3 Zodiac Signs Overcome Heartache On May 7 Thanks To The New Moon In Taurus

This is but a dream within a dream.

3 Zodiac Signs Find Healing After Heartache On May 7 anlomaja, Africa Images | Canva Pro

Sometimes, we don't see a way out when we feel pain or heartache. We sink so deeply into the rabbit hole that heartache offers us that we oftentimes forget that this, too, shall move into the past. Everything we experience is a state of impermanence, and while it might not feel it at the time, the intensity of the pain we are in due to a lost love or a bad breakup is, indeed, a temporary thing.

May 7 offers us a New Moon in Taurus. This Moon is also conjunct with Venus, so immediately, we can see hope in this cosmic equation. The New Moon is at the halfway mark. It is the Moon in its shadowed state, and it represents our potential. This is a turning point for those who are in pain, as we will be given a choice on May 7 as to whether we wish to hold on to that pain or heal from it.


Three zodiac signs are open to the idea of healing once and for all. There is a point where we don't want it anymore. We've received all the 'artistic inspiration' we can get from this past love, and everything in our bodies is crying out for the healing balm of newness. The only thing that will deliver us from this state of heartache is the belief that the new day is upon us and that it is indeed good.

3 zodiac signs overcome heartache on May 7

1. Taurus

3 Zodiac Signs Find Healing & Hope After Heartache On May 7, Thanks To The New Moon In Taurus anlomaja, Artulina | Canva Pro


There are moments in your life when you have to laugh over your past mistakes, especially when it comes to love and romance. While you know it's the open season from the moment you fall in love to its bitter end; you aren't content to sit around and milk the heartbreak you receive from a bad love affair.

May 7 has you confronting this pain head-on, and during the New Moon in Taurus, you'll see yourself on the cusp of this heartache with a choice at hand: will you get past it, or will you spend more time thinking about it, the pain, the person, the disaster ... all of it. You are too optimistic of a person to wallow for too long in the heartache of a love affair gone sour, so you will choose to be happy, as you know now that it is a choice.

It's May, and you aren't in the mood to feel down. This might be your birth month, or at least it's your Sun season, and you want the best for yourself because of it. You feel strong and believe your heart is on the mend. This New Moon in Taurus energy is the turning point for you. When you get an opportunity, you always grab it. Expect the best for yourself, Taurus, and go for the healing.

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2. Libra

3 Zodiac Signs Find Healing & Hope After Heartache On May 7, Thanks To The New Moon In Taurus anlomaja, Artulina | Canva Pro

So much of what you've experienced as heartache is part of what you've held on to, knowing that you are responsible for keeping or letting that pain go. You didn't want to let go of the memory that hurt you, as that would mean letting go of the source of that pain—the person who gave it to you. So, somewhere along the line, you dug a hole and sat there, wallowing in it.

May 7, you are coming to terms with your situation. It won't snap back suddenly, and that person will not start loving you again. When you think of it this clearly, something inside you gets jolted, and that's how it works when you're working with the New Moon in Taurus. This is your chance; this is the moment you either move forward or slink back into that tarpit of memory.


Tuesday has you knowing, with complete certainty, that your dues are now paid in full. You've seen where heartbreak has taken you, and it's basically 'nowhere.' And you, being a very motivated and industrious person, cannot stay in one place for too long. During the New Moon in Taurus, you finally begin your healing journey, and with it comes much success and happiness.

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3. Capricorn

3 Zodiac Signs Find Healing & Hope After Heartache On May 7, Thanks To The New Moon In Taurus anlomaja, Artulina | Canva Pro


You've tried to convince yourself that you were over that person, but you've kept that place in your heart where their memory lives. If you are to be honest with yourself, all that memory ever gives you is pain and heartache. The New Moon in Taurus lets you see what you're going through with clear eyes. This is bad for you; you've held on for too long. It's time for a real change, Capricorn.

During the New Moon in Taurus on May 7, you'll realize a life ahead of you, just waiting for you to jump into it. Yet, you've chosen to be sad and withdrawn for too long. This hits you now and makes you feel you aren't here to waste more time. You've always considered time precious; you must reclaim your happiness and do it now.

You are on your way towards building a new life for yourself, and you feel very optimistic about it. Finally, there's a clearing; you can see that you no longer owe anyone your pain, even someone from your past. Your pain doesn't make anyone's life better or justified; what you've got now is something to look forward to, and it all starts with healing that age-old heartache of yours. More power to you, Capricorn. Go for it.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
