Struggle Ends For 3 Zodiac Signs Starting On July 20, 2024

We don't have to explain ourselves.

struggle ends for zodiac signs July 20 2024 diluck, mechichi, Good life Studio via Getty Images Signature, Alexandre P. Junior from Pexels and iconsy | Canva Pro

July 20, 2024 brings us some harmonious Mars-Neptune energy, and as astrology tells us, this is when we break free from struggles and find out just how strong we really are. So much of the deal is about recognizing one's own strength. We're told all our lives that 'we are so strong,' but what does that really mean?

In this case, as it goes on Saturday, the strength we will muster up to break free is the strength that comes from three zodiac signs in the form of self-respect. Ah, yes, that. There's another one of those things that we're all 'supposed to' have, and yet, do we? Saturday gives us a chance to know that, yes, we most definitely do respect ourselves.


That self-respect allows us to walk away from a disrespectful situation without explaining ourselves. Sometimes, breaking free from struggle also means walking away without explaining why. We know why, and that's all we need. That's how Mars works in harmony with Neptune at this time and helps us to consider ourselves 'free finally.'

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Three zodiac signs break free from struggle on July 20, 2024.

1. Aries

3 Zodiac Signs Break Free From Struggle On July 20, 2024 acambium64 from Getty Images, Pri Patricio, anna-r


If there's something you need to break free from, Aries, it's more than likely something you'll deal with head-on during this day, as there's much Mars energy in your path. It's all there to help you get past whatever it is that has been blocking your way. You're going to feel that energy in your soul, and you are going to come to a major realization.

You have struggled for far too long with the concept of self-respect. You've come to see that the words are empty and that you are no longer content to pretend that you respect yourself. Now is the time to get real with that idea. No more empty promises or false beliefs.

July 20, 2024, brings up the idea that if you are to break free from your personal struggles with self-respect, then it's now or never. If that means 'fake it 'til you make it,' then so be it. You will do what you must do to feel good about who you are and how you process life. All of this is positive and productive, Aries.

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2. Sagittarius

3 Zodiac Signs Break Free From Struggle On July 20, 2024 acambium64 from Getty Images, Pri Patricio, anna-r

We all have our struggles, and in truth, nobody knows what it's like to be 'us.' You, Sagittarius, have your path to walk, and you feel that so much of that path has been invaded or trod upon by others who do not necessarily have the right to be there. You've given up a bit of yourself to other people, and on July 20, you will reclaim your path.

You have struggled with the idea of being polite versus being honest. What this has led you to is a life of bowing and scraping for people who expect this of you. You have never been comfortable with this, and it's become a struggle for you to stand up for yourself.


Fortunately, during Mars in Gemini, you finally take a stand and lay down your boundaries. From this date forward, you will only act on what feels comfortable to you. Your struggle is over, and you will remain true to yourself from now on. You will still be graceful and polite, but you will also remain firm about what line can be crossed and what line must never be stepped over.

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3. Pisces

3 Zodiac Signs Break Free From Struggle On July 20, 2024 acambium64 from Getty Images, Pri Patricio, anna-r


Neptune energy works well for you on July 20, as this day lets you know that your struggle is over and that the things you knew were true about yourself ... actually ARE true. This means that you're in better shape than you gave yourself credit for you, mentally and emotionally.

This day provides you with a clear idea of who you are, which leads you to the understanding that you've struggled too hard for the kind of understanding from others that isn't necessary. You are who you are; you need not explain this to anyone anymore.

Because it's a Neptune transit, you can look inwards for answers as this is your ruling planet and will definitely come to your aid in times of need. You've struggled with the idea of just being yourself 'as is,' and after this day is over, you won't feel any pull towards living up to anyone else's expectations.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
