3 Zodiac Signs Overcome The Past & Experience Healing On June 13

It always feels good to get a new perspective.

3 Zodiac Signs Overcome The Past & Experience Healing On June 13 Valeriya Rychkova from Getty Images, Trendify, ClaudioVentrella from Getty Images | Canva Pro

Thursday ushers in a new era of thinking for three zodiac signs. If you are here to see what's in store for your horoscope now, then know this: if you are of these three zodiac signs, you will notice a change in how you perceive the 'things' of your life.

It always feels good to gain a new perspective, especially when that vision is affected by a Mercury-influenced transit. Many of us will see on June 13 that the old way of thinking no longer serves us. We are starting to recognize that we, too, can change and that if we wish to stay relevant and on top of it all, we must change how we perceive the world around us.


And thankfully, that's easy enough to do. However, it takes the power of the will. These three zodiac signs know what they're doing when it comes to willfully changing their lives for the better. By recognizing what no longer works in our lives, we must weigh it for its value, see where and if it fits in anywhere anymore, and if it does not, then out it goes. Easy peasy. We are welcoming in the 'new way,' and it pleases us immensely.


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Three zodiac signs overcome the past and experience healing on June 13

1. Aries

3 Zodiac Signs Overcome The Past & Experience Healing On June 13 primipil | Canva Pro

Big news, Aries: things are about to change in your life, and while you may not be ready for what's coming your way, you'll love it. For you, it's all about seeing things from a different perspective. Once you get the hang of the 'new way,' you won't ever want to return to the old way, and that's how Moon Square Mercury manages to help you transform yourself.


To see things from a brighter perspective, you have to start out with a much darker gaze, and that is exactly what has put you in this place, right here and now. It appears on Thursday that you will no longer be enamored with how things 'had to be,' according to your checklist. You are now opening yourself up to change, which can only be good. Am I right?

So, all it takes is one little attitude tweak, one little vantage point shift, and boomski! You are on your way to a better life. All because you went with the flow. You aren't fighting this one, Aries. You are letting it happen, and you are enjoying the ride. Nice to have you on board. We surely could use your brilliant mind. Enjoy the day. Carry on!

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2. Virgo

3 Zodiac Signs Overcome The Past & Experience Healing On June 13 pixelshot | Canva Pro


Oh, how you've needed this, Virgo, and you will definitely not let this primo opportunity go by you. What's going on is this: you have the chance to do something you've always wanted to do, and while you've sort of gotten used to 'not' doing it, your big op is back again. All it takes for you to seize the day is to seize the day, which depends wholly on an attitude change or a brighter perspective, so to speak.

You've come to understand that if you want your life to be better, then it's YOU who's got to be behind that plan, and you definitely want your life to be better. You want to be happy, and while you've got a jump start on that already, you can take advantage of the day's transit as it's here for you to grab.

This is where it all starts getting 'good' for you, Virgo, and holy smokes, do you need 'good.' Forget what you've 'settled' for in the past. The past is over with, done for, dead-dead-deadski, as Beetlejuice would say. You are here to live up to your idea of what happiness is all about. If all it takes to achieve this is a change in perspective, consider the day yours, all yours.

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3. Sagittarius

3 Zodiac Signs Overcome The Past & Experience Healing On June 13 Dzhulbee from Getty Images | Canva Pro

Everything is about to change for you, Sagittarius, and it's all because you finally got it.' You have left so many decisions up to other people. While you believed you were doing the right thing, you've forgotten your worth and how valuable your take on things can be. On June 13, you'll receive good news, and it will prove to you that you are not only considered valuable in someone else's eyes but that you are quite worthy.

This has you re-evaluating your judgment and opinion. Hey, we all go through stuff like this where we doubt our strengths and stick with our weaknesses. During Moon Square Mercury on Thursday, you'll take a stance that shows you there's no reason to go backward. You are on the mark, right on the money, and your judgment calls are worth listening to.


This brighter perspective doesn't stay put, either, Sagittarius. This is the stuff that changes your life from here on out—knowing you are valuable changes the whole picture for you. Once you can tap into that reservoir of self-esteem, stand back, world: Sagittarius is back on the block and ready to roll. You got this, Sag. It's all yours.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
