4 Zodiac Signs Are Blessed With Good Fortune On July 19, 2024

There are no sudden surprises today.

Zodiac Signs Are Blessed With Good Fortune On July 19, 2024 ivanastar from Getty Images Signature, Alice from Alice-s-images | Canva Pro

When we have a transit such as Moon Square Neptune on July 19, 2024, we look at how we overcome obstacles and face that we dread head-on. 

Neptune's astrological energy shows us that we have thought about this quite a lot, and we are now ready to release the toxic energy of our lives to welcome the good fortune that we feel is our destiny.

Moon square Neptune specifically reveals to four zodiac signs the power of good fortune, and how it works for each individual is both specific and all-reaching.


What we will call 'good fortune' during a transit like Moon square Neptune is more like feeling happy with one's lot in life. There are no sudden surprises today. However, there is a feeling of acceptance and contentment. We have overcome the pain, and now 'everything' looks promising and hopeful again.

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These four zodiac signs will have good fortune on July 19, 2024.

1. Virgo

Virgo Zodiac Signs Are Blessed With Good Fortune On July 19, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro


You are starting to see that you are the one in charge of changing your fate. It's nice to know that you still have many people you can depend on when it comes to major change and attracting good luck into your own life. You're the magic charm here, Virgo.

You learn that if good fortune is part of the manifestation plan, then you had better get your plan together because you suddenly 'see the light.' You are open to happiness and good fortune now.

You've also come to know that there are certain people in your life who just 'need to go.' You don't want to hurt their feelings, but you really can't entertain their 'ways' any longer as you've come to see them as hindrances to your good fortune. On Friday, you get real with them, unlocking more good vibes and great fortune for yourself.

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2. Sagittarius

Sagittarius Zodiac Signs Are Blessed With Good Fortune On July 19, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro

You are blessed with good fortune, and it takes the form of you being able to set boundaries. While this may not sound all that glamorous in terms of 'good fortune,' you'll know exactly what this means as you put this idea into practice this Friday.

By setting boundaries in your work life, you show those you work with that you indeed have your limits. You can give all you can provide, but you must make it known to those you work with that we're all in this together, and that means we all have to respect each other and the limits we set.


An ancient expression speaks of a great leader who, by example, sets the tone and lets their teamwork without being ever-present. This is how Moon square Neptune affects you. You do not want to be pressured as you find that counterproductive, and you know that if you are respected in this manner, you can only bring good fortune to others. Respect begets respect.

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3. Aquarius

Aquarius Zodiac Signs Are Blessed With Good Fortune On July 19, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro


During the transit of Moon square Neptune, you will find it easy to understand what your next move needs to be. This is more than likely business-related. You feel you are destined for greatness, which is not delusion. You are making all the right moves to step into such greatness, so why not start on July 19?

What's happening is that you feel the time is right. You feel as though you are due some good fortune. While it's not usual to decide whether or not something as ephemeral as 'good fortune' is up to us, you are taking the lead on this one, Aquarius. You have decided it's 'time.' Interestingly enough, you summon the powers within Moon Square Neptune for help.

You may not be conscious of this, but you are working with the universe hugely at this time, and because you believe that you are in line for greatness, you'll see that greatness seeks you out. This day is one of the best in your personal history, so enjoy your Friday, Aquarius!

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4. Pisces

Pisces Zodiac Signs Are Blessed With Good Fortune On July 19, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro

Good fortune comes to you in the form of friends, Pisces. On July 19, during the transit of Moon square Neptune, you'll see that old arguments and past misunderstandings seem to vaporize into thin air as you and a few friends consciously decide to let bygones be bygones.

This is indeed great fortune, Pisces, as who among us wants to drag around that heavy resentment for a lifetime yet? Not one of us, and while you might find that you are the ringleader of such good fortune, you'll be well supported as you are not only the friendliest of the bunch but also the one that makes the most sense.


So, expect a rousing success today regarding how good it feels to be back together again with people who really meant a lot to you at one point and fell by the wayside due to ego-related issues. In the long run, love is the only thing that rules the day, and if there's an issue, then take it up with management. You're all about love, sweet love, and the great friendships you've made in this fantastic life of yours.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
