3 Zodiac Signs Overcome The Past & Heal From Heartache On June 12

Mercury square Saturn is here to show us we can heal, change, adapt and grow.

Zodiac Signs Overcome The Past & Heal From Heartache On June 12 Ling from Bo La Ba La's Images, Monica Panjaitan's Images, 27soon from pixabay, Luminas Art from pixabay | Canva Pro

June 12 marks a memorable day in the lives of three zodiac signs where healing begins. This Wednesday, as we turn to astrology for the answers, we find that we get the answers we seek, but we get to heal as a result. We have the transit of Mercury cazimi square Saturn to help us sort it all out now, and we may even surprise ourselves at just how ready to heal we are.

We may have heard ourselves say repeatedly that we are tired of feeling the pain of the past, and we may have even gotten ourselves to the point where we are tired of hearing the sound of our voice. All that changes this Wednesday, as Mercury square Saturn is here to show us that, yes, even 'we' can heal, change, adapt and grow.


Oh, what a joy that will be. For the three zodiac signs, we will get to finally see that the so-called 'light at the end of the tunnel' actually exists and that we're not about to cross that threshold. So, get ready to kiss the past goodbye, as this day marks the idea of fresh new beginnings, the healing of old wounds, and the beginning of new love and great self-esteem.

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3 zodiac signs overcome the past and heal from heartache on June 12

1. Gemini

You finally realize that you aren't alone, Gemini. The one person who could help you get past certain heartaches is there for you; they come to you just in the nick of time. You've been wanting to hear from them. Whether it happens on this day or has happened recently, something they will do is the key to you letting go of the past and overcoming whatever happened 'back then.'


In truth, you, like the rest of the world, are a person who needs love. You have always felt like your healing depended on loving affirmation. By the time the transit, Mercury square Saturn, rolls around, as it will on June 12, you will find that you can't wipe that smile off your face. Something good is taking place right now, and you can't deny it, Gemini.

If you've come here to see if your horoscope is good, your wish has come true. You've worked hard to be the best you can be, and if being loved does the trick in your personal healing, then you can count on being loved on this day. All is well in your world and will continue to be so. Keep up the positive energy, and don't look back; the best of the best awaits you.

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2. Leo

Heartache ruled your life for far too long. While you've been very conscious of the desire to walk away from it all, you've always known that it would have to be real for this to happen. You couldn't just fake 'feeling good' if you weren't really feeling it, and on Wednesday, you'll get that chance, Leo. It's finally time to overcome the past and heal that big, loving heart of yours.


You've got this very helpful astrological condition taking place now. Here's where you get a chance to put your heartache into perspective. The surprising thing that takes place on this day is that you start to see it for what it's worth: a good lesson, one to learn and to apply. This is where you know it's finally time to say goodbye to the past.

You've held tightly to the idea that with your heartache lies an idea you weren't ready to release, which had something to do with a person who is no longer actively in your life. And it's OK, Leo. You've lived your time in this heartache, and now, you know with all of your heart that it's time to move forward. You feel good about this, and it works for you. Happy for you, Leo!

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3. Pisces

It can feel like forever to accept the idea that the past is no longer good for you, and certainly not if it brings you pain or heartache, as it has over the years. You have considered the idea of seeing whether or not your past experience is worth holding on to, as you are starting to see that you are feeling less and less attached to it as time goes on. On June 12, you will decide to look ahead instead of behind you, and that's where the miracle occurs.


That 'miracle' is accompanied by the positive energy of Mercury cazimi square Saturn's transit. You'll permit yourself to move on, Pisces, and this is a huge big deal for you, as you didn't feel this way until recently. Perhaps the past has done all it can to add to your life's experience, and now, it really is time for you to let it go.

You are entirely open to healing now. On Wednesday, you'll find that healing is much easier when you can accept in your heart that it is possible. You didn't think you had it in you, Pisces, yet now all you feel is hope. This is a beautiful and monumental turn point for you, and once you get started, you'll be unstoppable when it comes to raising positive energy.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.