3 Zodiac Signs Who Are The Heroes In Their Own Love Stories On May 13
Let's just say that on Monday, a hero shall rise.

May 13 is a big day for transitory line ups, as the stars gather together for a real party, and whenever there's a party, we know there has to be someone out there who is 'the life' of that party, and in this case, we'll see this play out among three zodiac signs. Monday may not be party time, but in terms of our love stories, let's just say that a hero shall rise.
We're looking at how the Moon aligns with Jupiter and trines with Neptune while Venus does its thing with Saturn. While that may not sound like proper 'astro-speak' what it does for us down here on our pale blue dot is that the mixture of astrological energy will have us doing good deeds for others. In love, we will see that the deeds we do and the actions we participate in will make heroes out of us at this time.
What we might be feeling on May 13, is a sense of duty; we want to show our romantic partners that we're the real deal, that we are 'better' than the rest, and that we're not just mere braggarts, but are willing to stand behind our word. We will rise to the challenge on Monday, and we will be happy we did. We are the heroes in our own love stories and we got there because we put in the effort.
3 zodiac signs who are the heroes in their own love stories on May 13
1. Gemini
If life has taught you anything, it's that you have to be the writer of your own story, and what's meant by that is that it's up to you to get yourself to the right place at the right time, and to do the right thing when the going gets rough. On Monday, May 13, you'll see that to set things right, you'll have to intervene, and in this case, the story you'll be working on is your own romance.
You recently decided that you need to 'do better.' This is a task you want to take on, and with the power of the universe behind you, you feel confident enough to take on something you once found intimidating: the idea of really communicating with your partner. You'd be surprised how many couples fear communication, but not you, Gemini. Not you.
Jupiter's energy makes it possible for you to feel brave and strong, and the power of Neptune has you finessing what's in your mind so that you can express yourself well, and the words and language you use with your partner on May 13 are exactly what make you come off like a true hero. You will save the day with words, lucky Gemini. Go for it.
2. Sagittarius
Not a day goes by in your life when you aren't in touch with the power of love. Whether you are with someone or not, you always feel as though what you give is worth giving, no matter who's on the receiving end. You really care about your present relationship, and you will use your previous experience as a barometer for 'what NOT to do.'
If you are courageous and actually have the nerve to speak up and say what's on your mind, you end up setting the tone of the day, and on May 13, you'll show your partner that it's not only OK to speak, but that they should feel free with their words and that you are open to whatever they have on their mind. You want them to know you are not standing in judgment.
The good part is that you aren't. You are fine with whatever it is that your partner's got on their minds and your honest acceptance of them makes you into a hero in their minds. The idea that you and this person can roll with the ebb and flow of life is outstanding, and you mean to keep it going for as long as possible. You are brave, true and dedicated, Sagittarius.
3. Aquarius
You have never listened to anyone's advice on how to live your life and love your partner. You sometimes laugh to yourself over the idea that people really do have the kind of nerve to believe that they have the right to advise others on how to live. You, being totally individualistic, play to your own strengths.
May 13 shows you that being unique is not only something you use to your advantage; it's where all of your strength lies. Jupiter transits magnify this power, and you'll use it this Monday by showing your partner that what you have with them is not only special, it's unlike what they might have with another person.
That means that by being yourself, you will show your romantic partner they've got someone exceedingly special, as you truly are not like anyone else. You fulfill them in ways that nobody else can, and because you are so kind and dedicated to them, you become somewhat of a hero in their eyes. You've set an unbeatable standard. You win this one, Aquarius!
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.