What The Universe Will Provide For Each Zodiac Sign Between June 24 - 30, 2024

We'll see many powerful astrological transits taking place June 24 - 30.

man with zodiac signs seeing what universe provides june 24-30 Tânia Mousinho via Unsplash / GarahPix Designs, Artulina and sombrecanari via Canva

The week of June 24, 2024 presents a lot of potent energy beginning with the Moon in Aquarius making a conjunction to Pluto earlier in the week, bringing more changes and deep evolution. The Moon will enter the sign of Pisces in the middle of the week, creating a beautiful story that will continue to unfold during the upcoming Saturn retrograde beginning on the 29th. Saturn will station direct on November 15, 2024, giving us plenty of time to contemplate and expand on the lessons we will learn. 


For the next several months, we will repeat some crucial messages that need to be echoed in a new way in order for us to let go and progress. This is the perfect opportunity to journal and see the changes we want to implement and the personal transformations we aim to achieve. Finally, the Moon in Aries sweeps us away bringing emotions filled with ambition and passion over the weekend.

What the universe will provide for each zodiac sign between June 24 - 30, 2024

Aries: Recalibration

what universe provides aries june 24-30 DEBZ / Canva


You start the week feeling inspired by your creativity as you explore your artistic side. If you have doubted your abilities, you can expect to feel more self-assured this week with the Moon in Aquarius allowing you to celebrate and appreciate all you have accomplished. 

The Pisces Moon may have you contemplating many things and when Saturn stations retrograde, it will be an opportunity for you to explore new things. The dreamscape or a good book will be places you will feel a lot more free during this period of learning how to give yourself a break when you are overworked.

Journaling prompt: Have you overworked yourself in the last six months? When was the last time you had a relaxing day off? Discuss how you will incorporate time to yourself this week.

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Taurus: Alliances

what universe provides taurus june 24-30 DEBZ / Canva

A week of triumphs and accolades awaits with the Moon in Aquarius and moving into Pisces, reminding you that you are a star when you have faith in yourself and your work. The energy this week may have you feeling centered and slightly more optimistic, a perfect time to get back to yourself. 

The week's big topic will be Saturn stationing retrograde on the 29th. It could be a transit that has you reflecting on the people in your life who have supported you as well as how well you have collaborated with others. Saturn may bring some changes to your dynamics with friends.


Journaling prompt: How have you been there for others in the last six months? Have you reconnected with old friends?

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Gemini: Personal growth

what universe provides gemini june 24-30 DEBZ / Canva

You are enjoying the current energy and how it brings you transformative qualities during this Saturn in Pisces transit. Prepare for more growth and learning now that the Sun has entered Cancer season. There is still a lot of work to do, but you are feeling prepared with Jupiter providing you with a valuable blueprint to stay ahead. 


Nevertheless, the week can also bring a dose of reality with Saturn stationing retrograde, enhancing some themes you have faced over the last year regarding your responsibilities and motivations. It is a period to evaluate your direction as well as how you want to expand on your personal growth.

Journaling prompt: Have you focused on your personal needs? What has Jupiter in Gemini taught you so far? What drives you to success?

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Cancer: Self-Love

what universe provides cancer june 24-30 DEBZ / Canva


The shifts that are happening now make you feel a lot more engaged with the people surrounding you. Your birthday season promises to bring you some excitement and happiness as long as you allow it. 

Expect surprises and healing with Jupiter in Gemini clearing out the negative energy for you and bringing new beautiful chapters. The Saturn in Pisces transit may bring more magic because it can show you how to prioritize yourself more, which allows you to see that you deserve to shine.

Journaling prompt: Discuss the ways you have shown yourself love in the last week. Have you spent some time with friends? WHat will be a gift you want to give yourself during your birthday season or during the next year?

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Leo: Routine

what universe provides leo june 24-30 DEBZ / Canva

Taking control seems a lot easier now with the Sun in Cancer reminding you to relax. If you are in a relationship, this week can be romantic and filled with charming energy. You will see how your communication and personal relationships are evolving. Single folks have an opportunity to socialize and reflect on what they desire for a future relationship. 

With Saturn stationing retrograde on the 29th, you may begin to feel like a warrior and champion prepared to take on the world. With the love and passion you have on your side, you may feel unstoppable.


Journaling prompt: Consider your growth over the last year and how you have managed to overcome challenges. Do you feel more powerful? Discuss the hobbies or activities that boost your confidence.

