Each Zodiac Sign's Luckiest Day Of The Week For July 22 - 28, 2024

Healing will always allow you to attract greater luck.

woman in front of zodiac sign luckiest day calendar Good Faces via Unsplash / spirit111, viviamo and margiartho via Canva

The luckiest day of the week of July 22-28, 2024 for each zodiac sign is here! This week begins with the start of Leo season, which is always a time for boldness, playfulness, and a bit of drama and emotional outbursts. But it’s a positive time, one that allows you to focus more on what you want so you feel as if you’re not only happier but living more in your purpose. 

As Mercury returns to Virgo on Thursday, July 25, it may feel as if you have to slow down your excitement for the future as you are encouraged to put more effort into planning it. This isn’t to stop you from achieving your dreams this week, but you do need to ensure any leap of faith that you make is only to reach the new life you’ve already built.


Asteroid Chiron stations retrograde in Aries on Friday, July 26, just ahead of the Last Quarter Moon in Taurus on Saturday, July 27 — and this is when you will be more reflective of your healing process. Chiron is known as the wounded healer, the one that must learn only itself can heal what hurts the most, yet by doing so is also able to finally step into greatness. 

Take this energy and make the most of it as you realize that you must lean into your healing so that you can be sure you are profoundly moving from a place of truth – and your higher self. Because once you do, you’ll see just how easy it is to attract the luck, abundance, and the life you’ve always dreamed of.


Find your zodiac sign's luckiest day of the week for July 22 - 28, 2024:

list of luckiest days July 22-28 zodiac signs D GraPx / Canva


Luckiest day: Saturday, July 27

Lucky theme: Wealth begins within

The Last Quarter Moon rises on Saturday, July 27, and will help you finally learn what it means to truly abundant, Aries. While you can often focus more on your eternal wealth in your salary, bank accounts or anything that can give you a definable proof of your worth, you will now be guided within. 


You can’t attract the long-lasting abundance you seek if you’re still wondering if you are worthy of it. Whether it’s money, peace, happiness, or even love, you first need to know that you can build a sense of wealth within your soul. This allows you to attract and seize new opportunities and paths in life that can help deliver precisely what it is you’ve been wanting.

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Luckiest day: Thursday, July 25

Lucky theme: Plan for your dreams


Happiness is something you can plan for, Taurus, and it becomes your central focus as Mercury shifts into Virgo on Thursday, July 25. Once the planet of communication returns to Virgo, you will become dedicated to taking inventory of your life. 

Whatever isn’t contributing to your happiness or joy must go, while you also might determine that you need to start creating more time for what does. This could also involve a specific relationship in your life and being able to finally mend some fences so that you can enjoy more of your personal and home life. 

Just remember that unless you take the bull by the horns so to speak, you won’t be able to make any progress on the changes you seek.

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Luckiest day: Monday, July 22

Lucky theme: Reveal your truth

The Sun enters brilliant Leo on Monday, July 22, and helps you to step out of the shadows and reveal your truth to the world. Your truth is often, and not surprisingly, a mutable event, as you tend to shift perspectives based on what environment you are in or what you are focusing on at the time. While being open-minded is always of benefit, it doesn’t mean you can’t benefit from making some important decisions. 

Try to embrace opportunities to make definitive decisions about what you want for yourself and consciously allow your truth to be revealed. This will also prevent any frustrations from building which could result in rising tempers, too. 


You may have been over-questioning a particular decision in your life, but now you’re realizing that there is nothing to be gained from prolonging this process. It’s time to finally choose — not just yourself, but your truth.

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Luckiest day: Friday, July 26

Lucky theme: Become who you really are

It isn’t always easy to grow, Cancer — but it is always worthwhile. There has recently been a great deal of energy in your life asking you to focus on your career and those dreams that you have for yourself. But you’ve been distracted by other matters, so much so that in many ways you’ve neglected your own path. 


As you start awakening to this desire within yourself, you are also realizing that it’s a matter of healing that has been holding you back from your dreams of professional success. Once Chiron stations retrograde in Aries on Friday, July 26, you will suddenly understand exactly what it is you need to do. There is no longer anything standing between you and everything you’ve ever wanted.

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Luckiest day: Friday, July 26

Lucky theme: No regrets

You may find that certain opportunities are better when they come with second chances, Leo. It’s normal to carry a certain amount of regret, even if you are grateful for where you are in life. But when something or someone is genuinely meant for you, then you can’t miss out on it. 


Certain aspects of your life truly do come with the guarantee of fate, and it seems as Chiron stations retrograde in Aries, you will be given a divine second chance at something very close to your heart. 

But you need to make sure you’re not jaded or skeptical at the return of this offer or person — don't let your pride stop you from seizing it. Try to recognize how you have grown since you first encountered this opportunity so that you will feel more confident in understanding that just because it wasn’t meant to work out then, doesn’t mean it won’t now.

