Relationships Improve Significantly For 5 Zodiac Signs The Week Of July 15 - 21, 2024

Be so focused nothing can deter you from love.

Relationships Improve Significantly For 5 Zodiac Signs The Week Of July 15 - 21, 2024 KvitkaNastroyu from Getty Images, Leslie Hnatiuk, milanvirijevic from Getty Images Signature | Canva Pro

When it comes to relationships, especially those that are significant, it can be easy to let distractions interfere with your connection or even make it difficult to improve matters. While distractions can come from work, friends, or your own pursuits, they also can come in the form of a new romantic possibility that seems like it’s what you’ve always been looking for.

While affairs can prolong an outgrown relationship, it’s not the same as improving one, so when Mars returns to Gemini on Saturday, July 20, you have to be very careful about your choices. Mars in Gemini can help you understand more of what you need to do to improve a connection and even show you what you need so you can move forward in a new way. But, you also need to resist distractions that come from the temptation to have an affair, which Mars in Gemini presents.


Jupiter will also be in Gemini as it aligns with Neptune in Pisces on Thursday, July 18, which will test faith in your relationship or partner. Jupiter and Neptune promise romantic and spiritual growth if you do things right. You may have to take a leap of faith to decide what you want or what path to take in your relationship. If you are brave enough, you can feel confident you are on the right path. 


All this energy will cumulate with the Full Moon in Capricorn on Sunday, July 21. The Full Moon in Capricorn is the second of two lunations within this earth sign, so it’s important to pay very close attention to endings at this time. The first Full Moon in Capricorn occurred on June 21, and so now, a month later, something is definitely leaving your life, but the good news is it’s not necessarily your relationship but potentially the distractions that kept you away from embracing the love you’ve always dreamed of.

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Relationships could improve significantly for five zodiac signs starting July 15 - 21, 2024.

1. Sagittarius

 Relationships Improve Significantly For Sagittarius Zodiac Signs The Week Of July 15 - 21, 2024 Gambar Pastel Studio, Blixa 6 Studio | Canva Pro


You stand to get everything you want, Sagittarius, but you are also balancing on that delicate line of losing it. There has been an enormous surge of growth in yourself and your relationship this year, but you’re questioning the process or even getting frustrated with the slowness of it all. With the North Node in Aries all 2024, you will focus more on marriage, commitment, and even creating that family you’ve always wanted. 

To do so, you'll need to heal the parts of yourself that have sabotaged relationships in the past. With Jupiter currently in Gemini, being joined by Mars on Saturday, June 20 – there is a strong focus on making a particular relationship work, but it could also be the final tipping point to explore where it appears the grass is greener. Regardless of what path it feels like you’re on, there is still benefit for you because the relationship you’re in now may not be meant to last forever. But how you choose to proceed will make all the difference. 

Instead of letting yourself text that person from work late into the night, try to reconnect with your partner. Open up a conversation with how you’re feeling, or even suggest taking a weekend getaway to bring some adventure back into your connection. You can hold space for this process as you figure out your next steps, but you can also still decide to show up as your best self for whatever it holds.

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2. Aquarius

Relationships Improve Significantly For Aquarius Zodiac Signs The Week Of July 15 - 21, 2024 Icons8, MD. REZUAL KARIM, Masha BAr | Canva Pro

Although you may not be especially feeling it, there is a theme of romantic commitment in your life, Aquarius. While you are already experiencing the profound effects of Jupiter in Gemini, which may very well bring about a marriage or decision of commitment in the next year, you may not totally be able to decide whether this relationship is the one for you. Themes of value figure heavily into this situation, as well as really opening up and speaking your truth, remembering that you are not responsible for what your partner does with the information once you do. 

It may seem confusing that your partner feels so committed and certain while holding in to this frustration, but that is only because you’ve still been holding back. You can’t be your full self if you fear the change your truth could cause. And this love you have, Aquarius, is very much the real deal, but you must start approaching it more authentically if you want it to last.


Mars will return to Gemini on Saturday, July 20, joining Jupiter there and adding to the romantic focus as Mercury and Venus are in Leo. Conversations, plans, and even actions will figure heavily into what comes next, but you must ensure that your actions align with your truth. Spend some time reflecting more on how you have been showing up in your relationship and even how you’ve communicated with your partner. 

