3 Zodiac Signs Fall Madly In Love On March 26, 2024
Falling in love during a Libra Moon feels good.

Falling in love during a Libra Moon not only feels good, but it may end up with that love turning into something special for three zodiac signs.
March 26 has us honoring this Libra Moon with good feelings and open hearts.
We may not have had it in mind that falling in madly love with someone new would happen anytime soon. This lunation seems to put all the pieces into the right place for us, and so, we go with the flow.
On this day, Gemini, Virgo and Libra zodiac signs may feel a little more willing to go with what their hearts tell them. The Libra Moon is a peaceful Moon. Its inspiration makes us want to share love rather than grab at it.
When we fall in love during this transit, we have a better chance of turning the situation into something that could become a true romantic relationship.
So, on Tuesday, during the Libra Moon, we three zodiac signs may feel a flutter in our hearts due to the idea that we're open for that fluttering now. We don't mind putting our hearts on the line, and vulnerability doesn't seem like a scary place.
In fact, we are warm to the idea of being vulnerable, as we know there's the possibility of a very loving experience for us if we are able to let down our guard. This day has us falling madly in love, whether we wanted to or not!
Here's what's in store for the three zodiac signs who could fall madly in love on Monday:
1. Gemini
(May 21 - June 20)
Yes, it can happen to you, Gemini! You may be surprised to see your zodiac sign come up when it comes to falling madly in love. Your chances of seeing this come true are better on Monday than any other day this week. You've got the Libra Moon working for you, and that lets you get out of your way, so to speak. This means that you will be able to let down your guard while simultaneously avoiding judging others. This is the key for you.
This day shows you that if you embrace vulnerability, you can give yourself the treat of love. Because you are willing to do this, you might find that what happens on this day is nothing short of miraculous. After all this time, you, of all people, can fall in love with someone completely new. Not only that, but you'll feel good about it and trust that this could really lead somewhere special.
Falling madly in love is definitely not what you expected to do at this point in your life. Now that it seems real to you, it's not such a terrible thing. It's like riding a bicycle. You never really forget how to love, and even if you're a bit rusty in the romance department, that's all fine because the person you fall in love with is just as rusty as you are. It's a match made in rusty heaven.
2. Virgo
(August 23 - September 22)
Did you ever think in a million years that you could fall madly in love again? There's a very good chance something like that could happen to you on this day, March 26, as it seems as though the entire universe is aligning with you to make such a thing happen.
During this day's lunar event, the Libra Moon, you'll get to see that luck in love is not just something you read about having to do with someone else's life. This is all about you, Virgo, and it's all going to take place on this day.
What makes the Libra Moon special in your life is its 'balancing' effect. What this means is that falling madly in love is not the same experience as it once was when you were much younger. You are now someone who is in touch with who they are, and you're no longer naive. While you're still vulnerable, you are also much wiser, which is how love needs to come with balance in your life.
This day provides you with the right person at the right time, and you'll find that all the elements of good love are in position. Now, it's time for you to fall, and fall you will, Virgo, and madly, at that. Life is ever new to you, and you are grateful that you're still in the game. After this day, you'll never again doubt that fate has great things in store for you. You feel good, you look good, and your confidence levels are sky-high. Go you!
3. Libra
(September 23 - October 22)
Falling madly in love? At this point in your life? Well, surprise, surprise, Libra. It can happen, and it will happen, and the bigger surprise is that you'll be overjoyed to do just that. You didn't think you had it in you as you got used to the life you were living. Honestly, you've been quite content to just 'be you' throughout it all. March 26 didn't seem like a day for major change, but that's why it all comes as such a surprise to you when you literally fall madly in love.
During the Libra Moon, you're not only in a lunation that features your comfortable zodiac sign. You may feel that you're on the other side of certain obstacles, meaning that whatever kept you away from loving another person has finally taught you enough of what you needed to know. You are no longer tied to that 'no love for me' program, which is why when you fall, you go hard, Libra. You might even find yourself chuckling over how hard you fall when you fall in love.
So, let this be known as the beginning for you—the rest of it is up to you and this new person in your life. Don't wait around for the honeymoon to be over; go with it. Let that feeling of being madly in love wash over you, and just let it happen. Days like this are few and far between, and we're lucky to know love, so open your heart to it and don't fret about the small stuff. This is a great opportunity for you to experience the best life has to offer, Libra.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.