The Universe Has A Specific Message For 4 Zodiac Signs On June 29, 2024

Saturn retrograde has us thinking things over.

The Universe Has A Specific Message For 4 Zodiac Signs On June 29, 2024 ototmedream and kevron2001 from Getty Images and Anna Subbotina all via Canva Pro/iconsy via Canva

With Saturn in retrograde on June 29, we may find that we are thinking twice before acting. Our horoscope tells us that because of this planetary action, four zodiac signs might feel hesitant about moving forward. This could be a good thing, and it may just be the universe's way of telling us to slow down.

It's easy enough to get caught up in the momentum of something, especially if it feels good and seems positive. Still, with Saturn in retrograde, we will be given that extra moment to think it over before we make the big leap. Something is happening on Saturday that looks like an opportunity, but it may be something we have to consider before signing on the dotted line.


Four zodiac signs will get a message from the universe on June 29, 2024.

1. Gemini

The Universe Has A Specific Message For Gemini Zodiac Signs On June 29, 2024 Kirill_Savenko | Canva Pro

Saturn in retrograde tells you to slow down. You'll get the hint in some very obvious ways this Saturday, as you'll be involved with something that gives you a good reason for pause. It seems that the universe wants you to think before you act, just in case something is missing here.


Because of this transit position in your astrological chart, Gemini, you're going to take notice of the universal message that seems to be telling you that you are not seeing something and that you need to look closer. This is a particular message, and you can only know what it really means, but you will get it. It will serve you well.

What the universe has in store for you is a more complete way of going about whatever it is that you're involved with right now. On June 29, you'll notice that you did overlook one significant but tiny little detail. Because Saturn is in retrograde, that detail will be seen and tended to, which will make the outcome so much more ideal and optimum.

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2. Leo

The Universe Has A Specific Message For Leo Zodiac Signs On June 29, 2024 Kirill_Savenko | Canva Pro


Leo, you're about to get a message from the universe that is going to stop you in your tracks. Get ready to open up your mind so that you can let this message in because during this highly potent transit, Saturn is in retrograde, and you will be taken aback for all the right reasons.

You might be just about to sign on the dotted line, but there's something here you are not seeing, and Saturn in retrograde is shouting to you to open your eyes and take a closer look. This could literally be a contract that needs reviewing, or it could be something more personal, like whether or not you hang out with a friend today. What's going on during Saturn in retrograde is that you need to think twice.

It's that simple, and you should be grateful that it isn't too complex. This Saturday will give you the opportunity to walk away if you don't like the conditions. So listen to your heart and pay heed to that universal hint, as it's making way for you to hear what you need to hear on June 29, 2024.

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3. Virgo

The Universe Has A Specific Message For Virgo Zodiac Signs On June 29, 2024 Kirill_Savenko | Canva Pro

If the universe is trying to send you a message, it's got something to do with the idea of not taking for granted certain things in your life. When Saturn is in retrograde, you may feel especially psychic, and this may lead to feelings that you need to process. Don't jump to conclusions. Yes, you are picking up on a lot of information, but the universe is telling you to process before acting on impulse.

You want to make sure that your ideas are actually taking place before you jump right in. That is why on Saturday, June 29, you will feel both the need to jump right in and do something impulsive, as well as hold back, as there's something here that you're not quite seeing.


If you can listen to this message and hold back before acting, you might be able to pick up on even more information, and then you can make your move. The big message for you that comes from Saturn in retrograde is to hold back before speaking up. You may just need a little more time, but right now, it's best to withhold.

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4. Sagittarius

The Universe Has A Specific Message For Sagittarius Zodiac Signs On June 29, 2024 Kirill_Savenko | Canva Pro


Saturn in retrograde has you understanding that big things are coming your way but that you can't get your heart set on them just yet. This means you need a certain degree of detachment, and that may be difficult as what's ahead of you looks so inviting and promising. That's all good, and on Saturday, June 29, you'll feel good about life, but the cosmos are telling you to wait a tiny bit more.

What you may feel is specific to your life is the whole idea that you know you can't fully believe in something until it's proven and right in front of your eyes. While you may just get that proof, during the Saturn retrograde, everything comes to a crawl, and it does so in order for you to look closely at what you're involved in.

All will turn out well, Sagittarius, and you can count on that, but it's that extra time that will make it so. You will appreciate that you have this kind of patience, and the universe will applaud your efforts by letting you know that you are strong and enduring. If all this Saturday brings you is perspective, then consider yourself successful.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
