How This Week's Astrology Affects Each Zodiac Sign's Horoscope From Now Until March 31, 2024
We're in good shape this week.

Welcome to the horoscope reading for the week of March 25 - 31, 2024. Each zodiac sign will be covered.
We will explore more than just the insights as we explore the transits that influence us personally and how we fit these insights into our daily lives.
Our week starts with a Full Moon, so we automatically know there's power behind our every move.
We've got a Lunar Eclipse during the Full Moon, and this really reminds us that 'nothing is as it seems,' which implies that we need to take a closer look at how we behave and what we do with our lives.
This week also brings several Uranus transits, which suggest that we will be tempted to act out or do something unusual. With a Sagittarius Moon to assist that Uranus energy, we may discover that we like being different.
There is much-squared energy going on this week as well, which will show us that not everything we do is right, and we may end up learning a few lessons the hard way, but better learned than on a path of continuous mistake-making, right?
So, while there may be a few hurdles to leap over for many of us, knowing that we can get ourselves in good enough shape to make that leap may be the first sign that we're in excellent mental and physical health. Let's now see what the horoscope for the week of March 25 - 31, 2024 brings us all.
How this week's astrology affects each zodiac sign's horoscope from now until March 31, 2024:
(March 21 - April 19)
This week has you really holding on to what you believe in, Aries, and you may find that it's 'just you' who's doing the believing, which is fine with you, as you don't plan on stopping any time too soon. What you'll find is that the Full Moon energy really kicks you into overdrive, and where your convictions are concerned, you won't be budging.
This week has you knowing that whatever it is that you have to do, whether it takes Herculean energy or just a quiet nudge if you have to do it on your own, then that's the way it goes. You have no problem taking responsibility for your actions, and no problem doing the hard tasks that lay before you.
Dates and transits to keep in mind: March 25, 26, 27. These days show you how you can use your power for good, as you'll be heavily influenced by the Lunar Eclipse in Libra, Moon opposite Mercury and Moon trine Mars.
(April 20 - May 20)
Oh, what you do for love. It's the stuff reserved for great romance novels, and this week, you'll once again be the person who not only comes through for someone else but also saves them. You don't realize how special you are—or maybe you do Taurus—and that's why you're so good at coming through for those who love you.
This week, you are showing those you love that you mean business and you're not 'all mouth' when it comes to keeping promises and delivering the goods on time. You are a person of your word, and the transits of the week seem to be backing you up with everything you start to do. With the Full Moon to kick you into drive, you'll be directed and focused throughout most of the week.
Dates and transits to keep in mind: March 28, 29, 31. These days bring you into the fold of Moon trine Venus, a Sagittarius Moon, and Moon square Venus. Be on the lookout for love and romance during this time, as it's most definitely heading your way, Taurus.
(May 21 - June 20)
Swift decision-making and the feeling of knowing you did well make up so much of the week for you, Gemini. You'll see that it's easier than you thought possible to execute some of these decisions. Whereas, at one point, you might have shied away from choosing what you'll choose this week, it is during this time that you take energy from the transits that support you.
If you need extra courage, you will have enough to make your moves confidently but spare energy to share with others, which will lead you to help others with their decision-making. You are here for your friends and family, and even when you have your own 'thing' to deal with, you make time for the people in your life who really need to be heard. You are there for them.
Dates and transits to keep in mind: March 26, 28, 30, 31. These are your big 'intelligence' days, and if you have to make decisions during these transits, you'll end up using your gut and doing the right thing. Heed to the vibes that come from Moon opposite Mercury, Venus in alignment with Uranus, Sun trine Moon, and Moon trine Mercury.
(June 21 - July 22)
What you'll see happening is that you will recognize that you made a mistake, and you'll be able to rectify it promptly, which will give you an air of confidence. Knowing that one little mistake doesn't sink the whole ship allows you to feel positive about the future and 'OK' with the idea that not everything falls into place automatically.
You'll see that sometimes things take a little more effort, and in learning this lesson, you'll want to pay closer attention next time around. You aren't a perfectionist, but you certainly do what you need to 'get it right,' and this week shows you that having a little patience can do wonders when you have a goal in mind, as you do. You'll see much success this week as you plan accordingly and work according to a schedule.
Dates and transits to keep in mind: March 25, 26, and 30 do you a world of good as you come to feel very confident in all that you take part in. You are particularly strong during the Lunar Eclipse and the Libra Moon. You will see that love comes into the picture during Sun trine Moon, and for the most part, this week looks very positive for you, Cancer.
(July 23 - August 22)
What a lovely week you will have as you compartmentalize all of your powers so that you can do this, that, and the other things without burning yourself out. This week, Leo, you have energy and surplus. You are the first person to arrive and the last person to leave. You want things done and want to pursue what inspires you most.
On Day One, the Full Moon's energy kicks you into overdrive, setting up the week for you. You see the many obstacles in your path, and you systematically avoid them, one by one. They say forewarned is forearmed, and that is how you groove through this week with confidence and power. You are focused and determined, and all is well in your world, Leo.
Dates and transits to keep in mind: March 25, 27, 29, 30. These are the days when you feel as though you rule the world, and the lessons you learn this week will be ones you'll take with you for the rest of your life. For backup, look to the Lunar Eclipse, the Moon in Scorpio, Moon trine Neptune, and Sun trine Moon.
(August 23 - September 22)
It's a dirty job, but 'somebody's gotta do it,' and you feel that you are that somebody. This week shows you that you are quite strong when it comes to handling certain things that others apparently shy away from. Perhaps they aren't as responsible as you are, or maybe they aren't as dedicated to work as you are. Either way, you are the one who steps in and gets the job done this week, Virgo.
