3 Zodiac Signs Whose Relationship Becomes Exclusive On April 8, 2024
Times change and so do people, and we are people, are we not?

Here's an interesting day for us all, as April 8 brings us the New Moon in Aries and with this transit comes the notion of being at a crossroads in our relationship. We have a choice on this day, and while that choice may or may not be obvious to us, we'll see that we 'do' have to make a move. If the topic of the day happens to be love and romance, then three zodiac signs can know this: This is the day we go 'serious' with our relationship, which at one point we might have called...a fling.
On April 8, three zodiac signs will decide that it's time to make a casual relationship exclusive.
If we were on the fence, then the New Moon in Aries is going to show us that we had better start making up our minds, as this IS our lives we're talking about. We may have wanted to keep it light or not get 'too' involved with the person we're with, but times change, and so do people and what we're looking at during the New Moon in Aries on April 8 is that idea that we've come to love the person we've been casually relating to.
And that's how it begins. We take that chance. We see that what we have now is a 'fling gone right,' so to speak. We are now ready to move into what we will come to know as a full-fledged committed relationship. Times change and so do people, and we are people, are we not? Let's go with the flow on this one, zodiac signs. Let's be brave and go 'exclusive!'
Three zodiac signs whose relationship becomes exclusive on April 8, 2024:
1. Gemini
You've held love at bay for so long, thinking that if you gave yourself over to it, that you'd get hurt and you'd regret giving that much of yourself away, but so far, the way it seems to be going with this one person, you're thinking new thoughts and those thoughts are along the lines of commitment. What started out as a casual fling has now blossomed into a real romance, and even though it triggers off a thousand red flags for you, you think this might be 'the right one.'
April 8 ushers in the idea that you can do this, Gemini. Not only do you no longer feel that you need to uphold some kind of 'permanently unattached' motto, but you now feel that your time is ripe; this is where you finally get to commit yourself and come to think of it, that feels mighty good to you. With the New Moon in Aries hovering over you, you'll decide that the single life is a thing of the past. You're ready...and willing.
What started as a fling is now a mutually agreed upon idea and that idea has the two of you opting in for a 'real' relationship. And if you're going to do this, you're going to make it 'exclusive,' too, as that's the only thing you can trust. You want to be with this person and you've come to know them very, very well. What may have, at one point, seemed like a quick romance with no real promise, is now all you want in your life...for the rest of that life.
2. Cancer
You've always been the sort of person who craves a full-time, exclusive romance, and the idea of having a fling is simply something one does when they are looking, yet do not want to commit. And so, you've done this. You've spent time with a certain person, under the guise of having a fling, and now that enough time has passed with this one person, you feel that they are 'the one.' It's time to take this from a fun fling to a romantic relationship.
On April 8, you will speak up and tell this person what you have in mind, and thanks to the New Moon in Aries, they will respond in the exact way you would wish them to. They are just as into going exclusive as you are, and from this day forth, you two can consider yourself a couple. The fling had a purpose, and its purpose had been fulfilled. Thank you, New Moon in Aries.
And so, it's time to live your best life and be your best self. You knew you had it in you, and you did the right thing by playing the whole romance thing by ear. You got to know the person you are with and you're glad you took your time getting to know them. The whole thing has worked in your favor, and it gives you the feeling that you did a good thing by starting out slowly and working your way to this beautiful new exclusive relationship.
3. Virgo
You make yourself laugh sometimes, Virgo, as you'd like to think you're wild and free and that the only kind of love you really want in your life is the kind that comes with a fling, but on the inside, what you're really looking for is a long term exclusive relationship. Hey, we do what we have to do to protect our hearts, and it seems that this fling that you've been having with this really cool person is inspiring enough to get you out of the pan and into the fire...of love.
During the New Moon in Aries on April 8, 2024, you'll make your decision, as this transit is all about 'this or that' and having to decide. What you'll decide won't be unilateral, however; you've got the push of your new romantic partner as they can only see what you already have as something they want to last and last. They want you all to themselves, and you don't see their possessiveness as anything but...desirable.
And so it goes. Here's to your new exclusive romance, Virgo. You held back for just so long and here you are on this day, ready, willing and able to go the distance. Goodbye fling and hello commitment. Don't think about it too long! Just toss yourself into those flames and enjoy the burn as this love is on fire. Go for it, Virgo. You got what you wanted.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.