3 Zodiac Signs Change Their Own Lives For The Better On July 19, 2024

Bring it on, baby.

Zodiac Signs Change Their Own Lives For The Better On July 19, 2024 Tanya Gupta from pexels, Chikovnaya, Mariia vasileva from Getty Images | Canva Pro

July 19, 2024, offers us a Capricorn Moon to guide us and see us through the changes we know we have to take on. Here's where we see our astrology come into play, as we recognize that change must occur. Yet, we see our fears come to light. What to do about this?

Well, for three zodiac signs, this Friday is the day we decide to tackle those fears and rid ourselves of them once and for all. This Capricorn Moon is here to show us that we can do it, that we can overcome that which has forever held us back, and that if changing our lives for the better is what is required of us, then bring it on, baby.


Three zodiac signs will recognize this day as the day we changed our lives for the better. There's no looking back and no backing out. We want to be happy, and we've figured out how to make that happen. While it may take some time to realize it fully, we're already there, as the Capricorn Moon lets us feel good about the change we are now implementing.

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These three zodiac signs tap into the energy of July 19, 2024, and change their own lives for the better.

1. Virgo

Virgo Zodiac Signs Change Their Own Lives For The Better On July 19, 2024 cundra, Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni | Canva Pro


You have decided to change your life and to stay on that path; you need to know that you are clear about your intentions. During the Capricorn Moon, that clarity of thought rings like a bell. You will find that change is not only your destiny on July 19; it's your calling.

You have taken stock of everything that has kept you back, and you take full responsibility for being the person who keeps yourself 'stuck.' You want no part of this anymore, as you've started to cherish life in new ways that disallow self-pity or self-doubt. You want this change and plan on making it 'real.'

That's why it's so good to be working with the Capricorn Moon, as there is no better transit than this one for reflective thinking. You can clearly see yourselves during this event, allowing you to focus on exactly what you need to change.

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2. Libra

Libra Zodiac Signs Change Their Own Lives For The Better On July 19, 2024 cundra, Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni | Canva Pro

When you commit to an idea, you need to get out of your way, Libra, because you really do mean it when you decide to change something about your life. On July 19, one such change will begin to take shape in your mind, and because the Capricorn Moon is also influencing you, the 'dead serious' part is in effect as of now.

You have seen how, by not sticking to the plan, you have let yourself fall into the abyss. You aren't happy wallowing around in this place that you identify as 'a self-pitying hole,' and you are really and truly ready for major, positive change. It's enough. You still have life in you, and you're not prepared to roll into a ball.


This Thursday, you are making the moves towards intense change. While there might be people in your life who will advise you to 'go slower,' we all know you won't listen ... is there really a need to go slower when you feel so energetic and ready? For you, the Capricorn Moon has you following your heart, which could end up being great for you, Libra.

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3. Sagittarius

Sagittarius Zodiac Signs Change Their Own Lives For The Better On July 19, 2024 cundra, Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni | Canva Pro


Change comes to you in a surprisingly efficient manner, as you now know that the quickest way to change your life is by allowing yourself to say "NO." You say it, Sagittarius. On July 19, 2024, the ability to say 'no' is like opening the doors to a cage you put yourself in a long, long time ago.

So, during the Capricorn Moon, you'll free yourself from that self-imposed cage because you finally dare to tell those who want something from you that you are no longer there for their needs. We're not talking about the people you love and honor. We look directly at those who mean to take advantage of you.

You have always been a kindhearted person. You've never wanted to let anyone down, but by being this way, you've also let yourself be taken for granted. By not saying 'no' when 'no' was needed, you tricked yourself into believing it's all OK. July 19 has you knowing exactly what is OK and what is NOT OK. You'll tell whoever needs to hear it a great big 'no,' which will change your life, Sagittarius.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
