3 Zodiac Signs Have Lucky Horoscopes From July 29 - August 4, 2024

Embrace the luck of new beginnings.

lucky weekly horoscopes July 29 - August 4, 2024 john knight / LPH Images, Artulina, and KoolShooters / Pexels via Canva

A new beginning is always filled with luck, even if it arrives differently than you expected. When the universe taps you on the shoulder and lets you know it's time to move ahead, then the only choice is to listen. 

Embrace possibilities, believe in the best, and let yourself move in the direction of your soul knowing that it’s time to make all of your dreams come true.

The week of July 29 brings a beautiful New Moon in the sign of Leo, while Venus returns to Virgo. Both occur on Sunday, August 4, helping you understand that you are in charge of the choices you make. While the New Moon holds the promise of luck and abundance, Venus reminds you that you must allow life to change when the time comes — even if it’s different from what you had planned for. 


Try to trust your instincts in the week of July 29, do your due diligence and reflect on future plans, and also let yourself be moved by what calls to you, knowing that your soul will never steer you wrong.  

3 zodiac signs will experience luck in the week of July 29 - August 4, 2024:

1. Sagittarius

sagittarius lucky weekly horoscopes July 29 -August 4, 2024 george lovic's, brunassaraiva | Canva Pro


It’s time to think bigger and act bolder, dear Sagittarius. You are meant for so much more in life than you’ve been settling for; the only question is why you have let distractions deter you from your destiny. With the lucky New Moon in Leo on Sunday, August 4, you will be propelled into new territory and will receive a divine nudge from the universe to start embracing life again.

On this journey of life, it’s normal to go through cycles as part of your growth. Whether it’s learning to be more committed, focusing on building a foundation or even making sure that your health is cared for, it’s normal to have ebbs and flows. However, at certain times, these important phases can take you away from your true nature and result in you not feeling like yourself

Luckily, the universe will always allow you to step back into your authenticity and remember that you were put in this world to learn, explore, and experience as much as you can.

Make a promise to start embracing life more expansively, Sagittarius. If there’s been a trip, educational program, or even a new beginning that has been calling to you – this is your sign to take charge and do it. Don’t worry so much about what you have been investing your energy into, but instead, recognize that it’s time to shift gears and get back to being the explorer of the zodiac. Only by embracing all that life has to offer you will you be able to manifest the luck and abundance you’ve dreamed of.


RELATED: 20 Defining Sagittarius Traits And Characteristics

2. Capricorn

capricorn lucky weekly horoscopes July 29 - August 4, 2024 george lovic's, brunassaraiva | Canva Pro

There are only a certain number of plans that you can make, Capricorn, before it’s finally time to make your move. As much as you try to plan for every situation or even every scenario, you also need to recognize that a certain level of bold risk will always be involved when trying to make massive upgrades to your life. Yet, this risk shouldn’t deter you from taking action but instead confirms that you are on the precipice of achieving everything you’ve ever wanted for yourself and your life.


On Sunday, August 4, Venus will return to Virgo and will bless your life with abundance, luck, and the ability to take those risks with greater trust. Venus governs love, but it also helps to instill a greater sense of wealth, and even feel more positive about starting new ventures and seizing opportunities. 

On the same day, the New Moon in Leo asks you to start something new and embrace changes in your life, together creating a powerful surge of energy that will help you intuitively know not only are you meant to take action — but that it will all turn out better than you could have even imagined.

While you already have the planning process covered, Capricorn, work on preparing yourself to take a risk or even a leap of faith in accomplishing your dreams. This may be around relocation, business opportunities, romance, travel or even finally letting those self-limiting beliefs go. This is your time to finally take that risk you’ve been planning for, knowing that there is nothing to fear when you have the luck of the universe behind you.

RELATED: How To Keep A Capricorn Madly In Love With You


3. Cancer

cancer lucky weekly horoscopes July 29 - August 4, 2024 george lovic's, brunassaraiva | Canva Pro

It’s time to cast off whatever you’ve been carrying, Cancer, and embrace this abundant new beginning in your life. With the New Moon in Leo on Sunday, August 4, you’ll see a turnaround in finances, and the universe will help you know precisely what you deserve from life. 

Don’t let anything that you’ve been through make you question or doubt what is possible for your future. Take everything as a lesson, and then try to believe that the new beginning you’ve been waiting for is finally arriving.


The New Moon in Leo on Sunday, August 4, brings a new financial beginning for you—but it also positively improves your self-worth so that you have no problem being clear about what you want in your life. To prepare, try to reflect on your current finances, taking care of any debts you may have, and also what ideas or dreams you’ve been having about starting your own business or passive income. 

This new beginning may also bring a sudden influx of money into your life, but you want to make sure you invest this in what you want for your future instead of just something that might bring joy in the moment.

You are being given everything that you need to focus on your future instead of all that you’ve been through this year. As much as it’s been hard at times and even confusing, that cloud over your life is finally lifting, and with it, a return to abundance arrives. Let yourself raise the stakes in your life; ask for what you really want, research starting your business, or even plan that summer holiday you’ve been dreaming of. This is your new beginning, Cancer, so make of it what you have been dreaming of.


RELATED: Your Chinese Zodiac Sign's Lucky Number


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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.