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Luckiest day: Saturday, July 27


Lucky theme: Attract your worth

You must understand that not everyone sees life the way you do, Virgo. You have a unique way of always feeling hopeful for what the future might bring, even if it seems challenging in the present moment. And no matter what life delivers, you also always have a plan. This intuitive plan you don’t often share with others is all about what you hope to experience, create, and enjoy in your life — and it helps to always keep that compass pointed forward. 

As the Last Quarter Moon rises in Taurus on Saturday, July 27, you may find that you have to believe in yourself and overcome the doubt of others to continue creating the life of your dreams. Don’t let anyone take away your certainty and realize that if others are expressing doubts, it doesn’t matter, because your path is solely yours.

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Luckiest day: Thursday, July 25

Lucky theme: Embrace your intuition

As Mercury returns to Virgo on Thursday, July 25, your dreams will take center stage. Virgo energy governs over dreams, intuition, and healing, so as Mercury shifts into the grounding nature of this earth sign, you can expect to move through an incredibly valuable process. 

With so many new beginnings surrounding you right now, you need to make sure that you’re making choices from the healthiest and most authentic place within yourself. If not, you could end up living someone else’s dreams, so it is imperative that you lean into the healing energy of Mercury in Virgo so that you can receive the benefits this transit has to offer.


Don’t be dismayed if you find yourself reflecting on some inner child healing, even if you thought you wrapped that up already. There is always more to learn, and in this case, it really could make all the difference.

RELATED: How To Heal Your Inner Child, According To Your Moon Sign


Luckiest day: Monday, July 22

Lucky theme: Bold moves

Prepare yourself, Scorpio, because you’re about to get everything you’ve ever dreamed of for yourself. As much as this may seem like great news, especially because it’s all about making bold and successful career moves, it seems that you are still carrying out some concerns over your ability and worthiness.


Logically, you might know you deserve this success — but it would be worthwhile to spend some time with your inner child making sure they are ready for this new chapter, too. You wouldn’t want to hold back from taking an amazing opportunity simply because there was a part of you that isn’t quite sure if you deserve it. 

Realize that to achieve the professional success you crave, you must also work through what you’ve been through in your life that made you doubt your worthiness. And try to talk more positively to yourself, especially about your abilities, because the universe is always listening.

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Luckiest day: Monday, July 22


Lucky theme: Just do it

You shouldn’t have any problem with this new energy, Sagittarius, so long as you are committed to manifesting your most pressing desires. Once the Sun returns to Leo on Monday, July 22, you will feel greater confidence in making big moves, saying yes to new opportunities, and getting back to living life on your own unique terms. 

It doesn’t mean that everyone in your life may like it or that they will all be able to join you, but it’s time that you stopped thinking you were somehow limited by what you are able to create. You don’t ever want to reach the point where a dream has died within your heart, so you are being guided to just do it. Start the project, book the ticket, check out that degree program — whatever it is, realize that you are responsible for the life you lead — which also means you must be the one to create it.

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Luckiest day: Thursday, July 25

Lucky theme: Slow and steady wins the race

As much as you love new opportunities, Capricorn, you don’t tend to be a fan of anything that pops up unexpectedly. As Mercury shifts into Virgo on Thursday, July 25, you are being given a chance to plan not just for your future, but for new adventures and experiences that speak to your soul. 


You don’t always have to feel like you must live life according to the book or follow the rules of others. While rule-breaking has its time and place, you may just find that you have to decide what’s best for yourself rather than simply following the blueprint of others. 

Don’t worry, you won’t have to take a giant risk (at least just yet), but you should start focusing more on what you want for your future than you have been so that you can feel the abundance that is possible — as long as you let yourself expand your beliefs.

RELATED: How The Sun & Mercury Changing Signs Affects Love Horoscopes From July 22 - 28, 2024


Luckiest day: Friday, July 26


Lucky theme: Healing comes in many forms

Luck and healing aren’t always thought of as partners, Aquarius, but for you, that will ring true as Chiron stations retrograde in Aries on Friday, July 26. Chiron represents healing, but the sort that you can work through within yourself. Your self-healing may involve conversations with others, gatherings or even workshops, but there is a particular person in your life that you also may need to heal matters with. Healing doesn’t mean that everything will go back to the way it was, but only that you will be able to move forward with greater authenticity and confidence. 

Try to give yourself time and reflect on the healing you want to do within yourself and life before approaching any conversation. While it might not be easy to approach this necessary conversation, it will open the door for greater healing, growth, and luck to finally be able to find you.

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Luckiest day: Friday, July 26

Lucky theme: You are worthy of it all

You are being reminded that you aren’t who you used to be, Pisces, which also means you don’t have to ever worry about life going back to some distant time in the past. You have grown, and even if there is still more to do, don't let yourself slip back. 

As Chiron stations retrograde in Aries on Friday, July 26, it's time to honor all the work you’ve done around self-worth and the connection to financial abundance. This means calling in payments that you are owed, reasserting your boundaries, raising your rates, and moving with the clear intention of attracting even greater abundance into your life. 


You have already learned so much in this area. This is a chance for you to embody it more deeply so that you can feel confident the life you are creating is truly based on how much you deserve. And Pisces, never forget that you are worthy of it all.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.
