3 Zodiac Signs Rise Above Challenges On June 26, 2024

Rise above a challenge? Piece of cake!

3 Zodiac Signs Rise Above Challenges On June 26, 2024 starscream, jessicahyde, Cheradie (Adie), Tanya Prpl, Porechenskaya | Canva Pro

When our horoscope predicts a challenge heading our way, we can trust that if we are fortunate enough to have a transit like Moon square Jupiter in our midst, we'll be ok. On June 26, 2024, we will see how this ability to grapple with a challenge becomes a piece of cake for three zodiac signs.

We need our challenges to grow. While we might not appreciate the particulars at the time, we will know that hindsight is 20/20. This means that whatever we have to go through to get where we are today, we can see that it had a purpose and that we came to learn great lessons from the challenges at hand.


Because of the transit, the Moon squares Jupiter, and we look at what blocks us from reaching our goals. That 'square' bit in the middle there is what keeps us back; that's our challenge. We're essentially on the road to Jupiter (symbolizing our potential for greatness), which means that to reach this lofty state of greatness, we must rise above the challenge that stands in our way.


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These three zodiac signs will rise above the challenges on June 26, 2024.

1. Cancer

Cancer Zodiac Signs Rise Above Challenges On June 26, 2024 Tais Bernabe, Eduard Litvinov | Canva Pro

You may not have been aware of the kind of power a transit like Moon square Jupiter has when you can utilize it. Still, on June 26, you're going to consciously or unconsciously take full advantage of a situation that is going to launch you into a whole new version of yourself: Cancer.


You know that change has been needed in your life, and it's completely up to you to make it happen. You have held yourself at bay for so long that you forgot that you are actually quite a courageous character and that obstacles and challenges are really no big deal to you. That's why this Wednesday really counts: this is the day you get your mojo back.

The challenge you have to face on June 26 is the one that shows you that you either move or stay in place for the rest of your life. You know you want to move and that you are quite tired of remaining stagnant. While the transit of Moon square Jupiter is in place, you get to open the door to get out there and live...this is your challenge, and it is up to you to rise above it, Cancer.

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2. Capricorn

Capricorn Zodiac Signs Rise Above Challenges On June 26, 2024 Tais Bernabe, Eduard Litvinov | Canva Pro


Work-related troubles have gotten you down recently, and you feel as though it's time to either stand up for your rights or slink back into that place where you must settle for something totally intolerable for you. This is a day fraught with challenges for you, Capricorn, and while you don't want to rock the boat, you may find that you have no other choice.

During the transit, Moon square Jupiter, you will see that you can literally envision what makes you happiest at the workplace and that all it takes is the ability to communicate this to those whom you work with. So, it's about getting up the nerve to speak and saying what's on your mind, knowing that you are not asking too much.

Your challenge of the day is about mindful confrontation. This is hard to deal with, but once you get yourself into the flow of it, you'll find that words come very easily and that your natural Capricorn charm works to get you out of a tight spot. This day brings you success, and so much of it is because you DO put in the effort to rise above the challenges.

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3. Aquarius

 Aquarius Zodiac Signs Rise Above Challenges On June 26, 2024 Tais Bernabe, Eduard Litvinov | Canva Pro

The challenge that presents itself to you during Moon square Jupiter is the one that has to do with you facing facts and knowing that you cannot remain in one place for much longer. You have gotten along at this one particular level of energy for most of your life. While it has kept you safe and sound, you realize that you need more in your life. That is very challenging to you, as you are not sure how to go about rising above it.

That's why Moon square Jupiter comes to your rescue on Wednesday, June 26, as it shows you that there is nothing to fear but fear itself, Aquarius. This is no ordinary cliche. It's the truth. You fear something that exists only in your mind, which has all to do with your ability to change. You fear the unknown, and it's holding you back.


This is your main challenge, and it is one that you will overcome during Moon square Jupiter. You will overcome it because you recognize the urgency to do so. You want more out of your life, and it occurs to you that this will never happen unless you get out of your way. So, on June 26, you will rise above this challenge and grab your victory.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
