Weekly Love Horoscopes For Each Zodiac Sign See Big Effects From Saturn Retrograde June 24 - 30

Big changes lie ahead as we gear towards a Saturn Retrograde in Pisces.

couple in front of saturn for weekly love horoscopes june 24-30 Drazen Zigic via Shutterstock / PS collections, margiartho and Hadiiiben's Images via Canva

Weekly love horoscopes for June 24 - 30, 2024, begin in the waning moon cycle of last week's Full Moon in Capricorn. This marks a period of rest, recuperation, and readjustments. Slow down a little and allow your love to thrive through the mundane everyday. Sharing a cup of coffee together will spark more love now than piling on too much in your calendar with dates and social events.

With the Moon transiting from Aquarius to Taurus this week, the love energy for the collective is definitely more fifth-dimensional at this time. You will want to find someone as caring about the community as they are about family.


The end of the week marks an important astrological transit as Saturn retrograde in Pisces will begin on June 29. 

@maylikethemonthh Posting early because saturn is moving so incredible slow right now getting ready for its retrograde so the effects could already be felt. Use this rx to become more aware & in tune with all of the changes that need to be made in order to find more stability & security within these 4 most important aspects of our lives. Mutable signs- you are half way there. In the end, we will thank saturn for doing exactly what needed to be done! Its time to wipe some slates clean, let go of our fears, & surrender to the possibilities. Love u 🩵🩵🩵 #onthisday #astrology #zodiacsigns #saturnsretrograde #saturn #gemini #virgo #sagittarius #pisces #zodiac #horoscopes ♬ Inspirational - neozilla

For romantic relationships, this transit can spell doom if one or both partners are unwilling to share the burden of chores and responsibilities. That's a blessing in disguise, too. After all, how can you build something lasting and good with someone who says they are your partner but doesn't act like it? Saturn is not here to play in this regard. 


Now, let's take a look at the weekly love horoscopes for every zodiac sign for June 24 - 30, 2024:


Best day for love: June 25

Key to Love: Happiness

Aries, love cannot thrive in fallow ground. Emotional availability is an absolute requirement for this, as is the desire of both partners to build something solid and lasting. Be honest with yourself about this. Are you truly ready for love? Is the person you are engaging with (or in a relationship with) also ready for love? 

Sometimes, people are an excellent match for each other, but times or external situations may not be favorable. Perhaps one of you has to study abroad, and so on. The key to your happiness is knowing what will truly make you happy and what's an unnecessary compromise.


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Best day for love: June 26

Key to Love: Finding the one

Taurus, they say, “never settle.” What does that mean to you? Does it mean doing everything you can to make sure you find the right person? Or does it mean living a content life and allowing fate to bring you the person who seems to “click”? Journal your answers. 


The energy of love this week for you is all about knowing the fine line between what's for you and what's just peer pressure or a fantasy crafted by society or social media. Meditation can help you with this, too.

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Best day for love: June 28

Key to Love: Taking care of yourself

Listen and learn. That's the message in love for you this week, Gemini. Sometimes, the best thing you can do to nurture a budding relationship is to be present emotionally and mentally. People often drop hints about what they need when they are shy or afraid of asking for what they want. Of course, it doesn't remove the need for proper communication, but it goes both ways. 


Also, make time for self-care too. Your relationship with yourself will often reflect in your relationship with the people around you. Strong people who love and respect themselves don't allow toxicity to take them down.

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Best day for love: June 29

Key to Love: Slowing down

Cancer, there's an unmet need within you. The cosmic forces will keep nudging and poking at this until you choose to address it, mainly because a lot of planets are retrograde at this time. 

Just remember: your pace and preferences are unique to you. There may be some overlap with other people, but you must still return to yourself and ground within for the most important needs. Especially those in love and romance.


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Best day for love: June 30

Key to Love: Creativity

Leo, you are a total rockstar! If you don't know that... but of course you do! Let this knowledge guide you in love. If someone thinks you are “too much,” they may be confusing incompatible baselines or the diversity of human personalities as something bad. You are just not for each other, that's all.

Focus on those you genuinely vibe with, and you will thrive. Make sure to let your creative side come out and play. Only awesomeness lies ahead on this path. Stepping out of your comfort zone and perhaps doing something that stirs your adrenaline is also indicated here.


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Best day for love: June 30

Key to Love: Hidden desires

Virgo, the energy of love this week is all about embracing your beauty and uniqueness. What emerges from that space of total acceptance will amaze you and the people around you. That's when you will realize why they say like attracts like. Your soul tribe and true soulmate will find their way to you. 

Those already in a relationship are encouraged to try something new this week. You will spark joy and fire into your love life. Where that takes you and your partner is up to the two of you!

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Best day for love: June 30

Key to Love: Hearts colliding

Libra, your voice will be your best friend this week in the arena of love. While this can be literal for some people who work for a radio station or have a soothing voice that draws people to them, for most of you, this message is about the way you speak more than the contents of the speech itself. Your manners always win your hearts wherever you go! 

With this in mind, don't be surprised if true love finds its way to you (if you are single) or you find yourself cozying up with your partner in more delightful ways than one. Hearts will collide when the joy runs deep.

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Best day for love: June 30

Key to Love: Self-reflection

Scorpio, the love energy this week can only be described through the love song “La Vie En Rose.” There's something vintage and charming about this energy. It's slow yet steady and steadfast. Whether you are single or have a partner, if you lean into this beautiful vortex, you will find yourself discovering new things about yourself and your romantic partner. 

Let spontaneity and heartfulness guide you. You are beautiful. Just make sure to balance this with alone time for self-reflection so you can nurture yourself just as well as you nurture your love.

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Best day for love: June 29

Key to Love: Grand adventures

Sagittarius, the energy of love this week is whimsical for you! Lean into it and experience the beauty that love can stir in our lives. This is not about literal beauty and aesthetic delight, though. This also refers to experiences that stir your senses and bring your imaginative side to the surface. 

You may find yourself inspired by this energy, too, and/or turn your partner or crush into your muse. Only grand adventures lie ahead on this path. Choose what makes sense for you, and carry on with confidence!

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Best day for love: June 29

Key to Love: Stillness

Capricorn, the energy of love this week for you has a sweet and silent feel to it. You will find yourself wishing for more alone time and introverted pursuits with your partner. If you are single, your desire to NOT go on dates will also be prominent. Communicate your needs if it comes to that, and find ways to honor your inner needs alongside the need to nurture a budding (or established) relationship. 


Only good things will emerge from this space. If you feel called to, now's a good time to create a love journal. Fill it with thoughts on love, relationships, and how you are growing and transforming through those interactions.

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Best day for love: June 27

Key to Love: Gabbing together

Aquarius, sometimes love thrives when you give it space. This is especially true for those of you who struggle with anxiety and push people away because you cling on too much or the other person clings too much to you. You are encouraged to communicate your needs and set better boundaries. 


Working with a counselor or therapist to help with relationship trauma in the past or memories that contributed to your attachment style is also indicated here. When you choose to do this, you will find the knots and hard places within you dissolving away, thus allowing you to engage with your romantic partner in truly heartfelt ways.

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Best day for love: June 25

Key to Love: Hugs

Pisces, sometimes the best thing you can do in love is just hug each other and cuddle in warmth and coziness. Talk softly to each other while in such a state and just bond. Keep some chips and munchies close by, too! 


You get to decide the trajectory of your relationship, but no one has said it has to look exactly like that of your friends or even your parents if they have a great relationship. You get to make your own rules and have fun along the way. What are you going to do first this week?

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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer, and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.
