3 Zodiac Signs Whose Wishes Come True After Moon Opposite Venus On July 22, 2024

Be careful what you wish for as you just may get it.

Zodiac Signs Whose Wishes Come True After Moon opposite Venus On July 22, 2024 Floriana via Getty Images. Signature/nd3000 via Getty Images Pro/iconsy | Canva Pro

July 22 brings us a tricky situation in which our wishes come true, which instantly implies that we had better be prepared. Because astrology tells us that the ruling transit of the day is the Moon opposite Venus, we are looking at the word 'opposite.' Yes, wishes can come true for three zodiac signs now, but there's a cautionary tale involved here. It harkens back to the old phrase, "Be careful what you wish for as you just may get it."


Ah, that IS tricky, and yet, we rarely know if we don't really want something when we pour our hearts into wanting it. Because Venus is involved, we are more than likely looking at a love situation, which could imply that our wishes for love come true, much to our dreaded surprise.

We put out strong vibrations to the universe, especially when we fall in love. We rarely take into account all the things that come with the manifestation of such love, as we really don't know the person we've just fallen in love with. So, all we can say for this Monday is 'good luck' and hope all goes well. 


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Three zodiac signs see their wishes come true on July 22, 2024, but is this what we really want? Ah, therein lies the rub.

1. Aries

3 Zodiac Signs Whose Wishes Come True After On July 22, 2024 mybeautifulfiles, Luninas_Art from pixabay | Canva Pro

The truth is that you aren't sure if this wish of yours is what you really want, but you are an impulsive person. So when you put your energy into wishing something into being, it tends to happen. When that intention is backed up by a transit, such as the Moon opposite Venus, it's very easy for it to become a true manifestation.


You'll see a wish come true on Monday, July 22, and you'll be overjoyed at the idea that you can do this, that you somehow have this 'magical' ability to create something from nothing. Now, because you are still working with Moon opposite Venus, you may wonder if this is what you want.

So, on July 22, you have been feeling both overjoyed and perplexed at the idea that what you wanted is now yours. You aren't all that sold on the concept of wanting it any longer. Well, this is where you get to take responsibility for this 'magic ' of yours, Aries. This is where it gets real.

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2. Virgo

3 Zodiac Signs Whose Wishes Come True After On July 22, 2024 mybeautifulfiles, Luninas_Art from pixabay | Canva Pro


Now that you're well on your way to watching your wish come into being, you may have a moment or two of doubt during the transit of the Moon opposite Venus, as this transit is here to create doubt and second-guessing. It's OK; you are entitled to retrospective thinking, and Monday is definitely going to bring some of that around.

It's July 22, and you have finally received what you've been praying for. Now that it's here, you might ask yourself if you're ready for part two. If this is love-related, as it more than likely is, then hearts are involved, and you want both hearts to be happy. Perhaps that is your next wish: to keep these hearts happy.

When you leaped into this wish, you didn't think it through, and that's typical, as none of us really think anything through when it comes to love and infatuation. Now, you are stuck with the person you wanted to be stuck with. Is this a good thing? It could be Virgo, but it's going to take maintenance.

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3. Aquarius

3 Zodiac Signs Whose Wishes Come True After On July 22, 2024 mybeautifulfiles, Luninas_Art from pixabay | Canva Pro

Well, you got what you wished for, Aquarius, and the question that hovers in the air on July 22: are you happy now? During Moon opposite Venus, you'll find that there are still so many unanswered questions about the person you've wished into your life as a lover. Now that they are here for you, you may wonder if this is what you wanted.

That's the nature of an opposition transit. It brings up the idea of opposites, which means that when we wish for things to happen to us, we may end up seeing the opposite of what we wished for. You will deal with this on Monday, July 22.


It's not a terrible thing, however, as this may just mean that you now have to make some mental adjustments to accommodate your wish. Yes, you put this wish into motion. It has now seen itself through, so it's up to you to work with the energy at hand and make what you've got into something amazing. Can you do it? Yes, you can.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
