The 5 Chinese Zodiac Signs That Are Luckiest In Love From July 1 - 7, 2024

Love will make their soul soar.

hese 5 Chinese Zodiac Signs Are Luckiest In Love On July 1 - 7, 2024 Bombdesign, Prachi Gupta from Pexels, InfinitumProdux, deemakdaksina | Canva Pro

Act out of love and for love, but know when to pull back and let the other person meet you halfway. That's the energy and theme around love this week; between July 1 - 7, 2024, five Chinese zodiac signs will be the luckiest of them all in love. They are: Ox, Dog, Pig, Monkey, and Rooster.

This week's I Ching hexagram of love is Earth over Earth (#2), changing to Earth over Mountain (#15). It reminds us never to take love for granted. Family ties won't matter, nor will physical attraction, if love is not nurtured, and complacency destroys what was once true and beautiful.


Instead, be present and know that you and your partner get to choose each other every day through your actions and care. There will be moments of mundaneness in the mix, along with moments of great pleasure, but the baseline must always be that of love. That's how you will unlock your luck in love. 


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The week of July 1 proves to be lucky in love for five Chinese zodiac signs.

1. Ox

1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021

Ox Chinese Zodiac Signs Are Luckiest In Love On July 1 - 7, 2024 med.asf from goodprintsshop, Tais Bernabe, suwillustrations, M.Wallflower, D Gra Px | Canva Pro


Ox, your luck in love this week is extra sweet! If you are single, you have more options coming your way than you realize now. Just make sure you are putting yourself out of your comfort zone more and socializing so you can allow this luck to trickle in. You don't even have to socialize with the direct intention of finding someone to date. This luck will shine even in unusual situations where one wouldn't think to look for romance.

If you are in a relationship, your luck in love this week is intuitive. Trust your gut when it comes to your partner and how you can strengthen your relationship. You will be pleasantly surprised when your gut instincts turn out to be rock-solid and true.

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2. Dog

1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018


Dog Chinese Zodiac Signs That Are Luckiest In Love On July 1 - 7, 2024 med.asf from goodprintsshop, Tais Bernabe, suwillustrations, M.Wallflower, D Gra Px | Canva Pro

Dog, your luck in love this week has a poignant feel to it. You are encouraged to let go of the unnecessary burdens you are carrying within your heart and allow yourself to open up to love once more. Whether you are single or in a relationship, this message will equally apply to you. Working with a therapist can help you unravel some of the knots, too, and understand that someone mistreating you doesn't make you the problem but makes them the problem always.

You are also encouraged to practice self-care and engage in other activities that bring you joy, whether alone or with your partner and/or friends. Your luck will bloom when you actively pursue happiness for yourself and peace for your soul.


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3. Pig

1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019

Pig Chinese Zodiac Signs That Are Luckiest In Love On July 1 - 7, 2024 med.asf from goodprintsshop, Tais Bernabe, suwillustrations, M.Wallflower, D Gra Px | Canva Pro

Pig, your luck in love this week has a solid feel to it. If you are single, you are encouraged not to blind yourself to the red flags you observe in the people you date. Trust the first instinct because luck is here to match you with the one who's right for you. But it can't help you if you intentionally choose the path that takes you away from this luck.


If you are in a relationship, you are encouraged to think more holistically about your love life with your partner. What will make both of you happy without the need for unhealthy compromises that keep pinching you inside until you boil over with anger and resentment? That's the key to your luck this week in love. Sometimes, it's the realization that you may be with someone who is not for you, and other times, it's a recognition that you chose right because they are 100% in it with you.

RELATED: The 5 Chinese Zodiac Elements And Their Meanings

4. Monkey

(1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)

Monkey Chinese Zodiac Signs That Are Luckiest In Love On July 1 - 7, 2024 med.asf from goodprintsshop, Tais Bernabe, suwillustrations, M.Wallflower, D Gra Px | Canva Pro


Monkey, your luck in love this week has a sweet feel to it, but don't underestimate its power, even if it's mysterious. If you are single, you are encouraged to be your true self and walk, talk, dress, and be exactly as you are. The light that shines from within you under such situations will attract to you exactly the right person for you. Just make sure they are shining in the same “be yourself” kind of way. After all, moths are attracted to the flame too.

If you are in a relationship, your luck in love is all about doing something special for each other this week after agreeing to surprise each other on a specific day. Then get to work! What do you think your partner will appreciate the most? Let those odd impulses take you to the most magical of places and realizations.

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5. Rooster

1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017


Rooster Chinese Zodiac Signs That Are Luckiest In Love On July 1 - 7, 2024 med.asf from goodprintsshop, Tais Bernabe, suwillustrations, M.Wallflower, D Gra Px | Canva Pro

Rooster, your luck in love this week has a glowing feel to it. If you are single, don't be surprised if you experience an overnight glow-up and suddenly become the hot topic that everyone wants to engage with. Just remember: it may feel flattering to have all that attention, yet only one or two people may actually be a good fit for you romantically. Let that guide you in your choice of dates and mates.

If you are in a relationship, your luck in love has an outdoorsy feeling to it. Be spontaneous and suggest a couple's weekend trip or a vacation. It can even be camping overnight to see the stars. Luck will bless you with unexpected experiences that deepen your love and help you see each other more clearly than ever before!


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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.