What you have working for you is your sense of self-confidence, which makes it easy for you to confront people when they need to hear the truth that will help their lives. You are very capable of conveying a message of hope, and you plan to do this with several people during the week of March 25 - 31, 2024. You are a beacon of light to those who need such light.
Dates and transits to keep in mind: March 25, 28, 31. This week starts with a Full Moon, and that energy transits throughout the week in positive and life-affirming ways for you, Virgo. Venus will assist you in aligning with Uranus, the Moon trine Venus, and the Moon square Venus.
(September 23 - October 22)
There isn't a situation that you can think of as something that gets the better of you, and that will show up heavily for you this week, Libra, as the chances of you being tested and tried for patience will definitely be plentiful and perhaps even annoying. Still, you've been annoyed before (who hasn't?), and you know that it's just a matter of attitude adjustment. You're on it.
You'll see that it's very easy for humans to get entangled in fruitless arguments, and so you'll walk away when the tides of other people's egos threaten to pull you in. What you'll accomplish this week is the knowledge that you're the one in charge of your perception and that you literally choose to see things in a bright light, with hope and positivity.
Dates and transits to keep in mind: March 25, 26, 29. The Moon's placement in the cosmic sky is coming up Libra, and that starts with a two-day Libra Full Moon and the Sagittarius Moon, which helps you determine your next move.
(October 23 - November 21)
If this week ends up with you spending too much money and instantly regretting your purchases, then don't be surprised, as this is a very indulgent week for you, and you may end up spending much time online returning what you bought. It's not as fruitless as all that, however, Scorpio, as there's a certain kind of guilty pleasure that comes along with most of your moves this week, March 25 - 31, 2024.
What's nice is that you'll come to understand that if spending and returning is your 'biggest' problem, then you're in pretty good hands, as there isn't much else on your mind. What's taking place in your psyche is insight and intuition, and while you want to nurture this gift, you find that retail therapy helps to ground you in the same way. Every now and then, you let yourself have a week like this one, and honestly, it's all OK, Scorpio.
Dates and transits to keep in mind: March 25, 27, 29. Full Moon energy starts your week off for you, Scorpio, and your powers will grow as the week goes on. Transits that benefit your nature this week are the Moon Square Pluto and the Moon aligning with Pluto on the 29th.
(November 22 - December 21)
When you feel as though you could move mountains by using the power of your mind alone, then you know it's a good week, Sagittarius. From March 25 to 31, 2024, you are all about manifesting reality, and even if you don't get what you want, you like the idea that you can believe something into being. You're more about positive intention than you are about actual manifestation, though that wouldn't be too bad either.
You'll see that it's during this week that you feel like you're literally in tune with the stars and that you have some magic at your fingertips. This may be something you keep to yourself, but there's a good chance you'll share what you feel with one particular like-minded friend who really understands where you're coming from, as they are 'just as weird' as you are. Fun times!
Dates and transits to keep in mind: March 25, 28, 29, 30. You could very well call this a week of love, as you will be guided and assisted by the transits of a Full Moon, a Moon opposite Jupiter, a Sagittarius Moon on the 29th, and a sun-trine Moon on the 30th.
(December 22 - January 19)
You probably weren't sure if business was going to play such a large role in this week's dealings, and yet here you are, getting a real dose of what's to come. It all has to do with money and its making. OK, so what else is new in your world, Capricorn? This is par for the course and very much supported by the transits this week, March 25 - 31, 2024.
You are not only sure of yourself, but you represent others, and they are confident that your abilities will make them all rich or, at least, secure in whatever it is that's going to happen. You are the one who leads this week, and you'll have enough lunar power to back you up. There's enough Saturn energy to let you know that what you choose to do is a rational decision made with a clear head.
Dates and transits to keep in mind: March 28, 30, and 31. This is a good week indeed, and you'll feel very confident about certain business moves you'll be making, thanks to the insightful backup of transits Moon trine Saturn, Moon square Saturn, and Moon square Neptune.
(January 20 - February 18)
Knowing that you can't have it all doesn't really stop you from trying, as you are that one person who won't take 'no' for an answer. The fun part for you, Aquarius, is that by standing your ground and not taking 'no' for an answer, you sometimes rearrange fate so that things actually DO pan out for you in the long run.
You don't believe in joining the line, and you'll always be that one person in the crowd who leaves to find their path. This week, March 25 - 31, 2024, shows you that by doing things your way, you are the one who writes the rules for your own life, which is the only way you can live. You've got a lot going for you, transit-wise, this week, Aquarius, and you'll find that 'miracles' are just what happens when you are someone who believes in miracles as you are.
Dates and transits to keep in mind: March 25, 28, 31. Feel free to be yourself as the stars are here to support your unique style, most especially during the transits of the Lunar Eclipse, Venus and the Moon opposite Uranus and Moon trine Mercury. A very 'expressive' week is in store for you, Aquarius.
(February 19 - March 20)
This week, Pisces, you are going to look back at past mistakes for the sole purpose of learning from them. You have a plan in mind, and you don't want to mess it up. You won't because the mystery of your past mistakes is enough to teach you exactly what the right move this week will be. You will make that right move, no doubt.
You are clear-headed and ready, but you can't say that you're always that way, as sometimes you take it for granted that all will turn out well, whether you participate or not. However, this week, you'll be in the game, fully participating. This is the week you'll show yourself that getting involved does change the outcome, and you'll love where this outcome is going. Good for you, Pisces.
Dates and transits to keep in mind: March 25, 29, 31. You'll be at home this week feeling good about yourself, and the Full Moon, Moon trine Neptune, and Moon square Neptune will boost your confidence. Trust your instincts this week, Pisces, as you're 'on fire.'
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.