4 Astrological Signs Enter A More Fortunate Era On June 17 When Mercury Conjucts Venus

We can make money, we can create abundance, and we can have love.

Astrological Signs Enter A More Fortunate Era On June 17, 2024 geralt from pixabay and latino life both | Canva Pro

With Mercury conjunct Venus as our 'celebrity' transit of the day, we can already tell that Monday, June 17, will indeed be a good day. If we check out the astrological readings for this day, we will be able to see how this transit sways toward four zodiac signs in terms of give and take. In other words, it will be these zodiac signs that can take in the true meaning behind what's going on during Mercury's conjunct Venus.


We are opening our hearts and minds to the idea that we can make money, we can create abundance, and that should we want to stir up the love in our lives, we also have that within our power. This is the new era of fortune, wealth and great happiness. It's up to us to say 'yes' to this series of events, and these four astrological signs are more than ready to open their hearts to the idea of prosperity and positive energy.


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These four astrological signs enter a more fortunate era, thanks to Mercury conjunct Venus on June 17, 2024.

1. Gemini

First of all, it's still birthday season for you, Gemini, so you'll be totally open to the idea that whatever the universe has in mind for you, it will be good. The idea of reaping the rewards of your hard labor and great effort only seems natural to you. During a transit like Mercury conjunct Venus, which falls on Monday, June 17, stuff like 'abundance' only seems like the next natural move.

Because you are open to receiving the great fortunes of the universe, you will absolutely adore what this day brings you. You aren't standing in your way — not this time, that's for sure. You feel that you want to be in balance with nature and that if nature is fair, then you are ready to experience the fortunate era that begins for you during Mercury conjunct Venus.

The chaos has ended, and you clearly see that you are due for some good luck. This Monday starts the mechanism and sets you on your journey to find and discover more and more fortunate situations. The world looks friendly to you now, and you'll go with that attitude for as long as you can. Happy trials, my friend.


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2. Virgo

Work hard, get paid. That's how it should be, and that's what you'll experience on Monday, as you may very well be up for a promotion or a raise at work. While Mercury conjuncts Venus and is not limited to positive experiences in the workplace, you certainly won't turn this kind of energy down should it knock on your door, as it will be doing now.

Don't be surprised if you find yourself walking around with a smile plastered on your face this Monday, as you seem to be favored by the times, and it does appear that you're walking into a very fortunate era for yourself. Mercury conjunct Venus starts the process up, but you will take that ball and run with it, Virgo.

Momentum is very much a part of Mercury conjunct Venus's game, and if you're to play, you're going to play to win. You are no longer content to 'sit this one out.' You're in motion now, and all lights are green. You've got the power behind you to stay positive, and you are, without a doubt, going to take advantage of this bold, beautiful, and newly minted feeling.


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3. Sagittarius

You've been working on this one for a while now, and it's good to know that all of your intense efforts to create your success are finally coming to fruition. You are the designer of your own fate in this case. While it's taken you through frustration and heartache, you can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. That light shines brightly during Mercury conjunct Venus on Monday.

Once you've tasted good fortune, you'll know the difference between it and what you've recently endured. Being smart and keen, you will definitely opt for more and more of what makes you happy. Yes, you've paid the price to get here, but oh, how the results are so immense and special. You really feel great at this time.

Because Mercury conjunct Venus helps you focus on loving yourself and expressing what you need, you'll see that this is at the heart of this new and magnificent era of good fortune in your life, Sagittarius. You finally found the key, and you won't give it up for anything or anyone. You are a messenger of goodness, and this is a job for which you are well-equipped.


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4. Capricorn

The idea of you beginning a new era in your life, one that is filled with good fortune and abundant love and peace, is almost too much to think of. Yet, you knew it was coming; you saw it in its early phases only recently. During this day's transit of Mercury conjunct Venus, you will see how one thing led to another and brought you here to where it all begins at the top of the week.

This is a day that signifies new beginnings for you, Capricorn. Even though you've been working hard towards this goal, it is nice to see that the universe is affirming your efforts and has taken notice of all the good, hard work you've done to make the most of your life. There's a reason why you are about to enter a phase of abundance, and it's because you've done well. You stayed the course, and you did not deviate from the path.


What you may feel during Mercury conjunct Venus is a sense of power within your body. You are cool-headed and easygoing, so you can grapple with power very well. You don't show off or take such moments for granted. All of this shows the universe that you can handle great success and that you are always available for more. This is your time, Capricorn. Own it.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
