Luckiest Day Of The Week From July 1 - 7, 2024, For Each Zodiac Sign

A dose of patience can make all the difference.

Luckiest Day Of The Week From July 1 - 7, 2024, For Each Zodiac Sign Engin Akyurt from Pexels, Valeriia Timofi, Ervina Susan, Shen Stock | Canva Pro

There is always a balance between knowing when to take action and when practicing a pause might be of greater benefit. This aspect of trusting the process isn’t so much about waiting for the perfect time but ensuring that you are in the place to receive all you have been trying to manifest. 

With the New Moon in Cancer on Friday, July 5, you'll begin a new phase in your life that will help you feel more secure and grounded, but first, you must lean into the reflection and patience that this week’s astrology will ask of you.


Neptune, the planet of illusion, stations retrograde on Monday, July 1, in Pisces. This is a time of finally seeing matters for what they are rather than what you hoped they were. While this can often bring shocking revelations, holding space for the truth is important. If you see that a particular job or opportunity wasn’t what you had thought, try to focus on the pivot you need to make rather than overworking to have it become what you wanted. Take the redirection because you will have more opportunities as the week of July 1 progresses.


On Tuesday, July 2, Mercury shifts into Leo, creating a bold statement and inspiring you to do the same. This energy allows you not to worry about saying something perfect but to honor your truth and what you want. Leo loves dramatic declarations, so don’t hold back; this is all about seizing what you have always wanted. 

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As you begin to feel empowered to manifest greater luck in your life, Venus and Mars, both in Cancer, will align with Saturn in Pisces, ensuring you are working for your dreams and bringing the divine reminder that patience now is better than regret later. Take small action steps this week, but also allow yourself to observe and be directed because the universe will always deliver far better results when you can trust the process. 

Here is each zodiac sign's luckiest day for the first week of July 1 - 7, 2024.


Luckiest Day: Tuesday, July 2


Lucky Theme: Focus On Your Joy

Luckiest Day Of The Week For Aries Zodiac Signs, July 1 - 7, 2024 Engin Akyurt from Pexels, Ervina Susan, Valeriia Timofi, Artulina | Canva Pro

Mercury, the planet of communication, shifts into Leo on Tuesday, July 2, and inspires you to make plans and focus on what brings the most joy into your life. You are currently in a reconstruction phase of your life, where you must focus on what brings you happiness. This won’t deter your dreams of success or wealth but will help you see what brings you the most positive energy and will also get the luckiest results. 


Make sure you aren’t only advocating and choosing what you want more of in your life but also open to accepting offers — no matter how unexpected they might be. Right now, the more joy you have in your life, Aries, the luckier you will feel.

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Luckiest Day: Friday, July 5

Lucky Theme: New Offers Coming In

Luckiest Day Of The Week For Taurus Zodiac Signs, July 1 - 7, 2024 Engin Akyurt from Pexels, Ervina Susan, Valeriia Timofi, Artulina | Canva Pro


The Cancer New Moon occurs on Friday, July 5, and helps to bring in multiple offers along with a new beginning, Taurus. You may receive opportunities in your career, life plans, or in that secret project you’ve been working on, but it’s not simply waiting for something to happen — but what you can do to attract that luck into your life. 

Focus on how you have communicated in the past, especially if there was a tendency to avoid certain topics or remain too fixed on a specific outcome. By challenging yourself to change how you approach matters of work, love, and life, you will be able to surrender to the flow of luck sweeping through your life.

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Luckiest Day: Thursday, July 4


Lucky Theme: Patience Is Part Of The Process

Luckiest Day Of The Week For Gemini Zodiac Signs, July 1 - 7, 2024 Engin Akyurt from Pexels, Ervina Susan, Valeriia Timofi, Artulina | Canva Pro

Mars in Taurus will align with Saturn in Pisces on Thursday, July 4, reminding you about the benefits of patience — especially in your career. You have been diligently working on your professional path, as you’ve wanted to embrace more of your purpose and not sleep on your dreams. You might have overlooked an important idea or intuitive nudge in this process, which is what the week of July 1 is all about. 


