The 3 Luckiest Zodiac Signs The Week Of June 10 - 16

Take a chance to change your fate.

The 3 Luckiest Zodiac Signs The Week Of June 10 - 16 izusek from Getty Images Signature, Taylor Akhlaghi, Artulina, oselote | Canva Pro

While it’s often thought that only one fate is ultimately yours, multiple paths and destinations depend upon your choices. What is destined for you isn’t an event that occurs, but instead, actions you consciously choose because you are in the right place to receive it. When you can see this ability to choose what you want and what aligns with your higher self, luck is yours.

The week of June 10 begins with the First Quarter Moon in Virgo and Mercury Cazimi in Gemini. The First Quarter Moon represents a need to make an important decision to create greater balance and optimism in your life. In Virgo, this lunation guides you to focus on the decision most aligned with your healing and establishing a foundation for greater success. This energy casts a reflective and mindful energy to help you become aware of the power of your choices.


Mercury Cazimi is one of the luckiest transits as it begins a new cycle, not just in how you communicate your decisions but also in offers that you will be able to receive. As Mercury moves into the heart of the Sun, there is a newfound hope that you can achieve anything. The planet of communication magnifies your chance to choose your fate as it aligns with Venus in Gemini on June 16, helping in matters of love and wealth. Focus on the importance of your choices, never forgetting that you hold the power to choose the life meant for you.

3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Experience Luck In The Week Of June 10 - 16, 2024

1. Capricorn

Let yourself cast off whatever has come before this moment. Let yourself view life as if you are only seeing it for the first time, letting you lead with hope and the belief that you can create all you wish. While embodying the lessons of your past is still important, to make the most of the opportunities the universe provides, you also must be willing to believe in fresh starts and new possibilities.


The First Quarter Moon in Virgo will rise on Friday, June 14, giving you a chance to choose your fate and a lucky path in life. Virgo rules your house of luck, abundance, and far-off dreams. As an earth sign, you must build a foundation, focusing on what you need and ensuring that you only listen to your inner voice in the process. Focus your energy on choosing free from doubt, worry, or any past circumstances. Instead, genuinely believe that you can choose your fate and all the gifts from the universe that will follow.

Naturally, First Quarter Moons are a time of greater positivity and faith, helping you make a decision that you might have felt was too big a risk in the past. The energy of this Moon will be especially powerful in any business dealings, travel pursuits, or those of a spiritual nature. When you see how each decision leads to more opportunities, you can also discover the greatest risk is not choosing at all.

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2. Libra

You are on the brink of an incredible destiny. All you’ve done and put in is about to pay off, so long as you remember that while you may have important relationships, your fate is something that is purely yours. You can craft the life you want and embrace all of the experiences the universe has in store for you — you need to let yourself choose to listen to the guidance you are receiving.


Mercury Cazimi will peak on June 14, creating a surge of newness in your life and the chance to open yourself up to experience more than you could ever imagine. Mercury will travel into the heart of the Sun, beginning a brand-new cycle and helping to kickstart a powerful era of travel, career success, new beginnings, and romance. The only caveat is that you must embrace change because what is meant for you will not be found where you are. Believe in yourself and the reality that nothing is ever lost that is meant for you. So, if you feel there is a sacrifice, it will always be replaced by something bigger.

Pay close attention to any communication you receive through emails, texts, or phone calls. Mercury rules a matter of communication, and as this planet begins a new cycle, you will receive your host of new offers, opportunities, or invitations. What arrives will feel like a dream, but you may be torn between seizing new beginnings and certain responsibilities you still feel tied to. Try your best to take a chance on yourself and embrace the newness that is arriving in your life.

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3. Aquarius

You can choose joy. Take what you’ve been through and realize that if it’s not contributing to you being in love with your life, then it’s not something you must continue. This isn’t about being happy every day but feeling deep satisfaction and fulfillment from all you invest your energy into. When you can choose joy, no matter what that might mean in a particular situation, then you are also declaring to the universe precisely what it is you know you deserve.


Mercury and Venus will unite in Gemini on June 16, bringing in opportunities around real estate, wealth, romance, and joy from knowing you align with your highest fate. Mercury tends to bring news and positive offers, while Venus will deliver this through your romantic life or an unexpected financial bonus. What you receive word of around this time isn’t just about a deeper commitment or wealth but will help you consciously choose what you want your life to become.

As the lucky opportunities from Mercury and Venus begin to filter into your life, it’s important to be certain about what you want and to embody your worth. While you have been dreaming of all you want to create, it’s important to remember that being able to receive it is crucial. Choose what in your heart you know will lead to you cultivating the deep peace that can only come from truly being in love with every aspect of your life.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.