The Luckiest Day Of July 2024 For Each Zodiac Sign

Speak what you want into existence.

happy woman on her luckiest day of july 2024 Tetiana Kobzeva via Unsplash / spirit111 from pixabay, margiartho and viviamo from Getty Images via Canva

The luckiest days of July 2024 are influenced by many significant astrological transits taking place throughout the month.

Neptune stations retrograde in Pisces at the beginning of July, helping you see the truth more readily and understand more about what you want. While this can often bring a moment of finally seeing clearly once that lens of illusion is removed, it also helps you be more thoughtful and direct with what you put into the universe. 


Make sure to give yourself room to grow and change your mind and even your direction as you may find that what you once wanted is no longer significant to you. Honoring your process allows you to recommit to your divine purpose and helps you make the most of any new opportunities you receive.

The Cancer New Moon on Friday, July 5 and Capricorn Full Moon on Sunday, July 21 will draw a balance between what you need versus what you want to achieve. While this often plays out in work and personal life balance, it can also be the time you tend to yourself versus caring for others. Learn when to rededicate to yourself and when to let go so you can put your energy into what really matters.


Becoming aware of where you invest your energy will become essential as Mars shifts into Gemini on Saturday, July 20. Mars in Gemini is quick-witted, highly intelligent and doesn’t hesitate to use its communication skills to achieve its dreams. 

Along with Mercury, the planet of communication shifting into Leo on Tuesday, July 2 and then into Virgo on Thursday, July 25 emphasizes this need to be truly clear with the words you speak. There is a strong emphasis on using communication to your advantage in order to attract luck and achieve abundance in July, you just need to allow yourself to not hold back from manifesting the life that has always been destined for you.

The luckiest day of July 2024 for each zodiac sign


Luckiest day: Sunday, July 21


Lucky theme: Career recognition

The Full Moon in Capricorn rises on Sunday, July 21, bringing some extra luck to your career and guaranteeing that promotion or raise you’ve been working for. 

Making this even more lucky is that the first of two Capricorn Full Moons occurred on June 21, making the time between these lunations fruitful and full of new opportunities. Because the second Full Moon in Capricorn rises at the end of July, you are being given an entire month of finally receiving the recognition you deserve. 

Just be sure to make time to actually receive what’s coming, especially if you’ve been focused on other matters. Anything you dream you can do now — just focus on the long game versus just those momentary successes.


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Luckiest day: Saturday, July 20

Lucky theme: The money

It is all about the money as July progresses. While you are no stranger to wanting the finer things in life and usually have no problem articulating what it is you deserve, you now will be entering a phase of being able to manifest greater wealth

Mars will shift into Gemini on Saturday, July 20, bringing an intense need to increase your finances, but will also bring some surprising opportunities your way. You are not meant to hesitate in July — focus on those ideas or the promotion you want and then go after it unapologetically. 


This is not the time to sit around and simply wait for abundance to come to you. Instead, you are being guided to go out into the world and create your own luck because you will receive an influx of cash in July.

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Luckiest day: Friday, July 5

Lucky theme: Honoring your value

The New Moon in Cancer on Friday, July 5, asks that you begin a new chapter of honoring your value and what holds the most weight for you in your life. While you can often get overwhelmed by all the opportunities surrounding you, tuning into your personal value and the kind of life you want to live lets you only focus on what will truly bring that deep sense of fulfillment and abundance. 


Let yourself create the new beginning your soul is craving. Don’t be afraid to draw a line in the sand and suddenly say that certain pursuits or relationships no longer add value to your life. When you can prune what isn’t important or growing from your life, then you will have more energy for what does help you feel lucky in any endeavor.

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Luckiest day: Tuesday, July 2

Lucky theme: Doing what you dream

Make a promise to yourself that you are going to silence all the outside noise and only focus on what you want for your life. Too often the opinions or needs of others become your dreams because you want to make others happy and care for those that you love. But the thing with dreams is that until you honor your own path, you will never see your inner greatness. 


As Neptune stations retrograde in Pisces on Tuesday, July 2, it’s time to reflect on the paths you've taken and those you haven’t. Pare down to what you really want for yourself and your life and then pledge to start honoring your dreams with greater confidence. You have enormous potential for abundance and even new opportunities right now, but you need to make sure you are prioritizing yourself for once.

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Luckiest day: Tuesday, July 2

Lucky theme: Owning your power

Don’t let the world change you, Leo. You are powerful, directed, and even a bit ruthless when it comes to achieving what you want. Just because others may envy your ability to go after your dreams doesn’t mean they should affect how you live your life. 


As Mercury returns to Leo on Tuesday, July 2, it’s time to let your voice be heard. While this will absolutely involve speaking your truth, it’s also about not silencing that inner drive for anyone. Be yourself and don’t pay any mind to those who have something to say because the only way you attract the luck you want is by actually speaking up and show the world who you really are. 

When you can articulate your ideas, desires, and needs to those around you, then you can direct the flow of fate. The universe needs you to be your boldest and most confident self, and when you can step back into that role, then there isn’t anything you can’t do.

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Luckiest day: Saturday, July 20


Lucky theme: Making things happen

July is your time to shine, Virgo, as you are being given the green light to make things happen in your career. You will receive a tremendous boost of energy and a gift with words as Mars shifts into Gemini on Saturday, July 20, helping you excel and receive accolades for all of your hard work. 

