3 Zodiac Signs Who End Bad Friendships On June 10

If it looks like a duck, and acts like a duck...then it's a duck.

3 Zodiac Signs Who End Bad Friendships On June 10 grebeshkov, Berry Art, Feyza Nur Demirci, studiobest | Canva Pro

Right now, we've got a Waxing Crescent Moon in Leo, which has an odd and interesting effect on us. We tend to feel more perceptive than usual. While we don't want to jump to conclusions, we can't help but feel that 'if it looks like a duck and acts like a duck...then it's a duck.' This means that our judgment on a particular situation comes clear, and what seems obvious to us may, in fact, be 'the way it really is.'


We can sense lies and fraud during this Waxing Crescent. Our intuition is on high, and we know when we are in the presence of a fake. This could be a person or a situation. All we know is that on June 10, there's something wrong with this picture, and by golly, we're not going to let it slide. This may cause conflict within us, as we might not have woken up deciding to be the 'do-gooder' of the day. Yet, we will feel a righteous pull towards denying falsehoods.


June 10 brings out the lie detector in three zodiac signs. That also implies that if we are to deal with the lies we've been letting slide, we might want to upset that picture a little by intervening with a little thing called 'the truth.' We're not sitting this one out. While that may not make us feel comfortable, these three signs show that accepting a fake, whether in the form of a friendship or a situation, simply will not do.

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3 zodiac signs who end bad friendships on June 10

1. Virgo

You teach yourself during the Waxing Crescent Moon in Leo not to get upset over the stuff you hear, even if you can't prevent it from happening. You tend to drive yourself crazy over the words and actions of others, and sometimes, those situations have very little to do with you. You become attracted to the drama of negativity, and it sucks you in, much to your dismay.

On June 10, one such situation may arise again, whether work-related or home-based. Either way, you will find yourself biting on like a dog with a bone, and the only person who's really going to feel it is ... you, Virgo. You have spotted a lie in action, a fraud taking place, and you want to stop it. You are a good person and don't want to see this kind of injustice occur. However, there's nothing you can do to correct this wrong.


The Bright Side: For now, it's about knowing what is right while simultaneously knowing that you cannot change it. This one is out of your control, Virgo. While that may drive you bonkers, the bright side of it all is that you'll notice how your heart rate slows down when you release the tension of being too attached to a negative scenario. If you could change it, you would, but you need to rest and keep the peace inside your head for now.

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2. Libra

What will bug you on June 10 is that you have found out about something that just isn't right. Someone in your life has been trying to pull one over on you, and it will be this Monday that you get to see the truth behind the curtain. Your intuition told you that something was indeed very wrong about this person, and it will be during the Waxing Crescent Moon in Leo that you get to confirm those feelings.

Your innate desire to seek justice may or may not be able to take place on June 10, but you'll still know that from here on in, you are the one who knows the truth. This person believes they can say and do as they please, thinking you are either a fool, gullible or simply not paying attention. Paying attention is what you're all about, Libra. You don't let anything go unnoticed.


Because you are patient and wise, you'll wait to step in and intervene until the time is right. You feel like you're just beginning this quest during the Waxing Crescent Moon in Leo. As the days go by, you'll feel stronger and stronger about getting to the truth and revealing it ...  and you will. Justice will prevail, Libra.

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3. Aquarius

While you may be unique and forward-thinking, it does not mean you have your head in the clouds. You are incredibly perceptive and wise, Aquarius. While you are aware that your impression of people allows them to think you are somewhat of an airhead, you are so far from that. You are simply someone who doesn't express every single thought that comes to mind. On June 10, you'll notice that one friend in your circle does not know who you are.

During the Waxing Crescent Moon in Leo, you can tell who your real friends are and who is just there using you or taking advantage of your kindness. There is a fraud in the mix, and you not only sense it, you hone in on it. You begin to formulate 'how' you will approach this person and what you will say because, honestly, you can't tolerate this behavior.


You are not an impulsive person. In fact, you take lengthy amounts of time to decide what your best path should be. On Monday, June 10, 2024, you'll see that thinking it out is indeed the best method here. You will be able to confront this person with kindness in your heart. If necessary, you will tell them you know what they are doing and ask them to stop. How simple!

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
