The Universe Has A Special Message For 4 Zodiac Signs On June 21, 2024

The Capricorn Full Moon is going to do the trick.

The Universe Has A Special Message For 4 Zodiac Signs On June 21, 2024 lala lali from lala's Images, sparklestroke, RDNE Stock Project from Pexels, Christina Jarvis

We've got a Full Moon on June 21, and if anything is going to increase our receptivity to the special messages designed for us to imbibe, this Capricorn Full Moon is going to do the trick. Astrology has always shown us that this is the time when everything gathers together, culminates, and completes itself. For four zodiac signs, we shall see that on June 21, 2024, the special message we'll receive will be very 'custom-built.'


Because it's a Capricorn Full Moon, we will benefit from this better of the traits this zodiac sign holds. What's interesting is that we don't necessarily have to be a Capricorn or have any traits that are remotely Capricorn in nature. We have to be open, and in this case, each of the four signs will be able to see that, with patience, planning, intention and positive energy, we can and will act on these messages all the way to success.


Here's what the universe has to say to four zodiac signs on June 21, 2024, in a divine message from the universe.

1. Aries

The Universe Has A Special Message For 4 Zodiac Signs On June 21, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images | Canva Pro

Your special message of the day is: Love Yourself. That's right, Aries. Don't put up a fight on this one. This isn't about showing off or being conceited. You can love yourself and understand that this is the first step to true self-acceptance. Don't fight the feeling, Aries. When the Capricorn Full Moon comes to town, you get to see that being 'great' is not just a show you put on for the sake of others ... this is the real you.

You are great as is. You don't need to prove it or explain it. You don't need to twist and turn the perceptions of others because we already see and are dazzled by all you can do. You are so spectacular already, and we, the viewers, wonder why you try so hard to show us that you're the best when we already know it.


So, on June 21, during the Capricorn Full Moon, you will come to understand that you needn't prove a thing. We see you, Aries, and we are in love with you. Now, take a look in the mirror and try to see what we see: a gorgeous creature filled with love, hope, intelligence, and grace. You are everything you need to be; that is the special message you'll receive this Friday. 

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2. Cancer

The Universe Has A Special Message For 4 Zodiac Signs On June 21, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images | Canva Pro


Now that it's Cancer season, you are even more comfortable than ever before when it comes to personal power and confidence. The special message that is coming your way during this Capricorn Full Moon is the one that says, "Keep it up." What this means is that you've been doing well for a long time now, and while you may want to collapse into laziness now and then, the universe is telling you that if you stay the course, good things will come of it.

That's not to say you shouldn't take a rest. Yes, please do, but get back up on your game when you can. You're on a winning streak, Cancer. You've created something that works; stick with it. Trust your gut on this one, and don't backslide. You've climbed out of a rut to get here; it's your turn to shine.

During the Capricorn Full Moon, keeping it up is important if you are to make headway. You've come this far, and the universe is definitely on your side, so go for those dreams, make those wishes come true, and always believe in yourself because you can do it! Go, Cancer, go, go, go!

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3. Leo

 The Universe Has A Special Message For 4 Zodiac Signs On June 21, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images | Canva Pro

If the universe has something to say to you, then Leo, all you can do is open up your heart and let it in because you 'kinda-sorta' know what you're about to hear, and that is, of course, the idea that what's needed right now in your life is ACCEPTANCE. That doesn't mean lying down with dogs and accepting just anything; it means that during the Capricorn Full Moon, you must accept that you are GREAT.

Oh yes, that's exactly what's happening, and you might have forgotten that little tidbit somewhere along the lines. It's easy enough to forget one's greatness as this is a difficult world to live in, and yes, it can bring us down. You've felt this, but you always thought that 'one day' you'd rise again. Well, hey there, June 21. Your day has arrived, Leo.


And so, do that Leo thing that you do so well, and shine, shine, shine. You may have seen some darker days in your time, but the message of acceptance shows you that this also means to accept the great. You've done your time accepting that which you cannot change, and now it's time for you to work on that which already exists, and that, my friend, is your brilliance, your love, and your greatness.

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4. Aquarius

The Universe Has A Special Message For 4 Zodiac Signs On June 21, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images | Canva Pro


If creative thinking is your specialty, Aquarius, trust that the universe is following your every step. Still, the universe, being all-powerful and that kind of thing, wants you to recognize that your creative energy needs focus, and that is what your special message is on June 21. Focus. Hone in on it and get to it, Aquarius.

During this Capricorn Full Moon, you'll feel enlivened by your creativity juices, but this time, you'll want more than just thought; you'll wish to action, and that's exactly what the universe is trying to tell you. Get out there and put your brilliance into practice. No more dawdling. Do it!

Your ideas border on magnificent, and while you have been content to sit with them inside your head, you've always wondered what it would be like to let them out and manifest them as truths. This transit, the Capricorn Full Moon, is here to get you pumped. It's time to make good on all those promises you've made yourself; now is the time to take creative thought and make art of it.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