Try to slow down and let yourself feel rather than keep up the process of doing. You can’t rush success or divine timing, Gemini. So it would benefit you to pause, check in with yourself, and give yourself space to see the luck you’ve been seeking has already been inside of you this whole time. 

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Luckiest Day: Wednesday, July 3

Lucky Theme: Free Yourself

Luckiest Day Of The Week For Cancer Zodiac Signs, July 1 - 7, 2024 Engin Akyurt from Pexels, Ervina Susan, Valeriia Timofi, Artulina | Canva Pro


While wishing and manifesting are important parts of attracting luck into your life, you must also be so committed to what you want that nothing can stand in the way of success. Cancer, you are not being blocked by the universe, and there is nothing to fear at this time about what you are able to achieve — but you must see that for yourself. 

As Venus in Cancer aligns with Saturn in Pisces on Wednesday, July 3, try to become so committed to this new beginning you want to build you leave no room for failure. While you are attracting blessings into your life, you are also called to work for what you want because the more commitment you demonstrate, then the more amazing opportunities and blessings you will attract into your life.

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Luckiest Day: Tuesday, July 2

Lucky Theme: The Truth Is All You Need

Luckiest Day Of The Week For Leo Zodiac Signs, July 1 - 7, 2024 Engin Akyurt from Pexels, Ervina Susan, Valeriia Timofi, Artulina | Canva Pro

There are times in your life when you need to embrace more softness, gentleness, or decorum as you try to achieve success — but Leo, this is not one of those times. Let yourself step back into that radiant, unfiltered, bold, and, at times, brash self. Just be yourself. Mercury will return to Leo on Tuesday, July 1, and will help remind you that your innate qualities are beneficial, especially when it comes to attracting luck into your life. 


Promise yourself that you will not hold back from any conversation or opportunity to show others who you really are. You will have a way with words and a stronger presence during this time, so use it to your advantage and don’t bother hiding the best parts of who you are instead, let it shine to the world.

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Luckiest Day: Friday, July 5

Lucky Theme: Make A Wish

 Luckiest Day Of The Week For All Zodiac Signs, July 1 - 7, 2024 Engin Akyurt from Pexels, Ervina Susan, Valeriia Timofi, Artulina | Canva Pro


You might want to let yourself indulge in your more intuitive and mystical side as the Cancer New Moon rises on Friday, July 5. With so much water energy present, you are being asked to surrender and look at how you can go about matters differently, so it’s less work and more joy. Let yourself release the need to explain or plan in the week of July 1, and let yourself make a wish. 

Whether on a shooting star or through a New Moon Ceremony, let yourself embrace that divine connection with spirit and simply make a wish for what you are dreaming of. As much as you always have the practical issues handled, you will benefit more from reconnecting with the universe and trusting that it’s okay to believe in manifesting a certain luck if you can’t logically figure out how it will happen.

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Luckiest Day: Friday, July 5


Lucky Theme: Let Yourself Soar

 Luckiest Day Of The Week For Libra Zodiac Signs, July 1 - 7, 2024 Engin Akyurt from Pexels, Ervina Susan, Valeriia Timofi, Artulina | Canva Pro

As you begin the week of July 1, ensure you aren’t listening to anyone but yourself. Filter out the noise, the opinions, or the guidance of those around you and create space for you to be able to honor your dreams and what you feel like pursuing. The Cancer New Moon on Friday, July 5, will allow you to take flight with your career pursuits. 


To be in the place to seize this, you can’t be listening to anyone other than yourself — even if it’s a romantic partner. The Cancer New Moon will help you take your professional aspirations to a new level through a job offer, promotion, or the clarity to follow through on what you know you are meant to do. There is nothing you can’t accomplish when you can begin listening to your intuition.

