The Universe Has A Specific Message For 4 Zodiac Signs On July 19, 2024

Four zodiac signs will trust in this 'inner voice' and will act accordingly.

The Universe Has A Specific Message For 4 Zodiac Signs On July 19, 2024 FoxGrafy, Sino Studio, Don White - Art Dreamer from Getty Images | Canva Pro

July 19 brings us a Capricorn Moon, and with it comes clarity and the ability to finally act on something we may have been holding off from doing. This Friday, our astrology shows us that because of this transit, decisions get made, but nothing is done without thinking things through first.

In order to feel 'right' about those decisions, we first must stay open to the specific messages given to us by the universe. So, this becomes one of those 'trust days' when we have to trust in the invisible. 


What guides us today is nothing we can see with our eyes, as true guidance comes from within ourselves. We can tap into that reservoir of wisdom by closing our eyes and turning our attention within. This is where we can hear the universe speak clearly and without external distraction. They will trust in this 'inner voice' and will act accordingly.


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On Friday, July 19, 2024, four zodiac signs will hear a specific message from the universe. 

1. Taurus

The Universe Has A Specific Message For Taurus Zodiac Signs On July 19, 2024 brunassaraiva, solarseven from Getty Images Pro | Canva Pro

You've had something on your mind for a while, and all you've been waiting for is some kind of sign from the universe that tells you whether your instincts are right or wrong. You'll find that during the Capricorn Moon on July 19, what you thought was the 'right' answer most definitely is.


This is when you feel like you're working with a superpower that has your back. All you need is clarification, and that's when the Capricorn Moon comes in with exactly the kind of guidance you want. Now, you can confidently make your move, knowing that the universe is backing your choice here.

When you put your trust in the universe, you see that the universe responds in a very honest and open way. So much of this is possible due to the placement of the Moon, which, while in Capricorn, works very specifically to clear things up. You've got your answer now, Taurus, and you can move forward.

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2. Gemini

The Universe Has A Specific Message For Gemini Zodiac Signs On July 19, 2024 brunassaraiva, solarseven from Getty Images Pro | Canva Pro


When you pick up on a specific message on July 19, 2024, you'll know that what you have right now is exactly what you're supposed to have. You have wanted more than what you presently have, but you haven't made any moves to get 'more,' so it's really a matter of asking the universe for a sign: "Is what I have all I need?"

Yes, what you have right now, Gemini, is definitely all you need. During the Capricorn Moon, you'll see that it's best to accept your fate rather than fight it all the way. Besides, what you have 'right now' is great, and it's up to you to perceive it that way. If you spend all your time trying to find the flaws, then that's all you will ever find.

That's why this day is a turnaround for you, Gemini. During the Capricorn Moon, you feel a little more pragmatic and much, much less dramatic about how you judge yourself. You've gotten yourself into a rut, believing that you are dissatisfied with your lot in life. Yet, if you look around, what you've got is a lot better than what others have. Be grateful, and the universe will open up to you.

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3. Cancer

The Universe Has A Specific Message For Cancer Zodiac Signs On July 19, 2024 brunassaraiva, solarseven from Getty Images Pro | Canva Pro

On July 19, you'll feel you need proof that real change is taking place, as you feel you've put in the time and energy to make it so. If you haven't seen the results as of yet, then the universe is telling you that the timing is off and that patience is required.

You, being a Cancer, can adjust to that kind of thinking, as patience is really one of your virtues. With the help of the Capricorn Moon, you get the hint: take your time and hold on. It's not over until it's over, and if this universal hint implies that you'll get what you want if you just hang on a little longer, then so be it.


That's how your Cancer nature works well with a transit like Capricorn Moon. You've got what it takes to endure. When the universe lets you know that you will indeed reach your goal, you'll feel fine about waiting just a little longer for it all to manifest the way you envision it.

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4. Scorpio

Universe Has A Specific Message For Scorpio Zodiac Signs On July 19, 2024 brunassaraiva, solarseven from Getty Images Pro | Canva Pro


Because you are a strong and demanding person, you find it difficult at times to be patient or, worse, to be told 'no.' While you won't be told 'no,' you will know that what you want to take place cannot happen today and that this is something you'll need to deal with.

This is how the universe tells you, very specifically, that you need to relax and just go with the flow here. During the Capricorn Moon, things like practicality are required, which means you're going to have to set aside that wildfire of yours so that you can work with the reality at hand.

If there's a message here, it's the one that tells you not to be so pushy, to know that the universe definitely has your back and that you'll get all you need if you just relax and believe that you're OK. Don't drive yourself crazy, Scorpio. The universe is telling you to lay low, chill out, and believe that all good things are coming your way.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
