3 Zodiac Signs Overcome Relationship Challenges The Week Of July 22 - 28, 2024

When Pluto is involved, you can’t hide in the shadows from truth forever.

Written on Jul 20, 2024

Zodiac Signs Can Overcome Their Relationship Challenges The Week Of July 22 - 28, 2024 dottedhippo from Getty Images, svetikd from Getty Images Signature, Syam Raqiya | Canva Pro

Three zodiac signs may experience a test in their relationships the week of July 22. While it may seem obvious that anything, secrets or otherwise, that is kept to yourself will eventually take a toll on your relationship. But sometimes, certain truths or feelings may not always appear to be potential break-up material. In this case, it’s the quiet simmering of guilt, frustration or even disgust that ends up boiling over into a situation in which the only remedy is to escape the connection altogether.


Pluto is known as the lord of the underworld, purging your most hidden secrets and shadows from the depths of your soul — just as it may do for your partner. But Pluto is also known as the zodiac alchemist, meaning it is meant to help you improve, though you will have a conscious choice over what you do with the truth. 

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Pluto figures heavily into astrology during the week of July 22. This week, there may be very heavy energy, and you will likely be as affected personally as your relationship will be. But it can lead to healing. You just have to sort out what is real and what is only your fears because, regardless, they both make up your truth.


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Three zodiac signs can overcome their relationship challenges starting July 22 through July 28, 2024.

1. Leo

odiac Signs Can Overcome Their Relationship Challenges The Week Of July 22 - 28, 2024 Eduard Litvinov, Tais Bernabais | Canva Pro

It may seem like your relationship is already over as the week of July 22 begins, Leo, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that everything you’re thinking is actually real. Pluto is retrograde in Aquarius, highlighting your romantic history, lessons and even heartbreak. That could bring up some baggage, especially if you have been cheated on or otherwise betrayed, making you think your current partner is doing the same – even though likely they aren’t. 


Try to spend some time, even journaling, evaluating what is real versus what is a wound. This will help you ground yourself before exploding or having any conversations so that you don’t project your fears onto your current partner.

On Monday, July 22, the Sun in Leo will oppose retrograde Pluto in Aquarius, creating an urge to do something; however, you will be taking action based on your fears and past wounding rather than the truth. You can save your relationship, but be careful not to accuse your partner of doing activities they aren’t or going around badmouthing them to mutual friends. 

You can’t protect yourself from love and still hope you will receive it. While it’s hard that all of this hurt is returning to the surface right now, you can work through it to actually receive the love you deserve. If you bring anything to your partner, try to tell them how you’ve felt triggered recently, sharing your feelings rather than simply pointing the finger at them, as this will allow more conversation rather than simply ending in a breakup.

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2. Libra

odiac Signs Can Overcome Their Relationship Challenges The Week Of July 22 - 28, 2024 Eduard Litvinov, Tais Bernabais | Canva Pro

It may not seem like there is any reason to stick around in this relationship, Libra, but that may also be you finally seeing the light. You are being urged to embrace new possibilities in your life, even to relocate to that particular place where your soul feels at ease. But the reality is that your relationship has been holding you back from living your life. Of course, you didn’t want it to be this way, but now you realize that this connection is more a product of your childhood wounding than true love. Remember, you can always make a different decision and choose yourself; you just have to know that you are worth it.

Mars in Gemini will create a moment for a profound epiphany with retrograde Pluto in Aquarius on Tuesday, July 23. This will merge together the energy of healing, romance, and commitment with the allure of abundance and beautiful new beginnings. While you’ve hoped and even tried to have your partner come around for this next part, they really aren’t meant to. 


Even if you succeeded in convincing them to, they would only bring you down and make it about them, when in reality, this era of your life needs to be all about you. There really doesn’t seem to be much to salvage in your relationship at the moment, Libra, and it may end up being an issue of going no contact, especially if you’ve begun to wonder if your partner has any narcissistic traits. Listen to your inner voice, and never forget what you deserve.

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3. Scorpio

Zodiac Signs Can Overcome Their Relationship Challenges The Week Of July 22 - 28, 2024 Eduard Litvinov, Tais Bernabais | Canva Pro


You may feel rather confronted by the truth, Scorpio, especially as Neptune in Pisces forms a karmic alliance with retrograde Pluto in Aquarius on Sunday, July 28. You have felt like you’ve been doing your best, but you’re still not seeing how much power you have over your life and what you can create. Even if you think you don’t have a choice, you actually always do. 

It might not be something you’re ready to make, but it always exists. You just have to decide how long you want to put off your own happiness for the comfort of others. This really is an opportune time in your life, even if it means walking away from the life you’ve known because nothing new will grow where you already are.

Try to spend more time with yourself during the week of July 22, even meditating, grounding yourself, or sleeping, because as the truth comes to the surface, you will need to feel your best self. Pluto in Aquarius helps bring about the truth about your home life and relationship, while Neptune in Pisces reminds you of everything you’ve ever wanted for yourself. The only issue is that what you want is not what you have


Try to empower yourself with affirmations and understand that nothing is just going to happen to change this because, as part of your journey, you will need to be the one to make those difficult decisions. The longer you delay listening to your truth and making the hard choices, the more challenging it becomes. Try to take what arises and realize it’s your job to do something with it so you don’t live another day in regret.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.
