Dreams Come True For 3 Zodiac Signs On July 7, 2024

Jupiter helps us to expand on a thought...perhaps all the way to making it come true.

woman manifesting dreams july 7 Michael Dagonakis via Unsplash / margiartho and spirit111 via Canva

We may be sitting around doing not much of anything on Sunday, July 7, 2024 but that may be the key to how we're able to drum up the energy to manifest our dreams. Astrology tells us that we're in luck around this time, as we've got an abundance of Jupiter energy to draw upon. And as we've learned, Jupiter helps us to expand on a thought... perhaps all the way to making it come true.

This Jupiter transit will affect three zodiac signs in just the right way. We who have been dreaming and scheming will finally have a lightbulb moment when we recognize that this does not have to remain in our heads any longer. We can manifest our dreams, and we figure out how to do this on July 7.


So, it's a good thing that we're resting and relaxing because that's how we're able to find the peace to focus. Jupiter rules Sagittarius, as well, which brings in the idea of focus, concentration, aim, and execution. We can do this!

3 zodiac signs see their dreams manifest on July 7, 2024

1. Taurus

taurus dreams manifest horoscope july 7 Onehourhappiness Creative and spirit111 from pixabay / Canva


You've got some big plans in mind and you know that if ever there was a time to start them, it's going to have to be sooner rather than later. What you'll find happening on Sunday, July 7, is that you can't keep those thoughts in any longer. You have to make something happen, and this is the day you start putting your money where your mouth is.

If you feel supercharged and excited on July 7, it's because Jupiter is revving up your engines letting you know that what you've got inside your mind cannot and will not stay put any longer. You are here to manifest those dreams and you know it's going to happen, starting on this day.

You feel a rush of courage, as well, which is also very much a 'side effect' of Jupiter's big planet energy. Nothing is small for you, and your dreams are long terms and broad-scale. You will accomplish what you put your mind to, Taurus, and it all begins on July 7, 2024.

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2. Gemini

gemini dreams manifest july 7 Onehourhappiness Creative and spirit111 from pixabay / Canva

You know yourself all too well, Gemini, and you have come to realize that you have amazing dreams and schemes — but if you don't seize the day, then you'll once again push those dreams onto the back burner. But with Jupiter's massive energy on your side on July 7, there's no way that's going to happen.

You are about to take this Sunday and make it into 'Day One' of your master plan for the manifestation of one particular dream of yours. You now see that the universe is giving you the green light and you absolutely do not want to miss out on this cosmic opportunity. And you won't, because you're charged up with Jupiter energy.


It may be a Sunday, but you are playing as if it's Monday morning, and what you have in mind is no longer going to remain a thought — you are bound for action. You feel you owe this to yourself and if manifesting a dream into reality happens to be your specialty, then we will stand back and applaud your grand efforts. Go, Gemini!

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3. Aquarius

aquarius dreams manifest july 7 Onehourhappiness Creative and spirit111 from pixabay / Canva


You have been waiting on a dream for a very long time, and while you've never dulled your resolve, there's something going on in the universe right now and you might want to be aware of it. You've got this massive positive energy coming down on you due to Jupiter's position in the cosmic sky and it's here to help you manifest that dream of yours into reality.

This begs the question: are you ready for it? Are you ready to manifest this dream? Because it's really taking place and you'll see some serious signs of it happening on Sunday, July 7. This brings up the idea of 'be careful what you wish for, it might just come true.' You need to think about this, Aquarius.

You have had a dream in your mind and you've convinced yourself that this really is what you want — but Jupiter opens that mind of yours up even further so you can ask yourself if this is indeed the dream you wish to manifest. In other words, you're being given one last chance to back out, so think carefully on this topic. Good luck!


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.