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Luckiest Day: Friday, July 5

Lucky Theme: Make Your Own New Beginning

Luckiest Day Of The Week For Scorpio Zodiac Signs, July 1 - 7, 2024 Engin Akyurt from Pexels, Ervina Susan, Valeriia Timofi, Artulina | Canva Pro


Take some time for yourself, Scorpio, and try to remember the dreams that you once had for your life. The feelings are not just for luck or success but also for genuinely feeling at home within yourself and what you have created. This idea of home will arise with the New Moon in Cancer on Friday, July 5 — but it is not meant to hold you back but instead give you the valuable insight that can help you begin to move ahead. 

Transformation is one of your key works this year. Because of that, you will find that plenty of situations in your life will change, but if you can build that home within and also allow yourself to honor what you hope you will feel like in this new chapter, then you also will be more likely to take the divine redirections when they appear. You may receive an offer this week that feels too big or too good to be true — but all you have to do is remember that this is what you have always deserved.

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Luckiest Day: Tuesday, July 2


Lucky Theme: Don’t Second Guess Your Blessings

Luckiest Day Of The Week For Sagittarius Zodiac Signs, July 1 - 7, 2024 Engin Akyurt from Pexels, Ervina Susan, Valeriia Timofi, Artulina | Canva Pro

It’s futile to overthink and second-guess your blessings, Sagittarius. You’ve been working to change things for the better, not only financially and personally but also within yourself. So once matters start to seem like they’ve turned around and are finally starting to go your way, don’t waste time second-guessing your blessings. 


Mercury will return to Leo on Tuesday, July 2, and will be bringing in lucky offers, opportunities, inspirations, and chances for travel. This is everything you’ve been working toward, so take advantage of it, and don’t live your life in a state of waiting for the other shoe to drop. In life, you receive what you put in. So, this is evidence and confirmation of all you have invested in your big comeback.

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Luckiest Day: Tuesday, July 2


Lucky Theme: Advocate For The Change You Want

Luckiest Day Of The Week For Capricorn Zodiac Signs, July 1 - 7, 2024 Engin Akyurt from Pexels, Ervina Susan, Valeriia Timofi, Artulina | Canva Pro

Change doesn’t have to be a scary prospect, nor does it have to mean that you will be required to give something up. It can arrive exactly as you intended and with immediate confirmation that what you are moving into will be far better than anything you’ve walked away from. 


On Tuesday, July 2, Mercury will shift into Leo, asking that you become more forthright and adventurous in manifesting what you want in your life. Take a bigger risk, go out on a limb, and be more commanding in your presence. By taking charge of the change you want to happen, you’ll also be sure that you are directing the flow of events in your favor. In this way, you’ll see there was never anything to fear.

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Luckiest Day: Wednesday, July 3

Lucky Theme: Take A Second Look

Luckiest Day Of The Week For Aquarius Zodiac Signs, July 1 - 7, 2024 Engin Akyurt from Pexels, Ervina Susan, Valeriia Timofi, Artulina | Canva Pro


It would be wise to take a moment and give matters, especially those of a financial nature, a second look. This isn’t because something negative is coming but because you might have missed a bonus or opportunity to collect on a debt owed to you. Venus in Cancer will align with Saturn in Pisces on Wednesday, July 3, prompting a reflection of your finances. You will evaluate your boundaries with money and time investment in whatever is of the greatest value to you — even if that is your downtime or traveling. 

Use this to create space to receive a financial boost and also to start sowing those seeds for a new beginning in this area of your life. While you’ve been so busy focusing on what brings you happiness, you must remember that you are also responsible for creating and protecting it.

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Luckiest Day: Tuesday, July 2


Lucky Theme: Remain Strong In Your Intentions

Luckiest Day Of The Week For Pisces Zodiac Signs, July 1 - 7, 2024 Engin Akyurt from Pexels, Ervina Susan, Valeriia Timofi, Artulina | Canva Pro

Boundaries have become your new best friend, Pisces, even if you never imagined it possible. While you have been moving into that delicate space of learning which boundaries to continue and when to lower those walls to receive, you will have to focus more energy on what this process means for you. Mercury will shift into Leo on Tuesday, July 2, and will help you become more forthright and bolder in standing up for what you want and need. 


This will be essential in your personal relationships and help you navigate any professional challenges protect your peace and attract greater luck and abundance.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.