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Virgo: Awareness

what universe provides virgo june 24-30 DEBZ / Canva


Saturn stationing retrograde later in the week will prove to be a test for your relationships. The week begins with the Moon in Capricorn making a trine to your sign, prompting you to be more aware when it comes to your romantic life. 

The Saturnian energy continues with the Moon in Aquarius, allowing you to work with others and have fruitful collaborations, but Saturn will be a reminder that you need to dissect your boundaries. The transit may also teach you the importance of communicating effectively and listening to others.

Journaling prompt: How are you protecting your energy this year? Have your communication skills improved in the last year? Are you a good listener? If not, discuss how you will change this.

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Libra: Structure

what universe provides libra june 24-30 DEBZ / Canva

The transits this week bring in the magic, tenderness and excitement, giving you comfort and optimism as your potential awakens. Set your sights on something bigger with the moon in Aquarius expounding on your creativity and joy. 

With all of the love, there can also be a new appreciation brewing for your day-to-day routines. Saturn stations retrograde, leading to a moment where you evaluate the changes needed to make your days more exciting. You are feeling quite optimistic with Jupiter in Gemini making you look at the bright side, so this can be an exciting change of pace.


Journaling prompt: Discuss your daily routines. Are you satisfied with it? If not, how can you make it more enchanting?

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Scorpio: Inspiration

what universe provides scorpio june 24-30 DEBZ / Canva

Pieces to the puzzle begin to appear this week with the Moon in Aquarius allowing you to uncover some mysteries that may be tied to the Saturn retrograde transit. The creative energy you experience this season may be enhanced this week — a project at home can inspire you to make something new. 


It could also be a good time to see the work you do through new eyes. Your confidence is up this week and it could be a fruitful time to reconnect with a project and develop a plan that will allow you to stay on track. Saturn in Pisces is pushing you to learn the valuable things needed to master any project and challenge.

Journaling prompt: What are you focused on building for the next several weeks? Have you neglected any projects?

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Sagittarius: Confidence

what universe provides sagittarius june 24-30 DEBZ / Canva


If you have not felt connected with your potential, this week's astrology can be potent. The Moon in Aquarius can help your confidence radiate thanks to its conjunction to Pluto, emphasizing that you are gifted and skillful in your field. Moon in Pisces will reflect the Saturn retrograde transit, allowing you to see your different levels of achievement. 

Networking energy as well as your career or vocational goals are magnified this week. The message for this week is to continue climbing — you need to learn how to make good connections that help you get to the next level.

Journaling prompt: Are you second-guessing yourself? Have you been hiding your light from others? Have you felt confident in the last six months? Discuss the moments where you stood out in the last year.

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Capricorn: Elevation

what universe provides capricorn june 24-30 DEBZ / Canva

You're in for quite the educational week during which you will be more open to learning and exploring new terrain. You can see the impact of your choices as well this week, so if there are any misunderstandings, you are more willing to talk them through with others. 

With your ruler Saturn stationing retrograde, this can be a good time to evaluate the goals you may have set for yourself at the beginning of the year. It is also the perfect time to consider what you have learned and what skills you may be planning to continue mastering. Saturn wants you to elevate and you are prepared to give it your all.


Journaling prompt: How has your confidence changed in the last six months? What have you learned about your diplomacy? Are you being honest with your emotions?

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Aquarius: Introspection

what universe provides aquarius june 24-30 DEBZ / Canva


As you continue on this new path shaped by Pluto, you will be more conscious of the people in your life as well as the impact your community has had on you. You are evolving your perspective on many things, meaning your social circles are changing. 

When Saturn stations retrograde later in the week, it is the perfect period for examination. Consider your successes and failures over the last several months and piece together what you can learn from them. 

Journaling prompt: Have you been socializing a lot? How have the people in your life inspired you? 

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Pisces: Transformation

what universe provides pisces june 24-30 DEBZ / Canva


As Saturn’s latest apprentice, your curiosity is at a new peak with the energy pushing you to explore a new world. The aspirations you have now allow you to pursue greater things. Saturn continues to push you, and although the energy can feel challenging at times, you know you are on the right path. 

Over the last year, you have uncovered a lot of things about yourself and this retrograde transit will continue to help you metamorphose. Saturn is giving you a valuable guide that will continue to not only transform you, but also teach you to build a sturdy foundation so you can build upon it for years to come.

Journaling prompt: Evaluate the successes you have accomplished during this time. Where have you practiced the most discipline in the last six months? What things need to be changed?

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A.T. Nunez is an Afro-Latina Astrologer and philosopher living in NYC. She is passionate about astrology and aims to continue writing more about stargazing in the future.