3 Zodiac Signs Find Clarity And Direction On July 21, 2024

We're not lost, we just need a little guidance to set us on the right path.

Zodiac Signs Find Clarity And Direction On July 21, 2024 Max Keg-fire, Cawisstudio, Berkay08 / CanvaPro

Considering that the Full Moon is on July 21, we need to consider what else is happening in the cosmic sky at this time. Astrology shows us that while there are many other celestial events taking place, one is really going to activate our sense of focus. That is, of course, the one that brings Jupiter into harmonious alignment with Venus.

If we've been searching for direction, Jupiter works like a charm in situations like this, and for three zodiac signs, we'll see that we actually like where we're heading. Yes, we've needed direction, but that shouldn't automatically imply we are lost; we are not lost. We just need a little positive push.

@innerworldsastrology #greenscreen Will you learn the ultimate karmic lesson during this Capricorn Full Moon? #astrology #zodiac #horoscope #zodiacsigns #fullmoon ♬ original sound - Evan Nathaniel Grim

Because Venus is involved, we can count on this experience to be beautiful or at least something we really enjoy being a part of. To reiterate, we're not lost; we just need a little guidance to set us on the right path. 


For three zodiac signs, July 21 is the day we start to see things very clearly.

1. Aries

3 Zodiac Signs Find Clarity And Direction On July 21, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio / Canva

Love has taught you many lessons, and while you want to learn from all of them, you have sometimes made the same mistake twice regarding romance and how you deal with it. What takes place on July 21 is a transit that combines both Jupiter and Venus. What this means for you, Aries, is clarity and direction in love.

You are sure that you won't make the same mistake again this time, and that helps you focus on the person you are presently involved with. Are they really the person you want to spend your valuable time with? Because this transit is so positive, you may conclude, 'Yes, this is the right person for me.'


You've got a lot going for you this Sunday, and if you find yourself in a social situation with the person you are romantically involved with, you might see something in that person that makes you smile. Something about that, on this particular day, rings true to you and lets you know with shining clarity that you have indeed made the right choice.

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2. Gemini

3 Zodiac Signs Find Clarity And Direction On July 21, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio / Canva


Clarity and direction are exactly what your Gemini heart needs, as you always know what you want, but you end up getting way too involved in making it, so you end up doing nothing about it. You'll find that because of this particular Jupiter-Venus alignment, you can see a bit clearer, and things don't look as daunting to you as they once were.

This allows you to move on with your thoughts rather than debate them repeatedly in your mind. You have thousands of brilliant ideas, and so much of the time, you can't decide which way to go or how to make any of your dreams come true. Distraction is Gemini's worst enemy; on Sunday, you may be able to avoid this kind of distraction altogether.

This may also mean that you will receive help and direction from a friend, a loved one, or a family member. Someone is in your life right now who wants to help you as they realize you need a little push and some much-needed guidance. July 21 brings you clarity, and now it's up to you to move in the right direction.

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3. Sagittarius

3 Zodiac Signs Find Clarity And Direction On July 21, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio / Canva

You always make yourself available for direction as you like being focused, and you enjoy knowing what the next move will be. If you can find that balance, then you can accomplish great things. You'll see that during this Jupiter-Venus transit much good can come of this day.

It may be a Sunday, but you are fully engaged in whatever creative work you've set aside for yourself now. What you need is direction and inspiration. You feel charged up and ready to hit the mark, but you aren't sure what that mark is.


That's how this day's transit aids you in your search. You find what you want to put your energy into, and once you get started, you'll feel that good 'ol Sagittarius spirit start to take form once again as creativity. You've got the clarity of vision, and now, you've got the focal point in plain sight.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
