmic event of such magnitude that it's hard not to feel the positive energy it brings. You are looking at the answer to the burning question: What should I do next? The answer is change. Change your life and do it now.

Once you start creating the momentum for this, you'll feel the locomotion, as well. You are gathering energy now, and July 22 lets you feel like all things are possible. They are, Libra. When have you ever doubted your power? Never. Now, you're in the position of using that power to change your life for the better. Sounds like a great plan.

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3. Sagittarius

 3 Zodiac Signs Change Their Own Lives For The Better On July 22, 2024 warmjuly

Change has been a big part of your life for the last few months, Sagittarius. You aren't quite finished yet as you continue to learn new ways to solve old problems. You're on the right track, and the transit, Moon trine Jupiter, supports you, which lets you know that it's good to keep going in this fashion.

You've discovered that if you respect yourself and stick to your guns, you end up much happier. This plays out on Monday, July 22, in the way that someone in your life will ask you to do something that you aren't fond of doing. Rather than lie or make an excuse to get out of it, you'll simply tell them that you aren't going to do it. It's that simple, and no explanation is needed.


So much of your life-improving change lies in the idea that you owe no explanation for your behavior. You are respectful and honest; you feel this needs to be enough. If you are pressed for more, then you will stand up for yourself and remain silent. You know what your change is about, and you won't be deterred by someone who doesn't accept the way you are.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
