What Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Know About The Week Of May 27, Per A Tarot Card Reader
Big, bold, and beautiful!

Big, bold, and beautiful! That's the energy of this week, between May 27 - June 2, 2024. Before we look at the tarot card reading of the week for each zodiac sign, here are the general messages of the week for everyone. First of all, with 2 of Swords on the table, we are urged to be mindful of our actions and decisions this week. Something can seem inconsequential at first but later become more impactful for our life especially if we were urged to engage in that activity or action at the behest of someone else.
Also, with 7 of Pentacles here, it's important to know how much time something takes to reach completion. After all, you can't expect a tree to grow as quickly as a brownie bakes in the oven. So be empathic towards yourself, your limitations, and also the limitations of others. Things always appear to change and transform when you lean back and take the bird's eye view. When you are too close, you may think nothing is happening when it actually is.
If you feel called to, maintain a gratitude journal at this time. It will help you recognize the changes and the blessings that are all around you. It will help you see the new ones when they come in for you. Now, let's take a look at the weekly tarot card reading for every zodiac sign.
Each zodiac sign's weekly tarot horoscope for May 27 - June 2:
Tarot card of the week: Three of Wands
Most compatible zodiac sign of the week: Other Aries
Aries, the time has come for you to take everything to the next level truly. Let your courage be your anchor. You won't fall if you trust yourself. With 3 of Wands on the table, some of you are at a crossroads right now regarding what to do and where to go next. Again, let your heart speak and listen. Meditation can make this process easier, and so can journaling. The only thing you must not do is allow fears to rule you and stop you from experiencing all that the world has to offer.
Tarot card of the week: Five of Pentacles
Most compatible zodiac sign of the week: Other Taurus
Taurus, no one likes it when they receive the 5 of Pentacles. This card has an important message for you regarding spirituality and spiritual poverty. It's urging you to be mindful of the beliefs of others around you, especially if your intuition tells you they want to turn you into a cash cow for them or make you a pawn in their cult games. Truly blessed are those who can make the most of what they have and never allow negative self-talk to stop them from striving for more.
Tarot card of the week: Nine of Cups
Most compatible zodiac sign of the week: Cancer
Gemini, this week's tarot card is the 9 of Cups. It's a true card of blessings, especially in the arena of love and relationships. So make sure you prioritize that so you can make good memories with your loved ones.
If you are feeling alone and unsupported, this card urges you to be your best friend and ground yourself within. You will find your soul tribe if you don't settle for those who couldn't care less for your well-being.
Tarot card of the week: Ten of Wands
Most compatible zodiac sign of the week: Scorpio
Cancer, life can sometimes test you through other people. Will you give in to people-pleasing? Or will you choose yourself and those who are willing to share the burdens with you? The tarot card for you — the 10 of Wands — urges you not to become a pack mule for those who couldn't care less about you. If you must burden yourself, choose your dreams and goals. Let that burden be an act of love for what you envision for your life. If you feel called to, work with the crystal Rose Quartz this week to help you stay anchored within.
Tarot card of the week: The Sun
Most compatible zodiac sign of the week: Gemini
Leo, you are on a roll! With The Sun on the table (a major arcana card), you are guaranteed success wherever you go and whatever you choose to do. It's the Midas touch in action! Just remember: the more you shine, the more moths you will attract to you alongside the good ones. Trust your instincts, and don't ignore the red flags. You can protect yourself from energy vampires this way and continue to live your best life.
Tarot card of the week: The Sun
Most compatible zodiac sign of the week: Pisces
Virgo, you have a Major Arcana card as the tarot card of the week for you — The Sun. It's urging you to be true to your creative vision and follow the path of what you consider perfection. After all, perfection is subjective. If you must chase ideals, let them be your ideals for happiness and pleasure. Don't subjugate yourself to live up to someone else's idea of perfection. If you feel called to, work with blue crystals this week. You can pick the one you resonate with the most for this time period.
Tarot card of the week: King of Swords
Most compatible zodiac sign of the week: Leo
Libra, no one can stop you or be an obstacle on your path if you decide you won't tolerate such interference. With the King of Swords on the table, you are urged to be the only authority in your life. Let the final word be yours, even if you allow others to offer their advice and opinions. Some of you will struggle with this, especially if you have overbearing parents or family members. Strive for this because practice makes perfect!
Tarot card of the week: Ten of Wands
Most compatible zodiac sign of the week: Cancer
Scorpio, sometimes it's important to bite off more than you can chew so you have something to munch on for a longer duration of time. That's the eccentric message of this week for you through your tarot card — the 10 of Wands. You are beautiful and bold, so don't fear trying something different, even if it feels humongous. Trust yourself in this. What appears to be burdensome at first will turn out to not be a burden at all.
Tarot card of the week: Six of Cups
Most compatible zodiac sign of the week: Libra
Sagittarius, the tarot card for you this week is the 6 of Cups. It urges you to prioritize true love and loving relationships. This can mean you found family, too, if you weren't blessed with a supportive original family. Some of you will benefit from reading mythologies and stories based on them. Especially those that focus on family dynamics and the magic of discovering love in the most unexpected of places. Trust your heart on this, and you'll be fine.
Tarot card of the week: Five of Cups
Most compatible zodiac sign of the week: Sagittarius
Capricorn, how can you thrive and shine if unpleasant triggers and old wounds drag you down? Your tarot card for this week — the 5 of Cups — urges you to prioritize yourself and healing. That's how you will free yourself to explore the world and conquer your dreams. If you feel called to, work with Green Aventurine this week to help you in this regard. You can wear it as a pendant, too, if you please.
Tarot card of the week: Three of Wands
Most compatible zodiac sign of the week: Aries
Aquarius, the path ahead is full of possibilities for you. Where will you go, and what will you choose to do? Many options exist, but your soul will find joy in a few. If you are unsure, meditate more frequently to gain deep insights. Make sure to write them down so you can think about them later! Now's the time to be courageous and try new things while balancing them out with the old as you wish. Working with Aquamarine can help you in this regard and also bring you peace.
Tarot card of the week: Death
Most compatible zodiac sign of the week: Leo
Pisces, don't be scared! The Death card highlights that it's time for a major transition in your life. Whether this is in your love life, a friendship, or cutting energetic cords with a situation in your past, the time has come for you to lay the old to rest and move to the new and beautiful. For some of you, this card also reveals that your psychic gifts will be sensitized greatly through this change and transformation. Maintain a journal for this. It will help you record your experiences and understand them better.
Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.