3 Zodiac Signs Attract Wealth On June 24, 2024

We open our hearts to the concept of abundance.

3 Zodiac Signs Attract Wealth On June 24, 2024 Hibrida via Canva / The7Dew, Billion Photos | Canva Pro

Monday, June 24, brings us an astrological 'good luck charm' in the form of a transit called 'Moon trine Jupiter.' Jupiter is known for expansion. When in trine with the Moon, we may see that the expansion we are looking at here is the kind that takes place in the bank account. What's even better is that we don't stand in its way; we open our hearts to the concept of abundance.

When three zodiac signs say 'yes' to the idea that attracting wealth is a good thing and that it's OK to desire 'more,' then we instantly open up the gate to the universal flow of abundance. There is no harm in wishing for more, as we are not being greedy. We are putting in the work and believing with all of our hearts that the work will pave the way to the abundance we desire. With the Moon trine Jupiter in place, we will become magnets for wealth and success.


As soon as we give up the notion that 'money is evil,' we step up to the place where we can accept the idea of wealth as how we can get things done. When our hearts are in the right place, abundance and wealth seek us out. On June 24, during Moon trine Jupiter, three zodiac signs will come to know how this manifests as reality.

On June 24, 2024, three zodiac signs attract the wonders of wealth into their lives.

1. Leo

3 Zodiac Signs Attract Wealth On June 24, 2024 Deadframe Works Images and ilonarepkina / Canva


Because you are feeling particularly at ease with yourself these days, Leo, you are also unconsciously sending out a message to the universe that, in turn, becomes a communication. You are happy and content, allowing the universe to 'see' you as a magnetic force for goodness and abundance.

You can attract wealth to you at this time, and because of the transit, Moon trine Jupiter, this wealth can be magnified and strengthened. If you are receptive to it and push aside all doubt, you will see a magnificent return on your good vibes in the form of monetary reward and abundant good health.

June 24 is quite a great day for you, Leo, and your best way to receive its blessings is by showing gratitude and staying with the peaceful flow coming your way. Allow yourself to feel worthy of this kind of abundance, and you will see that it's only the beginning. Are you worth it? Oh yes, and more. This is a very prosperous time for you, and Moon trine Jupiter amplifies the feeling.

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2. Capricorn

3 Zodiac Signs Attract Wealth On June 24, 2024 Deadframe Works Images and ilonarepkina / Canva

What you've noticed about your life, Capricorn, is that not only does hard work bring you good fortune, but it's OK to want more, as your desires are not selfish but for the sake of others. You are, by nature, a very helpful person. On June 24, 2024, during the transit of Moon trine Jupiter, you will summon up the powers of the universe in the form of drawing money to you.

You believe in this abundance, and you are not only grateful for the experience of being someone who can attract wealth. You are also willing to share the results of such efforts. You are a generous and kind person who wants to help where you can. Money definitely comes as a happy but predictable reward.


During the Moon trine Jupiter, everything is doubled and expanded upon. So, if you affirm your abundant destiny, then you will see much manifest in that area. You do not shy away from universal blessings; in fact, you help to manufacture them daily. You are a great believer who 'shares and shares alike.' So when the universe bestows upon you abundance, you share it with others.

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3. Aquarius

3 Zodiac Signs Attract Wealth On June 24, 2024 Deadframe Works Images and ilonarepkina / Canva


You attract wealth because you believe you are worthy of it, but not only that, but it is something you trust is part of your fate. You feel as though wealth and abundance are your destiny and that you are merely stepping into what is already yours. In a way, Aquarius, you are right. If it exists in your life, then how could it 'not' exist as your destiny?

During the transit of Moon trine Jupiter, you'll see that June 24 is filled with great opportunities to make more and more money. While wealth isn't restricted to finances, it sure does help, and for you, you believe in all that is positive. You want the security and safety money can buy, so you manifest it by affirming it daily.

You don't feel you are better than anyone else or deserve it more than anyone. In fact, you are quite humble about your magnetic energy. You attract wealth and are grateful to be in such a position. With the Moon trine Jupiter as your helping hand on June 24, you will see that "it's good to be the king," as it were. Carry on.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