You have felt your focus shift toward new endeavors and opportunities, which means you may also finally receive that new career offer you’ve been after. Whether this is a position with a new company or a promotion within your current role, it's time to go after what you want. 

The abundance and luck you receive will always be proportionate to the amount of energy you invest. If you want rewards, success and to feel valued for your gifts in your career, then you have to go after what you want. Invest your all into your career and trust that you will receive that new offer you’ve been hoping for.


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Luckiest day: Saturday, July 20

Lucky theme: Expanding your horizons

Cast off from all that you’ve known and release yourself from the fears of how it will all turn out. You need to see that so much more is possible than you previously thought — and maybe the best life you’ve been dreaming of exists somewhere else than where you’ve always lived. 

As Mars returns to Gemini on Saturday, July 20, it’s time to embrace your inner wanderer and let yourself explore the world. While this opportunity can open you to new experiences around you, it really sends the message that the luck you seek will only be found in taking advantage of any travel offers or making a decision to plan your own adventure. 


Whether for personal reasons or work, this is not the time to sit still and just keep up the status quo but instead to go somewhere new, try something different, and enjoy the journey.

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Luckiest day: Thursday, July 11

Lucky theme: Financial abundance

You don’t need to worry so much about finances, Scorpio, especially when you are about to roll into a very abundant season of your life. It’s normal to overthink at times, but when the stars are aligning to bring you success and abundance, you also need to let yourself believe in the best possible outcome. 

As Venus moves into Leo on Thursday, July 11, you will be set up for a new chapter in your career and professional life. Prepare for a sizable bonus or boost to your income, but also stay open to opportunities for relocation. Venus will help you not only feel more connected to your career and raise your income, but it also can mean a change in living situations due to a new promotion or other career move. 


Let yourself receive this. Don’t overthink and ruin this opportunity that is coming in and most all of us see this as part of the change that you’ve been praying for because you are guaranteed a life of abundance and success.

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Luckiest day: Monday, July 22

Lucky theme: All things new

At a certain point, you need to let go of the past. Of course, there are things that you would do differently — different choices you would make or opportunities you’d take if you could go back. But the reality is you can’t. And that’s okay, because you’re not meant to live in the past but rather in the brilliant possibilities of your future. 


The Sun returning to Leo on Monday, July 22, is your sign to set your sights on all things new. Make a pledge to yourself to no longer live in the land of would haves or should haves. All you have is this moment and it’s time to start a new era of your life. 

Whatever you’ve been secretly planning is now coming to fruition, and you are being guided to progress and continue building your success. This will specifically hold power in matters of travel, education, career and even your finances, so take this sign from the universe that the only thing that matters in this moment is what you do to create the future you dream of.

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Luckiest day: Thursday, July 25


Lucky theme: Saying 'yes'

You need to leave some space for the unexpected in your life, Capricorn. While you can always make a plan for success and follow it through, it doesn’t always mean that there isn’t another way. But you have to be open to new offers, redirections from the universe, and allowing yourself to declare a plot twist and excitedly move into a new direction. 

Mercury will move into Virgo on Thursday, July 25, bringing in a multitude of lucky offers that are all blessed with luck and abundance. It might not be in the area you had thought it would be, or even in the specific manner, but you will be receiving opportunities that will help bring in precisely what you’ve been trying to manifest. 


Step out of your comfort zone, entertain new possibilities, and ensure that you are saying yes to the divine redirections from the universe. Wealth, success, and even greater meaning are yours — you just need to accept that life can actually be so much better than you once thought possible.

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Luckiest day: Sunday, July 21

Lucky theme: Trusting yourself

Inside of you lives a deep truth that can help you to understand what is meant for you and even what is not. But to make the most of this energy, you need to trust yourself, especially when it comes to what feels like a 'no' versus a 'yes'. This isn’t about logic or practicality, but instead, that intuitive voice that helps you understand what you need to do to create a life of true purpose and abundance. 


This necessity of trusting yourself will be especially powerful around the Full Moon in Capricorn on Sunday, July 21 as it helps to illuminate that inner voice. This is the moment when you need to tune into your intuition, validate the way your nervous system responds to certain situations and trust in your own divine dreams. The more that you can simply trust yourself and not over-question, the more you will be able to manifest and take advantage of the divine guidance you’re currently being given.

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Luckiest day: Friday, July 26

Lucky theme: Knowing your worth


Promise yourself that you will never again wade into the pool of doubting your self-worth. You have come so far in this area in the past year, as you have felt stronger to own your boundaries, believing in yourself and genuinely knowing that everything you dream of is in fact what you deserve. 

As much as you’ve made enormous strides in this area, it doesn’t mean that there still aren’t more to come, especially as Chiron stations retrograde in Aries on Friday, July 26. Chiron can help you heal even deeper so that you can believe in yourself in all the ways necessary to manifest the life of your dreams. 

But, the magic of Chiron doesn’t stop there, because it will also allow you to receive the wealth, abundance and even fame that you’ve been secretly hoping for as well. Remember that you haven’t come this far to only come this far — great things are waiting for you, just don’t spend energy wondering if you deserve it or not.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.