3 Zodiac Signs Enter A Season Of Joy On July 20, 2024

We didn't claim it is because we didn't really believe it was ours.

Zodiac Signs Enter A Season Of Joy On July 20, 2024 Blixa 6 and Delmaine Donson via Getty Images Signature | Canva Pro

You wouldn't necessarily think that on July 20, 2024, we'd be entering a season of joy, especially considering that the ruling transit of the day is Mars in Gemini, but alas, it's here. Three zodiac signs will most definitely be 'feeling' it. The day's astrology shows us that the joy that is ours to know has been waiting for us all along. The only reason we didn't claim it was because we didn't really believe it was ours.


That is how Mars's transit in Gemini comes into play as a guiding force and a bringer of good news. Gemini is known for communication, and Mars is known for force. Put the two of them together in a harmonious and positive cosmic transit, and what we have is 'help' from above.

Saturday allows three zodiac signs to finally understand that we, too, are up for our turn at joy and that this is so unlimited that we might as well make a season out of it. The joy we begin to accept today is huge enough to last, and we three zodiac signs will recognize and utilize this power.


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1. Cancer

3 Zodiac Signs Enter A Season Of Joy On July 20, 2024 Engin Akyurt from Pexels, Ervina Susan, Valeriia Timofi, Artulina | Canva Pro

There's no escaping the positive energy that comes along with Mars in Gemini as it reaches into your life and reminds you that this life is for living, so you should get out there and live! You may have had a few experiences in your life that made you feel as though you wanted to shut down, at least for a while, to heal, to regroup. Now's the time to respect the idea of your healing, and now you can resume where you've left off.


This is a season of joy, and it presents itself to you as friendliness and possibility, Cancer. During the Mars in Gemini transit, you will receive good news that will inspire you to take chances again and trust in the process and the journey.

This Saturday brings you an opportunity that will turn into more opportunities to fill your life with joy and contentment. The only thing that is required of you is that you notice it, enjoy it, experience what is happening around you, and feel fulfilled by it. That is all, Cancer.

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2. Scorpio

3 Zodiac Signs Enter A Season Of Joy On July 20, 2024 Engin Akyurt from Pexels, Ervina Susan, Valeriia Timofi, Artulina | Canva Pro


You might not know this, but as of Saturday, your astrology shows that you're about to enter a particular joyous season. Come to think of it, you probably could use the good news that's coming your way. You've got the transit of Mars in Gemini to break down the doors to make way for this joy and merriment, and that sounds pretty good to you.

Sometimes, that's how it works out, Scorpio. Sometimes, you just have to get out of your way so that the good stuff can enter the picture, and the exciting thing about this season of joy that's about to hit is that it's long-lasting. This isn't just about July 20. It's about everything that follows.

So, there's much to look forward to, which will also require your belief. If you can let this kind of love and kindness into your heart, then the joy part will snowball into more and more and more. Now, this is what it's all about, and it's finally coming your way, Scorpio, so let's make some room!

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3. Aquarius

3 Zodiac Signs Enter A Season Of Joy On July 20, 2024 Engin Akyurt from Pexels, Ervina Susan, Valeriia Timofi, Artulina | Canva Pro

Season of joy? You know you're in! You are all about having a joyful life. You've seen enough hard times to know a good thing when it comes your way. On Saturday, you most certainly will say 'yes' to the idea of joy coming into your world. You feel optimistic about the whole thing; all that does is make more of it.

You can deal with that, too. The idea of using the Law of Attraction to create an even better experience than you're already having is something you are pretty used to. When Mars in Gemini opens the gates to the concept of happiness, you don't stand in the way. You allow it to happen, and by working 'with' the universe, you allow the gifts to flow.


You can make this season of joy last as long as you wish, Aquarius, as this is really up to you in the long run. You know that life comes with its give and takes. You expect that nothing lasts forever, but that certainly isn't going to stop you from experiencing the joy while it's here, and it's here, right now, Aquarius.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
