3 Zodiac Signs Being Tested By The Universe On July 18, 2024

It's OK to see ourselves as less than perfect.

Zodiac Signs Being Tested By The Universe On July 18, 2024 roman-amanov, Olena Kiyan, Amelia from Rimela Studio, stock-eye from Getty Images Pro | Canva Pro

On July 18, 2024, several of us are going to feel as though the universe is out to get us, and maybe not in a negative way, but in a way that feels like it's testing us. Our daily horoscope shows us that we've got a Uranus alignment taking place and that the Sun is involved as well. What this implies is that we're going to be facing ourselves in the mirror to see if what we think is so great is really all that great.


OK, that doesn't automatically sound too good, but that's alright. Here's the thing: Uranus energy hits three zodiac signs with the ability to get very introspective. This is when we get to see that maybe we need a change, or perhaps it's OK to see ourselves as less than perfect.


We might already be there, so being tested this way doesn't always sound like fun, but that's where Uranus meets its match in the Sun. This means that whatever we 'see' on July 18, we'll recognize the change we need to make, and we'll make it. 

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So, if the universe wants to test three zodiac signs on July 18, 2024, we'll see it as a challenge worth accepting. Get it?

1. Gemini

Gemini Zodiac Signs Being Tested By The Universe On July 18, 2024 Likanaris, naysar, sparklestroke | Canva Pro


When the Sun aligns with Uranus on July 18, you'll feel like something is going on, and you're not sure you like it. You may feel confused at first, but there's more to it than just confusion. It's as if you're on the verge of discovering something big, and yet, it won't reveal itself yet.

Now, this feels like a test of patience and stamina. All you want from this day is to know where you stand on a particular topic. This could have something to do with a romantic partner, or it could be work-related. What's going on is that you're not getting the answers you need, and it's driving you batty.

While this test may not get you relief, you can rest easily so that, at some point, you will know what's going on and be able to move on with your life. The only real drag about this day is that you, yourself, may end up making it worse than it is. In all honesty, there's nothing wrong. It's just that you don't like the feeling of being 'tested.' That's all.

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2. Leo

Leo Zodiac Signs Being Tested By The Universe On July 18, 2024 Likanaris, naysar, sparklestroke | Canva Pro

What irks you about July 18 is that you think you can make it all right when, indeed, you're surrounded by chaos. What makes it all feel like the universe is testing you is that you aren't the cause of the chaos. You are, oddly enough, the voice of reason, and by being this, you aren't being heard — that isn't very pleasant.

Still, it's best to remain calm and know that eventually, the chaos will burn away, and your true 'voice of reason' will be listened to. It's just about getting through the day without banging your head against a wall. This naturally leads to the idea that there's a person involved and that 'they' are the test.


Can you handle this, Leo? Of course you can, and of course you will. It's just one more notch on your belt of 'things I survive for the sake of work.' Yes, you make it all so dramatic, but the reality is that by being the voice of reason here, you show those around you that it's not worth the chaos and that someone of your caliber should not be tested this way. You are worth more.

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3. Virgo

Virgo Zodiac Signs Being Tested By The Universe On July 18, 2024 Likanaris, naysar, sparklestroke | Canva Pro


You promised yourself that you would not yell at your romantic partner or make them feel small. You have started to understand that this is more 'your' problem than it is theirs. You've also wanted to become a kinder, gentler person in general, as you see that when you love, you feel better yourself.

Then, the Sun aligns with Uranus, and all heck breaks loose in the world of your relationship's world. Oh, how you want to hold back and 'be the change you want to see in the world.' Yet, that partner of yours ... WOW, do they ever test you? This is how the universe uses your partner to show you what you can and cannot do.

So, yeah, you're being tested for authenticity on Thursday, and Virgo, this is a bit thin. If you can tone down your tendency to lash out, then you may end up feeling very, very good about yourself. Yes, your partner will probably always be your biggest test, but then again, they will always be your partner, so it's a little give and take you've got going on. Be grateful!


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
