Struggle Ends For 3 Zodiac Signs On July 16, 2024
This is a time of good fortune and great self esteem.
During the Moon trine Saturn transit on Tuesday, July 16, 2024, we will notice something very special taking place for three zodiac signs. We feel less burdened as if our struggles are finally and officially ending. As astrology guides us toward an understanding of what's going on, we see that not only is this possible, but it's probable.
This is a time of good fortune and great self-esteem. We are living proof that if we put our minds to healing, we heal. It's that simple, and in the same breath, we can say the same for some of the personal struggles we've lived through. We can struggle only so much before we realize that we no longer have to carry that weight around.
The struggle ends for three zodiac signs on July 16, and so much of it takes place because the Saturn energy that guides us on this day rules over our sense of rigidity. We feel like becoming "unstuck" on this day. We are no longer glued to our struggles; we no longer identify with certain needs, and this recognition is what sets us free, permanently.
The struggle ends for 3 zodiac signs on July 16, 2024.
1. Taurus
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With Moon trine Saturn helping you out on this day, July 16, you'll know for sure that whatever you've been through, it's somehow worth it. That doesn't mean it wasn't hard or that this struggle wasn't ultimately heartbreaking; it simply means that if you hadn't been in that place then, you would be where you are, right now, on this day.
Saturn's energy shows you that you are unlimited if you take the initiative to become that way. In other words, the struggle is real but surmountable if you decide to do so. This day brings this lesson into super clarity, and in a way, you feel grateful for the struggle as you are who you are now because of it.
And this lesson resonates throughout the rest of your life and adds strength to your character. You know that there's a beginning, middle, and end to all stories and that, while yours has come with much struggle — it 'ain't over 'til it's over' as they say. You are grateful, happy, and glad to be alive. Your struggle is over.
2. Scorpio
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The amazing part about Tuesday is that you notice that the heaviness that you are used to carrying around is no longer there. Where did it go? The vibe that you can no longer pick up on has dissolved into the universe, Scorpio, and during the transit of Moon trine Saturn, you'll know why: you made it through to the other side.
The struggle you've been in has finally come to an end, and while you might not recognize it 'officially' as of yet, you'll see that slowly but surely, things start to look better. You did yourself a good turn somewhere along the lines, and that made it possible for you to let go of problematic situations.
Being that you've just come out of one recently, you may still feel a little raw and on edge, but as this day progresses, you'll get used to the feeling of being confident and filled with positive ideas once again. July 16 lets you know that 'good things come to those who wait' and that the wait has finally ended. Yes!
3. Aquarius
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There's much that you could complain about, but you've started to tire of hearing your own voice, as you know there's so much more to life than sitting around picking things apart. You have struggled with anxiety and obsession, and you finally feel as though it's time to break free. With the help of Moon trine Saturn, you do just that, Aquarius.
You've known for a while that you are the one who has prevented yourself from really enjoying a fulfilling life, and so much of it is due to fear. Fear of rejection, fear of...acceptance. You are no longer enamored with fear as it definitely has shown its expiration date, and on July 16, you will kick it to the curb, as they say.
It's time for you to acknowledge yourself as the hero here; you are no longer accepting limits, as you crave excitement, life, love, romance, and all that comes with it. You want to live freely, and you aren't going to let fear stand in your way any longer. Saturn's energy shows you that the limits you set are yours to make and keep, and you will flat-out reject such a notion on July 16, 2024. The struggle is now over. You win.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.