See where you could have done better, including being more honest. Then, make your own plan for moving forward, trusting that once you actually let your partner in on everything that has been on your mind, you may find that any challenges resolve themselves.

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3. Cancer

 Relationships Improve Significantly For Cancer Zodiac Signs The Week Of July 15 - 21, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images | Canva Pro


Holding space for transitions and endings is crucial right now, dear Cancer. You have been through a great deal this year so far as you’ve moved away from the old and begun your path toward the new love you’ve always desired. But even an ending takes time to move through, so it won’t happen all at once, even if you want it to. You are ready for this new chapter in love and deserve a fresh beginning while putting the past fully behind you. 

You need to hold space for this process a little longer. The Full Moon in Capricorn on Sunday, July 21, should help with this process, even if you find you have a bit more clearing to do once Pluto retrograde returns to Capricorn in September. For now, it’s enough to let this release wash over your life so you can invest more in your new chapter.

You better understand who you are and what you want from love. While a new romance has already begun to bloom in your life, it seems you’ve been having difficulty trusting yourself and knowing whether it’s different. While this is only something you reflect on, it’s important also not to let anything, or even anyone, from the past make you doubt your decisions. 

You can’t base the future on the past, and while it’s hard to move forward as certain matters are still playing out fully, it doesn’t mean you have to wait for a perfect time. Let yourself lean into this new love, give yourself space to see how it all plays out, and never let someone who never knew how to love you determine this new phase of your life. You might have to embrace boundaries, but what you’re creating now will be worth it.


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4. Virgo

Relationships Improve Significantly For Virgo Zodiac Signs The Week Of July 15 - 21, 2024 artist4love | Canva Pro

No matter how it may seem, there are no guarantees regarding love. But, Virgo, that doesn’t mean the process isn’t worthwhile or even that what does end up manifesting won’t be up to your standards. You’ve been tentatively testing these new waters of love, focusing on your relationship, and even more so, setting up a life together. But something is falling short. In this case, it may be worthwhile to see whether there is truly something wrong in your connection or if it’s only a difference of expectations.


You might find that practicing more gratitude and seeing your partner for all they do allows you to see that the relationship you have created is far better than anything you imagined at one point. Be ready to take a leap of faith as Jupiter in Gemini aligns with Neptune in Pisces on Thursday, July 18. This leap of faith is about creating more space to enjoy the relationship and seeing how your partner shows up once you stop telling them how to. Try to see your partner as who they really are, enjoying the unique way they show love for you instead of focusing on checking any boxes.

Of course, if a particular matter is important to you, then compromise is in order, but sometimes, you can become so focused on having the perfect relationship that you forget to be present for the one right in front of you. Embrace moments of quality time and even words of affirmation as you fully embrace your partner's presence and love.

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5. Scorpio

Relationships Improve Significantly For Scorpio Zodiac Signs The Week Of July 15 - 21, 2024 Gambar Pastel Studio, Blixa 6 Studio | Canva Pro

Your future isn’t going to create itself, Scorpio, which also means you need to be more proactive in deciding exactly what it is you want. You have such an incredible depth and way of loving yourself, but all too often, this means you end up with parents who don’t love you how you need to be or even take you for granted. While you’ve done an amazing job healing many of those toxic patterns in your romantic life, it still seems you’re settling for less than you deserve. 

While it’s normal to want to protect yourself, if love is what you want, then love is what you need to focus on. Whether it’s an aspect of your life, career, or even relationship, great changes don’t just happen. Instead, the universe will often sit back and see what your first move is to be able to tell what you are ready for in your life. As Jupiter in Gemini aligns with Neptune in Pisces on Thursday, July 18, this is your chance to believe in yourself, in what you want for your life and in the love you’ve always wanted.


While there might have been ideas, dreams or even hopes of a particular relationship working out, you are looking for something new and different. This means not only are you trying to have a relationship you have never had before, as you’re hoping for it to be healthier and more reciprocal – but you’re also afraid of it not working out simultaneously. 

You can’t be afraid of something and open to it simultaneously. To seize the opportunities for divine meetings in the week of July 15, you must allow yourself to release the fear that somehow you aren’t meant for what you most want. Let yourself have some faith and even trust in the universe that as you open to receive, you will also finally attract what you’ve always wanted.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.
